MovieChat Forums > The Irishman (2019) Discussion > Can we all now admit....this was really ...

Can we all now admit....this was really just.....boring?

I wanted to love it, I really did.
But it was way too long....and just kinda boring.


The CGI and "action" are laughable. 90% of the kills in this movie are DiNero slowly hobbling up to someoe and pulling out a gun and shooting them in the most anticlimactic way you can imagine. Look at this crap:

There's no tension or drama. He just walks up to them with his old man walk, shoots, and walks away.

And this?


Baaaaaaad movie.




It's soooooooo bad.


Nothing to admit; I loved it. It was like a masterclass in acting, directing, and had one of the best final acts of any mob movie I've seen.


I love all the actors in this and love Scorsese movies, but I was bored to tears during this movie! The pacing is god awful and the fact that 70 year old men were poorly attempting to appear as 30 year olds was just distracting.


I saw it in the theater, and people were walking out.


It wasn't great, but it wasn't all bad. It did take me about a couple of days to get through the first 90 minutes or so (watched on Netflix) as things kinda dragged for me until then.

The CGI de-ageing there were obvious issues with it in spots (most glaringly the beat down scene in front of the grocery store), but didn't really bother me overall.

Think it might've come off better if they had tightened it up more & not made it so long.


It wasn’t Scorsese’s best. It was a good movie. For it’s 3 hour 29 minute run, I was mostly engaged. But I admit I got distracted a few times.

I just don’t see why it had to be this long. Goodfellas and Casino certainly weren’t.

At the same time, I just don’t see much rewatchability. I can see Goodfellas, Casino and Departed many times. But this one I just forgot.


bad on many levels


I haven't felt compelled to watch it a second time.


I liked it and didn't think it was boring but Al Pacino as Jimmy Hoffa didn't make a lot of sense. In fact, the casting is probably the weakest thing about it even though they all did a solid job, it just didn't quite work in this regards.

The de-aging was weird and it almost looks like they used aging too, which again, was a strange thing about the movie.

But overall, a solid film with a great script and a very interesting story-line. I'll give it a 8.0 out of 10. It didn't keep me on the edge of my seat but it was entertaining throughout the whole movie. Although, if not for the good acting, it would be hard to give it this rating.

And it does remind of Donnie Brasco in a way. DB has the same kind of pacing but I think DB is perhaps a better movie than this and it also has Pacino in it.
