MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Here are the actual profits that movies ...

Here are the actual profits that movies make (a lot harder than some people think)

These profits are after the home video market has been taken into account. Notice how low the profits are for some films even after DVD, Blu-Ray, PPV figures included. Also shows why they do not rush with a sequel.

Iron Man 3 - $391.8m
Avengers Age of Ultron - $382.3m
Guardians of the Galaxy - $204.2m
Big Hero 6 - $187.3m
Captain America: The Winter Soldier - $166.2m
Thor The Dark World - $139.4m
Batman V. Superman - $105m
Ant-Man - $103.9m
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $81.31m
X-men Days of Future Past - $77.4m
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - $70.4m
Man of Steel - $42.7m
Suicide Squad - $158m

And you can see Deadline's careful, forensic-like analysis of many other movies:

So if BvS makes $876 million, and cost $260 million, you can't just say: $876 - $260 = $616 million profit!!! If making over half a billion per film were that easy, you'd see sequels to even bad movies getting made all the time. We'd be up to Transformers 19 by now.



Btw, if we use simplistic math, and don't take into account the high cost of marketing budgets, and how theaters take roughly 50% (lower in the first couple weeks, getting progressively higher every week after), then that means -- according to some users here -- these movies should've had sequels, and yet they didn't. They were considered flops, disappointments/too divisive, and the studios stopped making any more of them:

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows
Budget: $135 million
Worldwide Gross: $246 milion

Budget: $160 million
Worldwide Gross: $434 million

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Budget: $200–$293 million
Worldwide Gross: $709 million

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (2007)
Budget: $130 million
Worldwide Gross: $289 million

Ghostbusters (2016)
Budget: $144 million
Worldwide Gross: $229 million

The Legend of Tarzan
Budget: $180 million
Worldwide Gross: $357 million

To sum up:

- Marketing budgets are far larger than some users here think (it's not "just $50 million tops")

- Movie theaters take in far more than you realize. They don't just survive on popcorn and soda sales -- otherwise we'd be seeing new movie theaters pop up everywhere if concession profits were so lucrative.

- Studios aim for $200+ million. $100 million can be considered nice profit only if other factors are looking good (excellent reviews, fan ratings, high excitement levels in social media/forums, etc).


I think in the Amazing Spiderman case they simply didn't like what they had going, and the deal with marvel looked better than producing another not well liked Spider Man movie that probably would profit.


I think in the Amazing Spiderman case they simply didn't like what they had going, and the deal with marvel looked better than producing another not well liked Spider Man movie that probably would profit.44


actually in Sony case they simply saw the handwriting on the wall....

they knew after 2 Amazing Spiderman films that both underwhelmed at the box office and didn't have great success with critics and fans....they Knew An Amazing Spider-Man 3 have A HUGE decrease in box and would make even less at the TASM2...they knew they lost the fans with TASM2

TASM2 was a TOTAL failure...It got awful reviews, Badly under performed, Fans didnt like it...Sony Knew they could not go forward With A sequel....

this is the exact same situation WB was in after BvS....Yet they decided to go forward...

In both cases you had films that were disasters, BOth Films tried to setup a Cinematic Universe, TASM2 and BvS both tried to stuff their films to universe building plots....they both failed, They both got awful reviews, had terrible WOM, under performed at the box office....They both were set to bring back the SAME director for a sequel....

Sony Knew, an ASM3 would perform even worse...they knew the damage was done, they knew they could not go forward with a sequel or a cinematic universe after TASM2 and its awful reception....

They decided to reboot....It worked...

WB decided to bring back The same director for A Direct Sequel to the Universally hated BvS...It KILLED the DCEU and KILLED A potential 4 to 5 Billion dollare franchise in JL...

you got to give Sony credit here...They literally had 3 Spin off Planned, they were already greenlit with release dates, Sony were all in on a spidey cinematic universe and they immediately put it on hold, rebooted Spiderman and Now are going in a different but similar direction and can go ahead and make some Spin offs now that Audiences are back on with The Spiderman movies and characters


Wow! That was a great analysis Bill. Nicely put and very informative. I agree 100%. If only some of the dimwit DC Zealots in this forum were willing to understand and come to reason.


and why do films take up 50% of profit?? that doesn't make sense.


and why do films take up 50% of profit?? that doesn't make sense.


Its the way its works....

Movie Studios and Theater chains are basically in business together, neither can succeed without the other

When films comes out, The Usual rate Is around A 50/50 Split, for every ticket sold The Studios get 50% of the money and the Theater gets 50%. This why It is A Must for a Film to make twice its budget....

If A Studio spends 35 Million making a movie, that Film Needs to make at least 70 Million for The Studio to get back the 35 Million it spent

There are Marketing Costs too, which get tricky

this comes in to play HUGE for CBMs and other Blockbusters, when Studios spent upwards of 100 to 150 Million Plus on A movie/Blockbuster Type film, there is almost always also A Marketing campaign that is close to 100 to 150 Million+,But that numbers doesn't really come into play when it comes to a films budget because Studios can offset that money spent on Marketing from things like Product Placement, Blu Ray sales, Toys/Merchandising and Home TV sales(HBO rights and such), So basically Studio ONLY worry about A Film Doubling its budget at the box office, they dont worry about how much they spent on marketing because They know That money is gonna be made back or get close to made back from other revenue.

as long as A Big Budget Blockbuster Doubles its Budget, A Sequel at the point makes sense, It doesnt always get made, but if A film double its budget The Studio is usual in The clear and can then talk about if they want to go forward With a sequel

this will be a HUGE problem for JL because While I think JL will probably make 600 Million and Possibly break even, that was is no way the Goal, WB did NOT Spend/Risk/Invest 300 Million + to "Break Even"...

continues in next post


why on earth are theater chains allowed to get 50% of the profit while they invest 0% in the production of the product?? That makes zero logical sense. Zero.


... because they SHOW the product


Do stores get 50% of the sales of clothes?? NO, so why are THEY allowed??


Stores BUY huge amounts of the product from the Brands they are selling in the store to resell it at a higher price.


You open a shop to sell office material [paper, pens, pencils, etc]. You buy a very considerable amount of that material either directly from the brands factory or through warehouses that stock that material of those brands that only sell to specific stores.
You then resell those materials at a higher price to make profit.

You buy 5 crates of standard pencils from a brand at X cost. You resell those same pencils at triple or quadruple of their price.


bullshit. Most reputable brands have a suggested retail price and you can't get higher than that. In other words, you cannot sell a Chanel perfume for example at 300% profit. And Chanel sure as fuck is not going to go through the trouble of manufacturing a perfume so that a department store gets 50% of the profit of the sale of such perfume, so either the Hollywood industry is run by IMBECILES, or there is some seriously flawed nature to your fanboy logic.


You obviously do not understand business and is a waste of time talking about it to you.

I'm done.



You have some serious cognitive problems. Seek help.


so either the Hollywood industry is run by IMBECILES, or there is some seriously flawed nature to your fanboy logic.

Its not fan boy logic...

there have been DOZENS of articles written about it explaining it...

currently there is a HUGE war going on right now between Theater chains and Disney....Because Disney is demanding 65% of Tickets sales from The Last Jedi...

Disney knows The Last Jedi Is gonna one of the 4 highest grossing films of all time, so they are trying to get a better deal than The Usual 50/50 Split...

most Theaters chains will fold and agree do it because They know how Much The Last Jedi will make...

but for all other movies, theres no guarantee They are going to be huge successes, So literally 90% of all movies that are released fall under the 50/50 Split.

there are some exceptions, sometime deals are made where Theater ONLY gets like 20-30% of tickets sales the first 2 weeks a film opens, then After 2 weeks it goes back up 50%...but for the most part or the majority, its a 50/50 split...

here, here an article talking about The Disney/Last Jedi feud going on, In the article you can clearly see, it states Disney is looking for a 65/35% split...which clearly indicates, The is more than The Usual..

"so either the Hollywood industry is run by IMBECILES"

at this point its clear, you are the IMBECILE who just can't comprehend something that it basic knowledge and extremely easy to look up...


no, you are the imbecile that doesn't understand fair business.


would you please read the article I posted, then take 2 mins to google, "how much to theaters get"

if you do, we can stop this absurdity

I get it, you dont want to be wrong and you want JL to do good so your fighting the truth.

but this isnt something you can fight, Its literally concrete facts that is very easy to look up.

I get that once I ended my post with calling you an imbecile, that you had no choice but to respond with name calling

this was a mistake a my part, I should not have done that, because it gave you an opportunity to completely ignore everything I said in the post where Unequivocally proved Theaters do in fact get a 50/50

So I'm sorry for calling you an Imbecile

Now that were not name calling anymore, care to respond to The article I posted where it shows/explains Disney is looking for A more than usual 65/35 split.

you can't just respond and say "no I'm smart, you are dumb, I know how Hollywood works, you dont"

There is clear undeniable proof that theaters and studios get a 50/50 Split....

This isn't about us poster not "understanding buisness" , this is simply you refusing to except facts.

If you want to argue A 50/50 Spilt is a bad deal for Studios, thats fine, I even agree, If you want to argue its doesnt make sense, fine, If want to question why Studios do this, fine, but you can NOT claim its not true.

you can't sit there and close your eyes and hold your ears, and say "Nope dont care what you,The articles or evidences says, I'm smarter than you and Hollywood"

these facts are, This is common knowledge, there have been Many Forbes articles written explaining How box office works for movies.

and again right now you have Disney with one of the biggest movies of akl time coming out, trying to get a better 65/35 cut, that should tell you all you need to know right there, If Disney is trying to get a 65/35 cut for The Last Jedi, what kind cut do you think other Studios get for movies like "Chips" and movies that arent huge grossers


seriously just do a little research before responding...just 2 minutes...thats all

If you do, We can end this.

but I get the feeling at this point, you've probably already done the research, fought out your wrong but simply cant admit or except it because you know it means JL is going to LOSE Money for WB

at this point I think you know the truth....but the TRUTH just kills you


I googled earlier Disney theaters dispute and literally got nothing. There is no reputable information to back any of this except fanboy sites like comicbookbro or whatever that site is. Also, I don't give a damn if Justice League does well, you can pout gasoline on it and set it on fire, I really don't care.


"and how theaters take roughly 50% (lower in the first couple weeks, getting progressively higher every week after)"

Also worth noting, the film takes less than that from the foreign. It's different in the various markets; in China, the biggest foreign market, the film only takes an initial 25%. That's why the domestic market is way more important. Studio efforts not to alienate foreign markets have, nevertheless, had a very negative impact on the quality of the tentpoles--the pressure is always to keep it stupid-simple, shallow and as action-filled as possible.

It's also not at all unusual for the marketing budget on the larger tentpole pictures to match the production budget and those are costs that aren't included in the official budget figures.


Yep, I remember last year when these numbers came out...

there are 2 BIG KEYS here

#1 WB has a notorious habit of letting BUDGETS BALLOON out of control which then causes them to make very little profit despite their CBMs making Good box office, Letting BvSs budget balloon past 400 Million +, resulted in WB literally making the same amount of Profit that Marvel made from Ant-Man made 370 Million dollars less than BvS, Yet because Marvel Studios knows how to keep a budget, Ant-Man was just as Profitable has BvS.

#2 WB took a different Approach With Actors and Directors than Marvel Studios and Its KILLING them in Profits....Marvel Studios, in All their movies Cast basically Unknown Actors in Lead roles that they were able to sign to Minimum 6 movie contracts with no back in fees(Of course as the franchise went on and got more successful and as films started getting sequels, Those Fees went up) but the point is, Cap 1,Thor 1,IM1,GOTG,Ant-Man Doctor Strange,Black Panther...all cast Actors in Lead roles that Marvel Studios signed to Minimum contracts With no back end, and all had Director the probably got no Back end money and signed for very little upfront money....

WB on The other Hand decided to go With A List actors, In Both BvS and Suicide Squad they had A list Actors demanding Massive upfront and back in Fees, Affleck and Will Smith are certainly getting 15 million + upfront and back end, Snyders getting 10 Million Upfront and back end, They cast Margot Robbie and Jared Leto when they were RED HOT in Hollywood which certainly cost them 5 to 10 Million Upfront(maybe some back end)....and by far head stretcher here is Cavil, who Stunningly got 13 Million for MOS, Cavil was a complete unknown when cast in MOS, MOS was a career defining and opening part for him, He would have literally taken the role for FREE yet WB decided to pay him 13 million and now has to pay him at least that much in every film...

continues in next post


then you got Awful moves like Nolan getting back end money from MOS,BvS and JL from being a "Producer" on these movies which he clearly has Zero to do with after MOS...

then there is the NOW horrible move by WB ONLY Signing Gadot to a 3 picture DEAL....WB unlike Marvel Studios didnt sign Gadot to a 6 picture deal...WB signed her to a 3 Picture DEAL(BvS, WW and JL)....Now WB is in a position where to get Gadot back they got to probably make her the highest paid actress in Holywood....after the incredible success of Wonder Woman, to get Gadot to sign on to do sequels, WB is gonna have to give Gadot at least 20 Mill upfront and Back end....

then it gets even DUMBER....WB didnt sign Patty Jenkins on to a contractually obligated Sequel when she signed to direct Wonder Woman(This was WB choice not Jenkins) Unlike Marvel Stuidios who do it with all directors)...Now WB once again has to Make Jenkins the highest paid female director of all time(easily 15 Million upfront) and GIve her Back end to come back for the sequel...

these are just awful moves that have resulted in WB making very little profit despite their films making good box office...

reports are WB had to Literally Give Matt Reeves ALL control to get him to sign on to do The Batman, after The Trouble WB had with Snyder and Ayers, badly interfering in Post production on their films, Reeves would not even consider signing if he didnt get "final Cut" and complete control....This of course no doubt lead to WB also having to pay him massive upfront money and back end money yet again

Not only did WB not have any idea or vision on how to build a Cinematic Universe...but they also have to idea how to cast,pick directors or Sign contracts in order to set up a successful Cinematic Universe....WB has lost HUNDREDS of Millions of dollars in profits from the 5 DCEU films, because they let Budgets balloon out of control and decided to sign A list actors that demanded Massive upfront Fees and back end....


Big companies are all about growth. WB is desperately needs the growth potentials in their superheroes movies, if not, investors would rather invest in Disney. That's why they really tries to entice big names to work on their movies with big upfront pay and lighter contract than Disney.

That, or Disney got the best casting directors and and WB got the second rates.


That, or Disney got the best casting directors and and WB got the second rates.


Ill tell you what this might just be true

Marvel Studios has been Incredible at casting

RDJ as Stark
Hemsworth as Thor
Hiddleson as Loki
Bratt as Starlord

^Its Literally like the actually cast the actors that were BORN to play these roles, these were all out of the box HOMERUNS

then you got my favorite casting of all time...which is Chris Evans as Steve Rodgers,the reason its my favorite is because I was 100% against it,I remember specifically when I read the report Evans had been cast, I went in a told my Father "They just ruined The Avengers",I could not in any way see Evans in The role and thought they KILLED An Avengers movie by making this awful choice

I was WRONG. Evans was good in Cap 1, Better in The Avengers but Blew me away in Cap 2,He literally Become Steve Rodgers in the movies since.

Other incredible castings are

Holland as Spiderman(IMO the best Peter Parker yet)
Cumberbatch as Strange(Literally like he was lifted off the pages of comics)
Boseman as Panther(Incredible in Civil War)

then theres other smaller roles where They KILLED it
Sebastian Stan as The Winter Soldier(I mean talk about straight from The comics, He stole the show for me in Civil War)
Dave Bautista as Drax(talk about Making an Actors career, Bautista was like D list straight to DVD actor before getting this role, But he straight knocked it out of the park in This role)
Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie-(stole damn near every scene she was in in Thor 3)
Stanley Tucci as Dr. Abraham Erskine -(this IMO is an extremely underrated performance)

there are plenty of others too,But yes Marvel Studios has a track record of Making not just great but Perfect casting Choices.They also have become Incredible at picking up and coming directors(So far they've only made 2 bad choices, Alan Taylor in Thor 2 and Whedon in AOU, all though no one can blame for bringing him back after the great success of The Avengers


I agree with you. Marvel’s casting has been perfect.


I agree all except for Holland's Spider-Man. Tobey is forever my Spider-Man. Him to Spider-Man is like Christopher Reeves to Superman.


Holland has some big shoes to fit after Tobey.
Just like anybody has big shoes to fit after Reeves.

They made the characters so iconic and unique, it's VERY hard to make it even as good.


That's true, billbrown7071. LetThemEatCake is confused why any company would work so hard and only make $47 million in profit (Man of Steel).

But that's WB's fault, not the business. The budget was $225 million. Did it need to be an insane $225 million? Was it worth risking so much with this guy named Zack Snyder, who doesn't exactly have the greatest record?

Notice how Doctor Strange had a more modest budget and marketing campaign, and did well in BO and reviews. I'd prefer a more solid foundation like that over an astronomically expensive and divisive film. I'm willing to bet WB wanted a Man of Steel 2, but looked at the reaction of the public and the profits, and decided to do BvS - cramming in Batman. In my opinion, they brought in Batman prematurely. Should have let more solo films happen first. Do those well, and Justice League would've been making $1.5-$1.7 billion, if not more.

Btw, I agree with a lot of what you've written elsewhere in the thread. Thanks for helping to explain it to users like LetThemEatCake.


"Cavil, who Stunningly got 13 Million for MOS"

Cavil did NOT get $13 million for MoS, or $14 million, which is what was actually misreported. That's allegedly the neighborhood of where his total compensation ballooned for all of his work on these projects so far, both up-front and back-end. His up-front pay was supposed to be something like $300,000.

Jared Leto was reportedly paid just under $7 million for SUICIDE SQUAD and that's almost certainly a multi-picture deal, not just for the one movie. Robbie would have gotten something less than that but it's inconceivable to me that Will Smith wouldn't have gotten a LOT more than that--just haven't seen any reporting on what he got. Smith was ludicrously miscast as Deadshot and just ended up playing the only character he ever plays in anything: Will Smith.


But Will Smith run the movie. Without him Suicide Squad would be even more boring.


There are different ways of looking at profits or monetary succes of a production.

You are looking from the production companies' perspective. But what about all the profits these movies make around the industry like for Cinemas around the world? For Actors? for Ad agencies? SFX companies? and even to the sub-division of the production companies themselves? All those profits are considered as costs in your OP, but damn vital for the industry as a whole. Even a project with a loss, will contribute lots of profits out there.

I know, the production companies gives a rat ass about those other profits (except for their own sub-divisions). But to evaluate a success, looking at their net profits alone will give a screwed perspective. Also, as we all know, net profits are taxed and so likely creatively reduced in all sorts of no-good ways.

In order to have a general and purere picture, I say; "Production Costs" - "Top Revenue". How this difference is divided among productions companies, ad agencies and cinema fees etc. is less interesting. And this is what the BO numbers generally hint at.

To get a true actual picture one would have to look at the combined gross profits from a production, and not just the top liners. Meaning; add profits of ALL involved, not only production companies, but everyone..

And again, optimal tax planning infer zero profits.


So the box office of Man Of Steel according to wikipedia is 668 million dollars and Warner Brothers only got 42.7 million of that?? So Warner incurred 100% of the cost and hard work of producing the film and everybody else gets 500 million?? What do they get in return? Chump change? In what UNIVERSE does this make any sense?? The disparity exists in all the other box office mentioned in the article. Something is very wrong here, I guess this is a business run by imbeciles? If that is the case it would explain the horrific quality of the product.


I am not saying I agree with the OP, but your view is incorrect here.

MOS had a production cost of: 225, and according to the OP, they profited 43m... so ROI is 19%. And lets us say the production lasted 2 years - this gives a return of about 9,5% a year. Fortune 500 have an average of ROI of 8%-10% a year... so those numbers are quite phenomenal.

Again, I am not agreeing with the OP, but to evaluate return you must look at invested capital and not revenue. As an example: Walmart has the world's largest revenues, but far from world largest profit return.... they do not make much per apple they sell, which is why their business model needs to sell many to make sense... you have to look at invested capital, not revenues.


that doesn't make sense at all.


Nevertheless, this this is how investments are measured: How much you put in VS how much you get out.

WB put in 225, and they got out 293. (about 19% increase on their investment)


perhaps this is the reason for your confusion? WB got profits of 43, but that by definition means that they also and firstly got their costs covered... so from a revenue of 668, WB got (225+43) 293 m.... about 44% of the total revenue . And about 119% of their investment.


So the box office of Man Of Steel according to wikipedia is 668 million dollars and Warner Brothers only got 42.7 million of that?? So Warner incurred 100% of the cost and hard work of producing the film and everybody else gets 500 million?? What do they get in return? Chump change? In what UNIVERSE does this make any sense?? The disparity exists in all the other box office mentioned in the article. Something is very wrong here, I guess this is a business run by imbeciles? If that is the case it would explain the horrific quality of the product.

WB wasn't aiming for $42.7 million profit. They wanted a lot more. Let's not forget that Man of Steel was a rather divisive film. I enjoyed it, but it's just a good movie - not great - and not universally loved.

Also, WB went for an insanely expensive film. Most solo debuts are not $225 million to make (they should be a more modest $150-$180 million), but for some reason, WB decided to make Man of Steel one of the most expensive movies ever, all riding on a dude named Zack Snyder. A lot of this is WB's fault plain and simple. Would Christopher Nolan, 10x the directorial man that Snyder is, need to make a $225 million film, thus cutting into their potential profit?

I also didn't include many of the more successful, profitable films, because most of the examples happened to be Disney, and I didn't want to be accused of "shilling for Disney."

But the reality is, many of Disney's films (Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar/Disney Animation) had profits of $200-$400 million.

THAT'S what you want. So it's not the business that is always being unfair. It's possible to earn $200-$400 million profit. Smart marketing and building of universes, sequels, etc. It CAN be done.


200 million out of 1 billion box office?? LOL, that is a pittance basically, and no one in their right minds would get into such a business without suing galore for their right percentage of profit so again, the fanboy logic just falls flat, like Henry Cavill's dog faced and disproportionately bodied Superman.


$200+ million pure profit across multiple sequels and big Avenger-type film adds up to a lot more.

Also, good movies generate interest in merchandise (toys, clothes, games) and theme park attendance (esp. in the case of Disney). Disney makes more money w/ their theme parks, and the movies can be seen as a way to get people more excited about visiting their parks. The success of films like Moana, Zootopia & Frozen sure help sell Disneyland tickets and toys.

And it does make sense that retailers and movie theaters take a share (30%-50% at least). All of it makes sense.

It would not make sense for General Mills to open up their own store just to sell cereal. What a horrible idea for a store. Here's an aerial view of the United States. How many cereal stores do they have to build and employees they have to hire (imagine the cost) just to sell the same amount of cereal they sell now with supermarkets and Costcos?

Same goes for Hanes underwear. Should Hanes open up 900,000 underwear stores across the US, or just sell their product at stores like Target and Walmart, and have those stores hire their own employees?

I could go down the list of famous brands. If they opened up their own stores and tried to cut out the middle-man, most of them would fail. People would not go to a special store dedicated to one brand of bread, one brand of dishwashing soap (Dial Store?), one brand of canned beans (Hormel Store?).

That's why there's supermarkets who help sell products made by other manufacturers. That's why there are movie theaters that show films from all sorts of studios. There is no Paramount Movie Theater that only shows Paramount movies, or a FOX Movie Theater exclusively showing 20th Century Fox films. There aren't enough films made to keep the lights on.

To put it simply: current retailers & movie theater chains actually amplify sales far better than if the manufacturers/studios created their own specialty stores or movie theaters.


Studios used to have their own theater chains, they were stripped of them because it was deemed unconstitutional. A theater is a retailer, nothing more. There isn't a company in the entire WORLD that would allow a retailer to retain 50% of the profit of a product. NO ONE IN THE WORLD.


you are right. Retailers get WAY MORE than the makers of the product.

If you don't understand it, back off and let the men talk. Little boys sit down and keep quite for the lesson. K?


Depends on the retailer. Supermarkets take very low margins generally, indeed. Clothes shops though is the opposite. And furniture shops too. Retaining around 60% or even higher is normal in those industries... it all depends on the retailer. That cinemas take 50% sounds like a lot, but not unlikely and not uncommon.


Bullshit. You can only do that if you buy product from sweatshops in bangladesh. No reputable manufacturer, like Chanel for instance, would ever allow a retailer to make 50% profit or 200% or 300% profit over their product. As a matter of fact, all reputable products have a suggested retail price and no retailer is allowed to go a few cents over suggested retail price. Films are a reputable product so they would never allow a retailer to take 50% of the profit or jack up the price to the point were they get 200% or 300% profit. Come down to the real world.


Why so hostile?

Chanel though is an interesting example. Their production cost is not that much different from sweatshop levels, however their brand allows them to overprice insanely. So own retail stores surely overprice when compared to their own actual production costs. Though yes, strong brands as those often dictate the end price.


allows who to overprice? If you see the price of their perfumes on their official website it is the same retail price for any department store, even in latin america so it is Chanel who dictates the profit margin of their product and I'm sure they are never going to allow a retailer to take half of their profit, the retailer can take it or live it, so I still can't understand how or why theater chains will take 50% of the profit of a movie when they literally invested zero money in its production. If that is actually the case then studio people are imbeciles. Either way the game is about to change because studios are coming out with their own streaming services, so theaters can go fuck themselves.


I understand your "frustration" and I do not know if Cinemas actually pocket 50% of the admission price... but I do know the retail business. And as I previously mentioned, some general clothes shops pocket around 60% or in some cases even higher... it all depends. But this is how it works. Many of them buy in bulk and at very cheap prices and then repackage and sell in their stores price adjusted to schmucks like us. Even in January sale of sometimes 75% off, it is not only to cut loses. In fact, even with these humongous discounts they do marginally profit. It is ridicules but also a matter of fact.

Of course, I am not saying it is the same in the Cinema business. I do not know. My initial reply was to your post that categorically denied such markups exist in ANY retail. They do (much have been published in articles on this topic). If in cinema? Who knows, but the majority or articles seem to support this. I suspect the reality is not that simple. Likely it is connected with number of sold tickets, popularity of the movie or franchise etc etc… they all keep at it, and this tells me that the business is not too bad for either party.

And as the MOS example shows. Even if more than 50% of the revenue is lost to others. The ROI was still quite nice for WB.


No return on investment is worth it if 50% of revenue will go to others, that is just INSANE. And I'm not frustrated at all and I am not a schmuck. Like I said earlier, what you mention as an example happens in non reputable stores with questionable business practices that buy from people with slaves abroad making their 1 cent shirts and clothes so that they can sell at 10 dollars or more. It does not happen with reputable brands or businesses, and not even high end, just reputable. I used Chanel as an example because I like their perfumes and have compared the prices on their websites and on department stores and it is the same, so it is the brand that decides the price and they are not going to allow a 50% profit on THEIR product by the retailer. The same should be of movie studios and if it isn't then they are imbeciles, and given the quality of the movies they put out, well...


Wow, Days of Future Past only managed 77m and it got another sequel. Damn.


different franchise, different Box Office expectations


Who got the 600 million dollars then?


Here’s the full breakdown:


All that work for 77 million dollar profit?? Pathetic. Also, is that saying they make 1.13 dollar a ticket? That is impossible. I believe record companies make over 10 dollars an album sale. It doesn't make sense.


Who got the 600 million dollars then?

^ this reply perfectly explains that you are incapable of understanding box office

You hilariously think FOX only got 77 M, while 600 Million Went elsewhere

but the answer is, Half went to Theaters, Half Went Fox

X-Men made 743 M World Wide

Fox got roughly half of that, since studios get roughly 50%, that means Fox Made around 325 Million dollars in actually Money from X-Men

the problem here is, that is NOT PROFIT

Fox spent 220 Million + making the film So if you spent 220 Million making a film and then make 325 Million in box office, that means you only made roughly 100 M in Profit

The 600 Million didnt just go elsewhere, you gigantic idiot, The 600 Million was split between Fox and theaters, Fox recognized at least 300 Million + from X-Mens Box office, But due to The 220 Million + they spent making the film, Fox basically just earned their money back PLus A decent 77 Million dollar Profit.

in other words, Hypothetically Speaking, Lets say JL make 700 Million, WB WILL make NO PROFIT from JL

but WB Will in fact make money, that 700 Million Will Roughly be Split between Theaters and WB, WB will get around 350 Million dollars from JLs box office results, but again the problem here is, WB spent 300 Million + making the film and another 150 Marketing it, So WB Will just be getting back the same money they put into the film., NO PROFIT

The Money doesnt magically Disappear, due to your complete lack of knowledge of box office your looking at 77 Million and thinking thats All Fox got when reality is, NO FOX got a Split of the 743 MIllion, Fox made close to 350 Million from X-Mens box office, but due to spending 220 Million + making the film, that 350 Million only results in Fox making 77 Million in profit from that 350 Million

Who got the 600 million dollars then?
lol again this one statement by you completely perfectly explains you simply have no clue what your looking at and cant comprehend box office


jesus christ what an imbecile you are.



Fascinating. I had no idea how this stuff worked and it really shows the importance of the international markets, which bring in a larger gross AND net because international theaters get a much smaller cut than U.S. theaters.

Thanks for sharing this.


However, what we really talk about is how it performed at the box office. For example, BvS was a 5.99 blu-ray buy on Black Friday. Now, that's hardly more than a large Starbucks drink. So, a lot of people can either blind buy it or buy it as a gift without much expense. I mean, going by that and given all the 5 trillion versions they've put out, I guess Blade Runner must be THE most successful film ever, right? Except it's not.

Or maybe we should look at it this office indicates success while total net profits after home video and merchandising indicates profitability?

The suits like the latter, the talent prefers the former.
