MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > This sums up season 8 for me...

This sums up season 8 for me...


And this sums up the season for me:




Always go for the second showcase.




2 years later and this still cracks me up! Lol!


What did people want to see this season?

[ I wanted NK to hit KL first and make Cersei his NQ - and then march north. ]


I certainly wanted to see more of the NK and his dead army. Just watched Hardhome and it's sad seeing how well handled and built up that foe was in that episode, and realising what became of them in season 8.

They should have been given more importance and show time in season 8, and have the NK be the major adversary and deal with him last, if not have it feature alongside the battle for the Iron Throne.


That’s how I feel.


I wanted the Others to sweep across Westeros.

I wanted something other than "If you kill the head vampire...", something original.

I wanted the Long Night to last more than one night.

I wanted Cersei to have a final confrontation with her enemies, and die a just and entertaining death.

I wanted Bran to do something useful, and not just sit there.

I wanted Varys to do something clever.

I wanted Tyrion to have at least one good line.


I fully expected that the battle between dany and Cersei would be temporary and that the ww would sweep over the land in the end. They were supposed to win. Its was supposed to be the most beautifully ironic ending in television history. That the game of thrones meant nothing in the end. It would have been poetic. The way the ww went out was criminal. It doesnt even make sense. The night kind is impervious to dragon fire but not v steel? WHAT?! They literally could have completley written out the ww and NOTHING would have changed the story one bit. Completely pointless.

Anyway after that I fully expected this show to turn into a shitshow. And it did. Cant think of anything that could have saved it at that point.


There was a rumor going around that D&D had changed GRRM's original ending, something I wouldn't put past them. And that in the original ending, Jamie killed Cersei, Jon killed Dany, and Jon became king... and he put Jamie back as knight commander of the Kingsguard. And told him that if he ever started to show signs of Targaryan Madness, or just became a bad king, then Jamie should do his kingslayer thing for a 3rd time.

Which would have been a good ending, but maybe not a great one. Maybe if they'd ended up with the Night's King on the Iron Throne the ending would have been genuinely great, but I think greatness was beyond D&D's powers at that point.

- - -

PS: If anyone got to be the Night's Queen, if should have been Dany, not Cersei.


"I wanted NK to hit KL first and make Cersei his NQ - and then march north"

That would have been fantastic!
