Please americans

Please americans, stop it with your bad remakes from good classic foreign movies.
You can only make remakes with shaky cameras, cgi, poor nonstop action and bad characters.

By the way: You americans or better Hollywood unlearned to make good movies.


Americans are just as frustrated with the recycle mentality of Hollywood. Since Hollywood is more concerned about box office receipts from around the world, they don't care if Americans don't want to see a Casablanca reboot...


We Americans don't want these crappy remakes either. California is its own looney toon country.


I mean this in the nicest possible way: Shut the hell up! Your jealousy is showing. If you don't like American remakes, don't see them. I watch a LOT of foreign movies including some that have been made into great and even superior America movies such as The Departed, Reservoir Dogs, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Ring and Let Me In. You can criticize them but they are all highly rated, so bugger off. Some of my favorite movies are foreign movies as well as some of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen are also foreign. Good and bad movies come from ALL movie making countries. There are thousands of great US made movies (including remakes) that don't have "shaky cameras, cgi, poor nonstop action and bad characters." If you don't know that, it's your own fault.


Honestly, I don't really understand what's so great about Suspiria to begin with anyway.


As a story, it really isn't but there's a lot of vibe and creepy stuff that has made it a cult classic. I haven't seen the new one yet, but I'm fin' to :)


It is all about the v i b e


I liked this movie a lot. It is better than that terrible Halloween sequel by far.


This is more of a different situation here, because the new movie is very different from the original.


I'm not American and I don't agree with what you wrote. Your opinion is full of hatred and it is unreasonable. I agree that mainstreem hollywood movies are a pile of rubbish at the moment, but at the same time there are also great movies released every year that come from the US. Just look at the TV shows. Their shows dominate the world at the moment.
Nothing stops European cinema or any other cinema to dominate the market. It's just simply they can't at the moment.


Americans made the Godfather and Patton while Europeans are too busy smelling their own farts to care about a good story.

P.S. I'm Canadian.
