Any good?

By that I mean MC watchers and not random reviews of other people. Who here has seen it yet? Is it as good or bad as they say?


It's a lot like Veep. A lot of times I cringe because the level of the characters' incompetence is so high. Even though that's what they're making fun of, I start to feel that it's all too true, which is a really depressing thought. Need to take it in small doses.


It's not bad. A good cast. Could lose 40-50 minutes easily.

Thing is: ours is not an age of great satire. The creators worry too much about offending folks. So the movie is rather toothless and intentionally vague. Thus you see posters here being totally convinced the movie is laughing at their political opponents.




It's pretty darn good. Now let's tackle the climate problem.


It was okay. The problem for me was that they wanted it both ways... a comedic satire, a dreary end-of-the-world drama.

It's not an impossible task, but the writers and directors of this particular movie couldn't pull it off.


I liked it, laughed a lot which is a change from moswt modern movies. Cast is great, the satire is on point.


Nope. I give it one * of **********
