MovieChat Forums > Rambo: Last Blood (2019) Discussion > The guys who are Hating on this film and...

The guys who are Hating on this film and Stallone are just a bunch of jealous middle aged Fatties....

......who sit all day and are in worse shape than Stallone who is 20-30 years their senior. Us fit guys are gonna enjoy the hell out of this film....πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ


Why would anyone hate this? Its a cool flick.


Read the board with all the negative comments. Lots of fat middle aged men didn't like any of it after the first film. 2 and 3 were a little comic booky I admit but Rambo was one of the better Action flicks to come out in was pretty awesome. Glad you liked the new one. I am looking forward to it...


I'm not a fit guy and am a HUGE Stallone fan... but I highly doubt this movie for some reasons. I got tired of all the useless sequels to the first movie which is outstanding.

But well I might be surprised, and I will see it in theatres for sure. The fourth movie wasn't so bad, well better than 2 and 3. Stallone still can deliver so...


What does being fit have to do with it? I'm in good shape, and I think the Rambo films have grown progressively worse. First Blood is an excellent film, Rambo 2 only average, Rambo 3 was well below average, and Rambo 4 was the worst of the bunch. I hope Rambo 5 is the best of them all, but nothing suggests it will be.


Dude Rambo 4 is second best. How the hell could you not like it????. As for the fit thing....everyone complaining about Stallone playing action into his 70's are fatties. They have to be. I'm not saying all are morbidly obese, but if there is even a hint of a pot belly or soft stomach....sorry..that is considered overweight and out of shape.... therefore ......a fatty...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


galactus is mentally unstable.... unless you couldn't tell


That became quite clear one message into the exchange. :)


yaaaa soooo much respect when you do steroids and other stuff your whole life. wowwwwwwwww


He uses HGH not analbolic steroids. There is a difference fatty. Also you still have to get off your ass to create a physique. You can't take HGH and expect muscles. He's 72 years old and doesn't sit on his ass all day like you do....wowwwwww


#1 you actually don't know exactly what he uses now or back then.

#2 he absolutely did not use GH before. I just looked at some semi recent picture but he doesn't seem to have polumboism. he also has incredibly low body fat and is very vascular yet jacked. He undoubtably uses steroids..

70 year olds and yet is vascular and jacked with insane abs. but doesn't do steroids? wait and I'm the one who doesn't know anything about and has never been to the gym? hahahahahah

#3 hahahahahhahaha you know what I do all day right? lol you are a sad sad loser man. you clearly struggle with the need to overcompensate and I would guess depression too. hahah move along.


You are an idiot if you think a 70 year old can't be vascular without the use of Analbolic Steroids ...there are plenty examples out there. It all comes down to health, diet and genetics. Stallone has admitted to using hgh since his 60's. Again he doesn't sit on his ass like you all day...he works out almost EVERY day. At the age of 72 There is no shame of taking HGH at that age. I still think you are a soft fatty. there is no doubt In mind about that one....lmao


I love First Blood. Thought 2 was OK, but 3 was a bit silly. Loved 4 because I felt it sort of got back to the original character. Looking forward to seeing this.


^^^ I as well. Stallone with both Rocky and Rambo returned both series back to their darker roots with Rocky Balboa and Rambo...


hahahahaha damn the crack in your state must be strong. you are living in la la land. Yes a 70 year old can be that vascular. if they take in almost no calories and are tiny and thin. you can not the that lean constantly with that low of body fat naturally. its impossible. especially at 70>

again you clearly do not know what you are talking about. you read in one article about high and now think you are an expert. You have no clue what you are talking about. Mass and vascualrity like that (especially at his age) are an obvious sign of steroids.

I feel like you are yourself very fat and yelling at the screen as you type. you are clearly obsessed with this in a creepy way...


Nope. I eat 90% fruits and vegetables. Maybe chicken breast once a month and drink only water and a morning cup of coffee. Haven't eaten beef and pork in 8 years. Workout 5-6 days a week.

I have seen huge 70 year old body builders that only exist on fruits, nuts and you clearly do not know what u r talking about...


bahahahahahahha. that guy is nowhere near the size of Stallone. hahahahahahahaha omg man you actually thought that proved your point.

man stop embarrassing yourself please


Dude you are embarrassing yourself and proving with each post you know nothing about fitness and are a fatass. Stallone isn't that big. (Plus we are talking vascularity here) He's not using illegal steroids. You said someone in their 70's cannot get vascular and a flat stomach with it. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚... I just proved it to you. As my original post stated. All the fatties like you are just jealous. You don't want to give up your processed foods and meat and beer. So you have to find pick on a guy who stays fit for an excuse not to improve your fatass body.

You remind me of all the fatties who use the excuse that it's too expensive to eat healthy so they eat shit instead. I gave you proof of a vascular 70 plus year old with a flat stomach and you are still in denial. You are just a dumb POS who really doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.


again compared to that video you posted he is. NO you didn't prove it. you showed a guy not near as vascular or big as stallion.e YOU PROVED MY POINT. thanks for that.

hahahah yes everyone who disagrees is fat. you clearly have mental issues. I suggest counciling to deal with it before you do something horrible to yourself and possibly family.


Dude I know you are a fat pig and you know it. Ok just admit it. You have only one muscle and it's your belly. I do know what I'm talking about. That guy is a vegan. Stallone is NOT. Stallone does use HGH but not said NO ONE CAN BE VASCUALR IN THEIR 70's.(than you tried to backtrack and say I proved you wrong and with a vegan no less one who is NOT took you how many days to try to prove me wrong again??? You are an idiot and you know it...


again you have body dysmorphia or at least some weird obsession... everyone who disagrees is "fat"..
Im not backtracking. because I said it would be possible. just he would be "tiny and thin". that was in my original post.. your re either illiterate or slow. which one?

again please seek help before you go insane and hurt yourself or your family.


You are fat. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚You know nothing about proper nutrition. Again Stallone is not a vegan and take HGH. So of course he's gonna be a bigger than a 78 year old vegan. I don't see why you are having a hard time grasping this. The guy who's a vegan is STILL vascular at almost the age of 80. So again it's possible to be vascular at an advanced age. I proved you wrong and you are still dancing around the proof.


no ones dancing around yet. love how you immediately dropped yourr lie that I changed from talking about be backtracking on size.

you've been exposed as a liar. please move along crazy person





except you didn't. BECAUSE THAT BLACK GUYS IS NOT AS VASCULAR OR LARGE AS STALLONE.Which is what my entire post has been about.

bahhahaha. you keep embarrassing yourself. you keeping showing what a joke you are. seek help before you do something...


It doesn't matter if he is not as big or vascualar.. you moron ....i still proved you wrong...and again this guy is a vegan.


hahaha except you didn't at all.... you in fact proved the opposite. I guess the juice is affecting your brain monkey.


Lol...yes I didd
And he's was a vegan ton top of that. A 78 year
Old vegan who is vascular ...nimrod


you proved that he's way bigger than a natty person. my entire point ahahahahahahahah. try again.

not even comparable. lol you have no clue about bodybuilding clearly if you think these physics are close.. Please stop embarrassing yourself. you are clearly raging. again seek help before you do something horrible to yourself


You idiot. That photo was from a couple years ago and Stallone is not as big as he once was. He isn't nearly as big in that photo as he was 30 years ago. You lost fat stuff...


that was him at age 70.... so again you proved nothing.... Einstein


Yeah I know dumbass, hence the fact I said a couple years ago. Again he is not as big as he was 30 years ago.


wow he isn't as big as he was at 30? omg you won the argument. lol except that's never what I said. please stop embarrassing yourself. seek mental help


Yeah I know you didn't you ignoramus. I didn't say you said that. What I'm saying is the man is not as big as 30 years ago.Even than he wasn't really that big. He would pump just before a scene but relaxed the man isn't a freaking gorilla. You are the one who brought steroids into this. Even if he did do analbolic steroids (which he does not) he still has to get off his ass to build his body up. Not sit, eat and drink beer like you do all day. The man is in better shape now than you will ever hope to be.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I drink beer now too and don't workout. I must be imagining all those deadlifts and squats...

again. seek help. you are raging at a random person.. you are clearly going to do something horrible based on your depression... seek help


Let me guess, the profile picture of your social media accounts is a shirtless bathroom mirror selfie, right?


If I did I would. But I don' no....


Yeah I hate the people saying he’s to old to play the role blah blah blah.while the ones saying that are eating a bag of chips 60 pounds overweight.
Not just movies either cause people do the same shit with sports.
