Any good?

By that I mean MC watchers and not random reviews of other people. Who here has seen it yet? Is it as good or bad as they say?


I just finished watching it. I thought it was crazy, funny and really well written. 9/10 would be my rating.


I stopped watching after 25mins.




It's good. Not great, but quite good. It parodies our modern society's inability to focus on anything truly important, and how they are forever distracted by the story of the moment. No matter how important something is, it's forgotten as soon as the media rolls out the next topic. Also up for satire is the government's focus on elections rather than results, and all the corruption and cronyism therein. It does all of this without directly picking a side, letting fanatics on both sides of the spectrum point fingers and say "see how stupid Democrats/Republicans are!"

It's funny, well-acted, and feels very much like how a situation like this would actually play out in 2021.


If it wasn't for the cast I'd give it 3/10.
For starters it's far too long. And the satire is toothless and tendentious.


It's a decent piece of misanthropic art. I found it to be both frustrating because it's kinda true but also funny because it's over the top.


For me it was one of the best movies in years ...


I thought it was a fun story with a great mix of over the top characters from both sides of the coin of what was going on in what the writers were presenting us. I wont give anything away but i'll say imo it was a good enough balance between seriousness and comedy. but yeah. I'd recommend it to anyone who needs a comedy.


It's alright.

I thought the first hour was really good and it started to fall apart after that and it became really smug and self-satisfied and less funny.

I'm a leftist, so I'm not some right-wing Fox News "Murica" type, who is resistant to any type of talk about climate change or something.

Jennifer Lawrence & Kate Blanchett are both really good in it

DeCaprio is okay.

Rob Morgan's wig is awful.

They made Meryl Streep and Mark Rylance's characters a little bit too on the nose as people in power who are just arrogant and narcissistic .

I give it a 6.6/10

It will win a ton of awards though because the media is full of smug liberals.
