MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > Peter saving MJ as a Gwen compensator

Peter saving MJ as a Gwen compensator

Was a good fix.


It was kinda sad for him though...nice scene


If nothing else, it showed Garfield's potential as an actor. I almost cried along with him after he saved MJ (and it sunk in that he'd "fixed" his worst mistake)


Potential as an actor? He's been well established for years!


Sadly I haven't followed his work closely, but now I'm very motivated to go back and "fix" that mistake


Watch Hacksaw of his best.


This was the most moving scene for me in the movie, and I don't even care for Garfield's Spider-Man, so it goes to show how well this scene was done. I wonder if MJ would remember him if their paths crossed again?


There was chemistry between the two


I loved that part. It gave me chills. And my audience went nuts during that scene, like they did sooo many times while watching this great film.


Yea, this is something many were certain was going to happen, and… it did happen. And it was satisfying, one of the reasons I now have a bigger appreciation for Andrew’s Spidey (always appreciated him in the role but not on the same level as the other two - at least not his Peter).


Definitely my favourite scene in the movie. They also did a good job setting it up so he had a little mini-arc for his character development.


Even though I don’t like Zendaya’s MJ, and I didn’t like The Amazing Spider-Man movies, that scene was powerful. Garfield totally nailed it when he reacted to saving MJ’s life, like he really needed that win.


It was a very touching scene. Didn't love the movie, but it was one of the better moments.
