MovieChat Forums > Licorice Pizza (2021) Discussion > Let’s talk about Alana’s face

Let’s talk about Alana’s face

To be clear, Liquorice Pizza is a fantastic film - something as rare as a unicorn in Hollywood these days - and everyone does a first rate job. The cast is uniformly excellent, and Alana might be the best of the bunch.

That said, her face creeps me out. The close together eyes, the bulging cheeks. She looked like Alan Cumming as the hotel clerk in Eyes Wide Shut. Check it out and tell me I’m wrong:

Great bod though. So, anyone else weirded out by Haim’s mug?


They're is nothing wrong with her face just because you don't find her attractive. I don't see people complaining about Hoffman's face.


Coophoff was pasty, spotty and bloated but he didn’t creep me out the way Alana’s face did. I like that the film cast borderline ugly people, it was a refreshing change from the typical Hollywood mannequins.

In any case, I’ve said she had a ‘great bod’ so it’s inaccurate to say I find her unattractive. Aspects of her are attractive, but that Alan-Cumming face… eww.


I like her face, from her "Jewish" nose to her slightly uneven teeth. But I find most models to be boring looking and I prefer women who don't look like models. I hope to see her in more movies, and I hope she keeps her face exactly like it is and doesn't get anything done to alter it.


She looked like five other girls from my high school so no, not creepy but nostalgic and real. There are a lot of actresses and actors I thought were unusual looking when I first saw them: Sissy Spacek, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Chistopher Walken, etc. In the end their talent and unique looks helped them produce outstanding performances.


That's kinda funny. She is def unique. Nice Body. Her face is kinda like one of those 3D pictures you stare at. At certain angles and lighting, she's kinda cute, other's not so much. But nice to see a "real" more believable kinda "beauty" in hollywood. Not ridiculously hot and not totally scary looking. Just right for the part.


I like her face. I wasn't creeped out or weirded out by her face.



She looks the way people with her dna looks!


Her face didn't weird me out. But I had to roll my eyes at every moment in the script that made her out to be a gorgeous knockout. She's homely af. And I mean reality homely, not Hollywood homely.
