MovieChat Forums > Dune (2021) Discussion > This movie will have a 6.3 rating

This movie will have a 6.3 rating

Mark my words


I don't know... I think both Dune and Villeneuve have enough fans that, at least for the first few months, it will score reasonably highly whatever the critical and box office reception. It may settle on a lower score but I think to go down to 6.3 it would have to be pretty widely panned.

I hope it works out but this really could go either way. Not an easy novel to adapt, at all.


It does not look good at all. Very poor casting. A movie this big should be able to cast quality actors. Zendaya? Gotta be kidding me. What is it about her that compels Hollywood to cast her all the time? That she is bi-racial? She can't act. And if she can't act, she better damn beautiful. She isn't. She is very average looking.


That'd be a crying shame if it's less than the Lynch movie which was just shit.


I think it will be at least 7.5 ...

As a matter of fact, regardless of ratting, I expect it to be better than his Blade Runner ...


looks bland, forgettable, TV movie like.

the original book, way back when, was probably pretty amazing in the world building side at the time. but since then, we've seen plenty of other way better worlds built.

meh... someone will like it.
I'll try it free on HBO, probably totally forget it existed the next day. oh well


Can you name few way better worlds built??


it would take far to long, but, based on dune's media track record, I'd say "most others".

where to begin? oh so many:
fantastic planet
star wars
lord of the rings
star trek
most other comic book worlds in films
raised by wolves (meh, maybe not)
silent running
dune 1984 - LOOKS more interesting than just an indie production filming Earth's deserts
blade runner
mission impossible
fast and furious
toy story
harry potter
die hard
jurrasic park
indiana jones
hunger games
back to the future
transformers (sadly)
the matrix
dark city
thirteenth floor
john wick
Ocean's numbers
and on and on and on

having some weird stuff in it, and a mediocre soap opera plot does not a great world make


Ok, I got it. You're either joking of trolling.

John Wick a better "world building" than the books. I mean, WTF???


I guess by "world" I mean a movie universe that is interesting to an audience. I know Dune was bleeding edge fiction in the 60s, but I feel things have come a long way since then


Can we just appreciate the fact that my prediction was correct


It's 8.3 on Imdb...which is totally bonkers IMO it's more likely a 7.0-6.5


New movies get spammed with 10/10 by their marketing teams. And when it comes to directors like Villeneuve or Nolan, there are legions of pretentious fans who give it a high rating because they "get it".

Give it a few months until the marketing machinery dies down and the rating will come down to a 7.0-7.5.


i think it will end up correct after the hype monster schill machines have moved on to the next paid gig. might take 6 months to a year for real scores to float up


If you really believe that, you must pretty dumb.

IMDB users love pretentious stupid illogical movies, the best example: 8.4 score for The Dark Knight Rises.
