MovieChat Forums > ReturnOfWhiskey

ReturnOfWhiskey (70)


Solid addition to the MCU (No spoilers) Friday Box Office numbers are in - Oh boy! Scary Image From The Meg! The Last Jedi is a steaming pile of poop View all posts >


Yea, score was the best thing about this movie. Reminded me a lot of Blade Runner "I'll get you!" "You're going to wish you were never fucking born!" Pretty much every line by Buddy was hilarious Geezus, he looks utterly ridiculous in that first photo. That is even lamer. If we are going to ignore all the films since the original, then the events of the original were just a random act that occurred one Halloween night 40 years ago. With this now established, why would Laurie, 40 years later, still be obsessed with this one random man of which she has no other relationship with and never otherwise knew? Had the new film followed part 2 as originally stated, it would make sense that she would be wondering and waiting for her brother to break out. It'd explain why she would be unable to move on after 40 years as the blood ties and her own name would keep her tied to this man. In general it would just make a lot more sense. Or it would've been more believable had Michael mysteriously disappeared after the events of the first film and no one knew of his whereabouts. Not knowing where, when, or if he might reappear would be scary stuff and easily justify her need to be prepared. It will ignore Halloween II as well No, I like that aspect. I don't like the idea that she would be living in such paranoia - knowing that he is locked away in a high security prison - makes no sense. And if she's that freaked out about him escaping and coming after her again, why would she stay in the only place he knows where to look for her? Sorry but this idea simply defies logic. It would've been more believable had Michael disappeared after the events of the first film and no one knew of his whereabouts. Not knowing where, when, or if he might reappear would be scary stuff and easily justify her need to be prepared. The plot is so lame it doesn't really matter Halloween 2: Halloween Harder Not originally so FO View all replies >