MovieChat Forums > Mare of Easttown (2021) Discussion > Guy Peace Character is there for a reaso...

Guy Peace Character is there for a reason.

you know Plot connivance. where everyone knows each other, we have 2 red herrings already Frank and the priest. and there is no way this killer or kidnapper will be someone we haven't met.

We have seen this 100 times before in tv shows where the killer ends up being a character the lead somehow knows or is involved with and is only there for that plotline.

If you remember the killing. that first season had an entire plot with the guy going for Mayor that just wasn't in the series for the sake of it.

I am calling it now it is the Guy Pearce character. with mare having this love triangle story going on now, it's the big setup to be him lock it in.. There is no other reason for him to now be in the series besides being Guy Pearce. there is no other reason logically thinking they have decided to bring the other detective in as a love romance for it to end with them together after catching the Guy Pearce character. They are just not gonna write a story that means nothing but a side romance. with a star like Guy Pearce in it

I hope I am wrong because I am enjoying this series and the acting but please don't go that predicable line of making the killer someone that the main character knows or is involved in it has been done 100 times


Another poster pointed out on another topic here how there's a theory that thinks Mare's partner Colin is the SON of Guy Pearce's character (Richard).

So that would also PARALLEL how both MARE and her daughter are both involved with 2 other people at the same time (which also means Mare would be a hypocrite to try and get pissy with her daughter for what happened to her mother).

And it would also be a MAJOR BLOW to his EGO to have Richard (Guy) find out that Mare's also had an AFFAIR with his own son (and on his BIRTHDAY too).

Because Richard also already asked MARE out on a date for his birthday even before Colin invited her to go out with him.

And at least her daughter also broke off her relationship with the other girl before she went out with the other one from the radio station.

And since Richard also flirted with Mare's mother, perhaps Mare might also come home to discover him in bed with HER MOTHER???

That's also another idea that was put forth over on the PREDICTION topic here.


hmmm that is possible there is 20 years difference in age between the 2 actors. different surnames so could be half father ? It's very Soap opera like to be going with that too but I would rather that then be a killer.

I don't know can we call it an affair yet? she actually isn't with Richard yet they just had casual sex and have only met 2 or 3 times.


Guy is 53 now. Jean smart is 69. So that's a 16 yr difference between her and Guy. And Kate is about 45, which means there's an 8 year difference between her and Guy. And Evan (Colin) is 34, which makes him 11 yrs younger than Kate, and 19 yrs younger than Guy.

And Yes you're right about their relationship status (or lack of it). Because Mare did also tell Richard that it was a "ONE TIME THING," letting him know that she wasn't really interested in having a relationship with him. But then afterwards she does also kind of lead him on to think it's more than that by going out with him again a couple of times.

And People who write REVIEWS of the show were also sent the first 5 episodes of it to watch, who also say something happens at the end of the next one (Ep. 5) that made them GASP.

So What may happen is Mare goes out with Colin on Richard's birthday, then Richard comes over looking for Mare (or maybe he arrives even before she leaves with all of that FAST FOOD that we see him with in the PREVIEW clip)???

Either way we also see MARE eating out somewhere with Colin in the PREVIEW, so Richard may also start drinking with her mom Helen (especially since it's his birthday).

And we also know HELEN likes drinking MANHATTANS with Mare's cousin who's a PRIEST. So imagine Richard and Helen getting drunk as skunks and Mare coming home with Colin from their date to find Richard's had sex with her mother.

Then the episode might end with Mare saying:

"What are you doing with my MOTHER???"

and his reply back to her might be:

"What are you doing with my SON???"

And since no one has seen the last 2 episodes (after whatever it is that causes that GASP to take place) that also means even those who REVIEW the show have NO CLUE what comes next.


Almost forgot to mention how Still another reason why GUY might be there in this story is because he's also a well known actor.

And having famous actors in a show is also a way to draw the attention of an audience to a story making it that much more likely they'd be willing to watch it.


He use to be very pretty even in Iron Man 3 he still had it. Is he ageing badly or did the show makeup rough him up on perpose?


Well it’s not him but he still could be the killer for other murder

And we all know the gasp ending now thank god it was the ending we got and not a stupid soap ending wow !


I suppose the GASP moment was the death of COLIN, whereas it seemed more like it was going to be the death of Mare's grandson, especially after her mother warns Carrie never to leave him alone in the TUB.

And that could also still happen, and that would also be an even BIGGER GASP than the death of a detective that probably also had no business even being one (due to the way that he FAKED being the BIG HERO that everyone assumed he was -- because of the other guy who did all the work then died of liver cancer).

And Mare's Mom getting BUSTED at the funeral for screwing the husband of the dead wife was also pretty funny. And it was also a VERY SOAPY situation too !!!



Wait, I thought it was the dead wife's funeral and he announced that he had an affair with mares mom?



SORRY about that.

I've EDITED IT and fixed it.

Thanks for pointing out the BOO BOO !!!

Did anyone see the PREVIEWS FOR OTHER HBO SHOW starring MARE'S MOM???

She looks like she's a HOOT in that story too !!!


I couldn't stop laughing at that scene it looked like kate's acting was real there too that she was in laughter and couldn't stop, first time she has smiled all season too it was so funny!


Something else just came to mind in regards to what someone else said about the wife hitting the pole with her car (due to that kid she didn't like at the fundraiser causing her to have a heart attack the night she died).

[–] kim0512 (3) 7 hours ago

I just thought of who I think killed Erin. Mrs. Carroll’s neighbor, the one that was looking at her during that fundraiser picnic. He probably did something to frighten her, which may be why she had the heart attack while driving. I wonder if something will show up in that security camera.

What if the PEEPING TOM comes back and is the one who killed ERIN?

Then maybe MARE's mom will be over at the dead woman's place screwing her husband again when the PEEPER shows up again???

Or maybe MARE's mom might check that SECURITY CAMERA and see something on it that's related in some way to the death of ERIN???

And then someone might also try to murder MARE's MOM because of what she saw on it???



Yeah, ratings. Fans of Mildred Pierce want to see Kate and Guy team up again.


I used to think so, too. But on IMDB his character has an AKA "Redd H. Ayring".


Is this a “made you look” haha?


He's simply there to give Mare some normalcy and happiness in her life. Almost nothing good happens to Mare. It's a constant barrage of negativity, trauma, misery and tragedy. Even when she cracks the missing girl case it comes at a great cost. It would be awful writing to pull the rug out from the audiences feet and make Guy some killer or whatever the fuck.


Guy is probably going to write another story called "LADYHAWK" which will be a book about MARE and what she's been through.

Then she's also going to be FAMOUS (the way she would have been if there hadn't been several other girls in several other small towns who had also made the same kind of a BASKETBALL SHOT that she made that night 25 years ago).

So both MARE and GUY will also end up being famous again (he from writing another BEST SELLING BOOK and she from being a HOT SHOT detective who solved 2 cases: Katie's and Erin's Death).

And since Erin's infant is probably also Mare's grandson (by way of her now dead son KEVIN), he will probably also end up living with MARE, which also means we might get a HAPPY ENDING with Mare and Guy ending up engaged and together as a couple who will be raising him.

Not sure what happens with Frank though. Perhaps his fiance will also go back to him again once they find out Kevin is the father of Erin's son???


it doesn't seem like he is involved in the murder/murders.


I read somewhere that the actor they cast in the role had to drop out and he was a last minute replacement (favor to his friend Winslet).


no reason


yeah I was wrong, it felt like there really was no reason for him to be in it at all didn't it? in the end


he was there to create some kind of funny scenes between Mare and her mom , also he wanted to show off his new haircut which actually doesn't look good at all


WRITERS are known for having BAD HAIRCUTS.

So in that respect he was very much IN CHARACTER with that HAIRSTYLE.


hahaha glad to see i am not the only one with this opinion , i thought it looked so awful and for some reason i was fixated on it lol.


It also looked like he may have had some HAIR TRANSPLANTS, but that might also be the MAKE UP ARTIST making it look that way???

Because they also made MARE or KATE's hair look MESSY too.

And the scene in the bar when they meet was so dark that I also didn't recognize him at first.

And when I saw his name in the CLOSING CREDITS I also had to go back again to make sure it wasn't a mistake.
