MovieChat Forums > The Acolyte (2024) Discussion > Introducing pronouns to Star Wars

Introducing pronouns to Star Wars
what's up next? maybe references to climate change, gender-affirming surgery, diversity training for jedis?


Whatever woke garbage they can cram in they will, whether it makes sense or not. It's sad what Star Wars has become.


Mark Hamill cameo for Vote Biden






Oh no! Not pronouns! Pronouns are evil! I never use any pronouns.


Just don’t use gender identity pronouns if you don’t want to sound like an idiot.


Star Wars ended in 1981




Can't they just tell good sci fi stories. Why does every popular franchise have to be used as a podium for some obnoxious dipshits personal political ideologies.


Because the universities these clowns went to indoctrinated them. Now they really believe they are on "the right side of history," and they're saving the world.

You have to understand, they are basically religious zealots.


Why don't they show some originality and make their own movies to spread their woke gospel and stop hijacking other peoples movies.


(This site restricts post size, so I have to break this replay in two)

Simple. They're not talented or creative enough. Whatever talent they might have is warped by their ideology. When your job is to create entertainment, but you're driven by an ideology, it will stifle you creatively. The Message becomes the priority. The protagonist of your story is almost certain to be an ideological self-insert into the story, and because he has to be a hero for The Cause, you'll likely not allow him or her to have significant flaws -- the character will all too likely be a Mary Sue. The plot, the story, the characters, they will all come in second to The Message.

Back when George Lucas created Star Wars, he wasn't pushing an agenda, he just wanted to tell the kind of stories that he had loved as a kid watching movies and movie serials. He tried to buy the rights to Flash Gordon, but he couldn't get them, so he and Gary Kurtz (with whom he'd worked on American Graffiti), decided to make something in the sci fi genre that was all their own. They bounced ideas off each other, and came up with a broad outline for an epic saga, and decided to film what became Star Wars/episode IV "A New Hope" because that was a part of the whole thing that could work as a standalone story -- in case it flopped and they never got the chance to finish telling the rest.

But Star Wars not only didn't flop, it didn't even just become a hit, it became a phenomenon like nothing anyone had ever seen. There had been blockbusters before, but this was next level.

And it all worked because George Lucas just wanted to tell a great story. He deliberately mined classic mythological tropes that date back to antiquity. Jos. Campbell, who wrote "Hero with a Thousand Faces," cataloguing these ancient myths, called Lucas the best student he ever had.


Star Wars took off because Luke Skywalker was a classic mythological hero, and it resonated on a deep, subconscious level. He was modeled on Hercules, Perseus, Cú Chulainn, Beowulf, Sigurd, and many more. Luke Skywalker reached back to something we feel in our bones, and which is represented again and again and again in the heroic tales of all the world’s mythological traditions.

Woke SJW’s can’t do this. The can’t come up with anything that resonates like the original Star Wars did, because they aren’t even trying to tap into the bone-deep cultural influences Lucas did. They reject the past, and think they have the map to a utopian future. But their shallow and nouveau ideas simply don’t resonate. People don’t buy into it, the way they feel a great truth about Luke Skywalker’s hero’s journey.

So they can’t create new ideas – not ones that will work, at any rate. What new things they try fall flat. So the best they can do is try to hijack classic heroes and stories, and turn them into vehicles for their nihilistic, woke ideology.


You want to get rid of this proper pronoun bullshit and all of this Political Correctness crap with this sinking franchise?? Fire Kathleen Kennedy for starters and sell this back to George Lucas


I don't understand why Kathleen Kennedy hasn't been kicked to the curb yet. Are they frightened of a woke backlash on the internet or does she have something on them.

Seriously I don't get the business reasoning in hiring someone who's made it clear that she doesn't care about the fans and instead caters to a small demographic of political activists. Most of whom probably didn't give a shit about Star wars til it catered to their woke politics. Are they deliberately trying to trash their own franchise.


All Sci-Fi is a podium for political ideologies, always has been.


Firefly, Farscape and Stargate were all sci Fi. All superior to this crap BTW. Never watching any of those good shows did I feel as though someones personal political views were being crammed down my throat. Above all else they were just simply entertaining.

The people writing this show however may as well be banging people in the head with a sledge hammer with their blatant over the top cringy identity politics. When your political views overshadow the entertainment then your just preaching.


But everyone of those shows were political, Firefly Autoritarian vs Democracy, Farscape Feminist identity politics, Stargate was full of politics just because you enjoyed these shows and their writing doesn't mean politics wasn't crammed into every episode.


The fact that I never sensed any politics in those shows is the difference. If there was any politics in the writing it was subtle. Unless you actively look for that sort of messaging which I don't.

You don't have to look for it in shows like The Acolyte. The writing is so saturated with identity politics that you can't possibly not see it. Writers on shows like this are more interested in spreading the woke gospel than telling a good story.


So there must be some plural people in this? Do they use other non binary pronouns like xi/xir? That'd be great.

They've been hammering away at this for years now in the arts and education and aren't likely to stop. They claim they are just doing what modern audiences want, but I don't think audience tastes have changed that much.

The same goes for things like action movies featuring women who generally outdo the men and talk down to them, while the men just quietly take it. Even movies with men as the title characters. They say all of this is what audiences want, but it's what they think audiences SHOULD want.

The crowd didn't exactly stand up and cheer when the Indy Saga ended with scrawny Phoebe Waller-Bridge punching out Indy. Modern audiences haven't exactly show up in droves for these things. And fewer women go to these movies than men, even though they were are so female focused.

I don't really see it ending, though. They have had some success with some of it, at least with young people. I think it often doesn't effect people directly too much, until maybe a transwoman takes an athletic scholarship that would have gone to a biological female, things like that, so it's easier to just go along. "Yeah, OK, whatever."
I can see some of these things being social norms given another thirty or forty years, when a lot of us oldsters are gone. People by then will have grown up hearing what we used to call females as birthing people or person with a front hole and so on.

I don't really see women becoming as interested, as a group, generally, in things like action movies or first person shooter video games (yes I know some women like those kinds of things a lot). We are not blank slates. Human nature is a thing.

But I could be wrong. Maybe in the future they'll have it so that everyone has equal testosterone and estrogen effects, and most of those male/female tendencies will be gone, but then that could cause some problems with reproduction and physical development. Not sure how that would work.


Stupid/Shit are its pronouns.
