MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > M.Tomei wanted a lesbian lover

M.Tomei wanted a lesbian lover

She said that Aunt May should've been bisexual or pansexual
Would you prefer a butch girlfriend or a femme.A younger girl or a cougar like her?
I would cast Sarah Paulson as her lover or Teresa Palmer if the gf was younger(of course it would be better not in a PG movie)


Her lover should be a transgendered Pygmy. If we're aiming for diversity, let's aim well.


Before I read this, I had been questioning the reasoning behind SPOILER Aunt May's death.


Arent bisexual and pansexual the same thing ?


Slight difference.
Bisexual suggests you're sexually attracted to both male and female genders.
Pansexual acknowledges that you are sexually attracted to people, without considering gender.


Hmm. To be honest, I find the definitions to be interchangeable. They're just another way of saying you are attracted by both genders. Only a slight difference in semantics but it ends up being the same.


Pansexual is for bisexuals that want to feel that extra little bit more special compared to bisexuals despite it meaning the same thing as there are only two genders.


What is the difference between queer and gay again?


Same thing.


For the last decade or two, queer has been used as a generic catch-all for anything other than heterosexuality.


It's not supposed to be as superficially semantic as the way I worded it. The distinction comes from acknowledging that gender isn't restricted to two (unlike sex, mostly).

If you'd like me to explain further, I could. I'm loath to automatically do so because the right-winged folk on this board don't recognize the longstanding distinction between sex and gender (which is partly understandable)...but the more liberal ppl who argue with them don't seem to know the difference either lol.

(It's why I usually stay out of these topics here cause there's so much fundamental misinformation on both sides of the conversation.)


Yes. A pansexual is just a pretentious bisexual.


Did she think this movie was a porn parody?
