MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Even a Thor movie will make more money

Even a Thor movie will make more money

and than Black Panther comes in to deliver the final blow [and yes, Black Panther is bound to be a Box Office mega hit]

What I'm really curious is to know how those vitriolic DCEU fanboys will react when they see a DCEU movie with [attempts at] humor.

Will they say "but but but but it's "dark" and "serious" and humor is "kiddy"?

Sure must be a hard pill to swallow.


I really think you underestimate the box-office draw of the DCEU. There is nothing to indicate that JL will not be the box-office smash that BvS, Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman were. Also, early indications are that it will also be more favorably received by critics than B'S and SS.

No way that this doesn't make major bank. I will be shocked if JL doesn't outgross TR(especially domestically).


My idiot cat who gets lost on the cat tree could make a film that gets a better critical reception that BvsS or SS! Anyone or anything could!

But yeah, I expect JL to be a great big hit, even if people won't like it as much as they like "Thor". And it'll probably be better than their anything Snyder did, because it couldn't be worse. Still I am curious, how long could DC keep making hits out of absolutely terrible films?


I have 2 idiot cats. And none of them could sit through BvS or SS. :D


Mine did! She didn't notice it was on, staring at a moving object had all her brain cells working at maximum capacity.

Because believe me, I wasn't paying to see that mess in the theater, not after seeing MoS.


I wouldn't pay the tickets either. When you go into a movie knowing that it is going to b bad... better stay at home.

I can only make my cats stay quiet and chilled when I put Chopin for them to listen to. They actually enjoy it quite a lot. And so do I.


Funny, I've never had a cat who paid any attention to human entertainment media, even the smart one. Enjoy!

I doubt I'll buy a theater ticket to JL.


I have a 1 yo male cat [Mister Spot - we named him like that as a play on words, I'm a star trek fan [the old star trek, not this shit they've been releasing] and the little dude is all white with a single black patch of fur on his back] and a female one with 4 months old [Miss Pepper]

Spot likes listening to classical music. he goes to the couch and stays thee the entire day if the music is playing
Pepper sometimes pays attention to whatever is on tv, but the music works best to make her chill.

The last Batman movies I payed a ticket for was the Nolan Trilogy, and even those I only enjoyed the first movie. The third one I kind of regret having to sit through all of it.


Just remember that SS made more money than GotG!
ha ha ha




tis true my fishy friend...


i never said JL won't make good money. They just won't to as much as it would be desired. It won't make more money than TR [personal opinion obviously, but till JL is opened world wide for at least its 3rd week, I'll keep that observation].

Take into account that the non-comic book fans [the majority of movie goers] lost interest in what DCEU has on offer [BVS and SS were rightfully pissed on] and the MCU is getting very close to its apotheosis with IW. In February Black Panther [a character who was well received and played] is also getting is solo movie out.


Wonder Woman is incredibly popular with general audiences and coupled with the positive early reaction to JL it looks like this will do even better business than B'S or SS...may even do better than WW.


It will do better than all those movies [my prediction is 1 billion]


Agreed...JL will probably do at least a billion.

Which means your whole purpose for this thread is destroyed as Thor ain't getting to a billion(even though I think it deserves to).


why do you think it isn't going to get it? It's still way too early to be certain and one more factor to see unfold [JL]


Because it's at $650 million Worldwide and has already opened in all major markets
There are no new, big countries to open in. I's slowing down big time and that's even BEFORE Justice League has even opened. It's almost impossible for it to hit a billion at this point. It would have to perform almost miraculously from here on out to even hit $900 million at this point.


As I said else where, it's too soon. If JL turns out to be another disappointment, there's a good chance people will watch Thor.


I wish I knew you in person so I could bet you on this. I'd love to take some of your money.

No way it passes TR.


Prob wont pass DRT either.


still hasnt beat WW yet...


Exactly what the internet need, someone who think there has to be a fight between DC and Marvel...


why do you want a fight between DC and MCU?

PS: there sure isn't a fight here, neither on the studios. MCU is eating DC for lunch, btw.


MCU is hardly eating DC for lunch at the box office. There has yet to be a flop in the DCEU and JL looks to be their biggest yet.


I wouldn't call it a fantastic success either.


I dont want a fight between DC and MCU, i love both. It was sarcasm because most people online seems to want to oppose both.


True, but in the real world the vast majority of viewers don't know the difference between marvel or dc... nor do they care...




The First black panther trailer looked bad, but the second looked really good. You may be right about it making more than the Justice League film. But, until the numbers come out, all predictions are fallible.


obviously. Fun to speculate though.


Fair enough. Have fun.


It's a fair comparison to put it against Thor: Ragnarok.

If we put Man of Steel up against Thor (+1 for Marvel) and BvS up against Thor: The Dark World (Nobody wins this one) then Thor: Ragnarok and Justice League are comparable as Thor versus Superman movies (Yeah, he's in it, right at the end probably).

With Ragnarok being as much fun as it was JL has its work cut out already and I don't think from DC's recent past after Nolan they've done anything except Wonder Woman which has made real money.
