MovieChat Forums > Spiral: From the Book of Saw (2021) Discussion > Hollywood, Stop trying to make Chris Roc...

Hollywood, Stop trying to make Chris Rock happen

He's a god awful lead actor, especially in serious roles.


Nah man you wrong.

Anything worth doing is worth doing twice, that's science.



Plenty of things you cant do twice. Like jumping off a plane without a parachute.


Let Chris Rock be son.


At least we finally have a black man given the lead role in a horror film. That's historic. And much more important than whether or not he is a legit lead actor.


True. Being the first is much more important than talent. Like look how much we praise Vikings over Columbus for finding America first.


Except for, you know, all the other black men in a lead role in horror movies we get every year? You know, like Get Out (2017) that won an oscar.


Much like a shaken Etch A Sketch or Joe Biden's claims, those 'facts' are erased and replaced with the current needs of the PC crowd. We must be historic and diverse. Always. No matter what.


And for what purpose must we be "historic and diverse." Why can't people just be?


You are correct, he's terrible to the point of distracting. Anyone who says differently is trying to elevate him based on something besides his acting talent. He's a fucking brilliant comedian, nobody can argue that, but that's all he'll ever be exceptional at on screen.


What an ignorant comment. “ Anyone who says differently is trying to elevate him based on something besides his acting talent.”

So, the ONLY reason that someone could say that he is a good actor is because he’s black? Or what? Please correct me if I’m wrong.


I didn't say that, and keep your bullshit racist insinuation to yourself. Someone might overlook his shitty acting because they are a fan of his stand up, or his political beliefs, or his looks, who knows, but there isn't anyone who would objectively look at his acting work and say he is good at it. Do you liberals have your heads so far up your ass that you can't see anything besides "Dats Racist" in your obtuse world view? What a fucking joke.


I think he's a good actor. So according to you I must be a fan of his stand up or his political beliefs or the way he looks and not be able to judge them independently? How about no. People can feel differently than you without being prejudice because they like his comedy, that's ignorant, and by making such a definitive statement it tells people exactly how superior you think you are to others. As far as your rant about liberals it just shows how unhinged you are that you have to bring politics into EVERYTHING. Get a grip.


If you think he's a good actor, either you aren't fit to make that assessment, or your being disingenuous to yourself or me as to why you think that. And fuck you, you essentially called me a racist over nothing, so you brought social politics into this, as you damn well know.


Again with the superiority. I think he's a good actor and that doesn't make me stupid or a liar. I asked you if I was wrong about my assumption that your post was about race and don't act as though I got that impression from nowhere, THAT would be disingenuous.


Yeah, you got the impression from your liberal bias bullshit attitude.


And yes, if you are saying he's a good actor, you're either stupid or lying.


I got that impression from your posting history.


Jinx... why don't you leave Burk alone pal.


Or you could just have bad taste and not recognize poor acting ability?


If you think he's a good actor you really need to see more movies. Ive seen better acting in porn.


See, that’s what happens after you watch so much porn, you start losing the ability to judge good acting.


If you think a person can have qualities that only constitute of "being a good actor" and "being black" then you are very very wrong.


Agreed. He was GOD awful. He's a brilliant comedian, but that voice he's always talking in is fucking ridicolous in a what should be a serious horror movie. Maybe a comedy movie could work for him, but lay of the serious roles.
