MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Box Office: Infinity War opening weekend...

Box Office: Infinity War opening weekend will beat Justice League total domestic

Only needs $230m. Check back Sunday:


It looks like it might match it's worldwide total in one weekend as well...and without China.


just 2 years and 2 months ago....these films had the exact same expectations!

in March 2016, Both Avengers IW and Justice League were announced as 2 parters....and Debates were going on "which would make more Avengers IW Part 1 or Justice League Part 1"

Most were split thinking they would both make between 1.3 and 1.5 Billion....

Then BvS hit and KILLED all Hype and HOPE...

my god what a difference 2 years makes...

Avengers IW literally beat JLs domestic total in 3 days, and will beat its World Wide total in 4 days...

talk about a "downward Trajectory"....2 years and 2 months ago, It was a no brainer that BvS, JL 1 and JL 2 would all Gross at least 1 Billion....instead BvS was so awful, It Killed an entire JL movie, and Plus BvS never got close to 1 Billion and was so awful and Hated it DOOMED Justice League...

meanwhile Marvel Studios and Disney somehow keep going up in the last 2 years and 2 months, They somehow had their greatest success with...

7 out 8 MCU films opening over 115 Million

7 out 8 MCU films making over 300 Million domestically

7 out 8 MCU films making over 850 Million World Wide

3 Making over 1 Billion

2 Opening over 200 Million...

lol at this point it seems extremely unlikely WB/DC Will ever have a DCEU film make 1 Billion or even remotely get close to a 200 Million Opening.

again 2 years and 2 months ago that thoughts would have never crossed people minds...

I think in your own words queen, Marvel Studios, Disney and the last 8 MCU films have been "RED HOT" and only getting HOTTER

meanwhile WB and The DCEU only continue to reach new JL flopping was bad enough, JL Losing to Thor 3 was bad enough, But now AIW comes out and break every record there is and worse Basically out grosses JLs total in 3 days, leaving DC fans in Shame and utter jealousy wishing they could have success like this just one time!

PS...Disney must be Thrilled...Now has 9 of the 10 highest grossing opening weekends of all time!


Any comments DCEU fanboys?

Didn't think so.



this has to be very hard for DC fans...

They are literally having to watch the thing they hate most in life(Marvel and The MCU) have the exact success they Dream about for Their DCEU films!

I'm not kidding, what just happened with Avengers IW is exactly what DC fans spent 2 years trolling about

in 2014 when BvS was announce and JL 1+2 was announced, DC fans went on the biggest trolling rampage in the history of the internet...they went to every board claiming BvS would destroy all upcoming movies...

DC fans first Claimed that No MCU film could compete against BvS and that BvS would easily out gross The Avengers to become the highest Grossing CBM of all....and Then JL 1 would break every box office record and become the first 2 Billion dollar CBM...

I'm not kidding, DC fans spent 2 years relentlessly saying this...

of course BvS was a trainwreck that KILLED ALL HYPE and HOPE, DC fans had to not only watch as BvS failed but to make matters worse at the exact same time they had to watch Civil War destroy and beat BvS in every possible way

and then it happened again...Justice League comes out, completely FLOPS and is a trainwreck, its bad enough watching JL fail as a DC fan but somehow it got worse with Marvel Studios releasing a Solo MCU film in Thor 3 thats in direct competition with JL + destroys JL in every way again!

and now hilariously it gets even worse...AIW opens and has the exact success DC fans dreamed about and predicted for JL

AIW breaks every box office record there is, Biggest Opening weekend, biggest Saturday, biggest Sunday, Biggest Global debut, lol the exact records DC fans dreamed about JL breaking they now have to watch AIW break, and Yes AIW is now on its way to becoming the first 2 Billion dollar CBM, the thing DC fans claimed JL would achieve...

lol...DC fans literally have it worse than fanbase in history has to suffer through such PURE hell...

10 years of watching Marvel Studios put out 19 films that have all gone on to be Box office hits and successes...year after year, Movie after Movie, They have to suffer while MCU films come out to great reviews and Great box office...

then it got worse, DC fans for the longest time had to watch while Marvel Studios put out 2 MCU movies a year while WB was producing none! but then finally WB decided to COPY Marvel and create a cinematic Universe, now DC fans have hope and films to look forward....little did they know, Those films would only bring them more Pain,shame and suffering...

if theres one thing worse than watching Marvel Studios succeed, Its having to watch Marvel Studios Succeed, while DCEU films are failing at the same 4 out of the 5 DCEU films have brought DC fans nothing but Shame...worse off 4 out the 5 have LOST in direct competition to MCU films...

MOS got Murder by IM3
BvS Got Killed by Civil War
Wonder Woman lost to GOTG2, Spider-Man HC and Thor 3
Justice League Lost in every way to Thor 3

lol DC fans had to watch as WB has hired and fired 3 new "Bosses" to run the DCEU branch, had to watch as they announce "slates" of upcoming films that never end up coming out, had to watch while WB wildly interferes in post production with 3 DCEU films to try and "change and lighten" the tones of the film because The previous DCEU film was hated, had to watch while The President of WB decided to to Sabotage and Rush Justice League out so he could get his "Bonus" check...

there can be nothing worse than being a DC fan......right now, that title only brings you PURE HELL...

You have to watch while Marvel Studios Literally continues having unprecedented success that somehow keeps getting higher and higher, and depths of the DCEU failures seem to truly have no limits....

AIW truly has to be a bitter pill to swallow.


BvS was a trainwreck that KILLED ALL HYPE and HOPE

Truer words have never been written. I was pretty psyched for this movie and I still cannot believe how badly they f-d it up.

The negative effect of BvS just cannot be overstated. If it weren't for Wonder Woman, Justice League would have been sub-$500 million.



@billbrown7071. I shall tell you where we are. We're in the darkest region of the human brain, a radiant abyss where men go to find themselves. Hell, billbrown. We are in hell.



Pshaw! Citizen Kane barely made 1.5 million at the US box office. Epic fail! I saw it and still don't even know what Kane's powers are. He's a crappy superhero and whatever comic book company came up with him isn't even around anymore. Avatar for the win.



Makes you wonder if there is absolutely nothing going on in your lives to obsess over something so irrelevant.

As opposed to someone who takes the time to register an account for the sole purpose of bitching about it?



Exhibitor Relations
‏ @ERCboxoffice
4h4 hours ago

For those keeping track: AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR debuted with $640M worldwide, while JUSTICE LEAGUE totaled $657M lifetime. That's how far the gap between Marvel and DC is right now.


Tweet from BO Analyst


True Story I swear....

Back In 2014 on IMDB boards, there was A Troll Named Ah Fan...He Hated Marvel Studios,Tom Brady and The Patriots...He trolled non stop on these subjects...

in 2014 when it was Announced Justice League Part 1 and 2 were coming out...

Ah Fan Went on a trolling rampage guaranteeing BvS would out gross The Avengers to become the highest Grossing CBM of All time, and then JL P1 would out gross Avatar to become the highest grossing movie of all time...

of course these are truly great predictions that failed Horrifically...But there was one part of this prediction that I'll always remember

at the time, The Avengers held the record for biggest Opening Weekend of all time, and held the record to 29 other Box office records

part of Ah Fans prediction was....BvS would Break every single record that The Avengers had, He was deeply upset at the success of The Avengers and Its box office records, and literally guaranteed BvS would break all 29 records that Avengers has...

lol this was hilarious to me because there are some record that BvS simply could not break, which included Biggest May Opening and Highest Grossing May Release...BvS was announced at this time to be released on March 25th 2016...

lol Of course when I point this out to Ah fan, I said surely BvS cant break every record, BvS is opening in March and Can not break The Avengers May Records....I swear to god, Ah Fan replied Back with "Every Record Will be gone"

this is something I've never forgot, this is how bad trolling was, these is the kind of behavior DC fans showed for 2 years while waiting for BvS...

Anyways just thought about Mention this...because In The end, Its Avengers IW breaking records instead Of Justice League, basically the exact success Ah Fan predicted and wanted for JL is now happening with AIW

Also worth noting Ah Fan also Guaranteed BvS would be the downfall of The MCU and Marvel Studios, and guaranteed that now that Audiences knew The DCEU exists and knows BvS and other DCEU films are coming, All Upcoming MCU films will Flop...

lol thats means Ah Fan guaranteed ....Age Of Ultron, Ant-Man, Civil War, Doctor Strange, GOTG2,Thor 3 and Black Panther, Avengers IW Avengers 4 to flop(at the time(Spider-Man wasnt announced or the deal with sony had not happened yet..



oh, I remember that fool! I wonder where he disappeared to. That imdb v.2 board they were trying to start (a sure pit of identity theft if there ever was one)?
