MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > why I think Sansa will die

why I think Sansa will die

I think it'd be too much to hope for that the remaining Starks will all make it out alive, especially if you take into account the undead army making the wolf sigil shape in 7x07.

Beyond that, further clues I think pointing to it being Sansa.

*minor potential spoiler the rest of this little paragraph* In GRRM's original outline, three of the main survivors are Jon, Arya, and Bran, no mention of Sansa.

Beyond that. Sansa has fought the hardest to reclaim the name and identify as a Stark. When they first meet Lyanna Mormont, she talks about how whether Sansa is a Lannister or a Bolton, and Sansa defends that she has always been and will always be a Stark. In the Season 6 finale, when she and Jon discuss who will sleep where, "I'm not a Stark." "You are to me." She is Lady of Winterfell. Of the four, she places most stock and weight in the names and titles of their heritage.

The other three all have other identities to embrace. Jon is literally a Targaryen, not a Stark. Arya has learned to become No One, and anyone. Bran is the Three-Eyed Raven.

I think all these point to Sansa dying. Thoughts?


I forget cuz its been a while since i read ASOIAF
Was there ever a female Warden of the North?
Maybe that could be her role (if anyone even survives in the north which is no sure thing)
That could be a satisfying final act for a young girl who has suffered so much and would probably please a lot of the fans...


Personally, I think Bran and Arya won't see the epilogue.

I think Sansa will, because she's the only one both competent to rule the North, and entitled to do so. IMHO Jon will either die or he king of all Westeros (or both), Bran is incapable of ruling if he lives, and Arya will have to deal with the Many-Faced God in the end, not that she wants to rule... And who is left? The North will still be there or the ending will be tragic instead of "bittersweet", and there's no backup for the Starks. The story has got to end with a Stark in Winterfell.


And oh yeah,I've heard that early drafts had Arya in a romantic triangle with Tyrion or Jon, do I think we can assume a lot of things about Arya have been changed from the early drafts.


Yeah that was reported to be an early GRRM draft for the novels...thank the Seven it was dropped!


Would it still be gross if Maisie Williams didn't still look younger than her age? She's 20, but still looks like she's in her early teens on the show. I suspect there have been a certain number of changes in the story, based on what's popular with audiences and what the various actors can do. Like Bronn was probably intended to vanish after he betrayed Tyrion, but he's still around because absolutely everyone enjoys seeing him.

Would the happenings in Dorne have been more important if the Sand Snakes hadn't been laughed off the screen? Would Bran be the Lord of Winterfell if he were more popular than Sansa? Would Arya be the center of a romantic triangle if she looked more mature?


She DOES look like a little kid but thats really not it
I just enjoyed the cute big bro/little sis relationship between the yeah sexy time between them would be gross as hell to me


Yeah, it would be gross. Really gross.

And I feel the same way about Jon and Sansa, there are people who ship them and who think they'd be a great couple. EEEEEW.


Sorry for screaming;)
Yeah i dont like Sansa and Jon either (they werent that close but still pretty sib-ish)
But im strangely ok with Dany and Jon...
I should prolly seek out a good therapist but that was both hot AND weird...and i have no interest in my auntie i swear!


I'm also strangely ok with them too...but they weren't raised as relatives and came together as their attraction is understandable.
People raised as siblings or siblings with full knowledge of their blood relationship has a much stronger icky factor.




Jon is a Targaryen and a Stark by birth.


I remember reading a long time ago that Sansa has plot armor because she's the favorite character of GRRM's wife.

That means if she ends up perishing GRRM will have to hear it from her for the rest of her life. So I dunno, unless he's planning a divorce Sansa sounds protected to me.


As much as people talk about the predictability of what's happened and what's going to happen I still go in so many different directions of what may or may not happen in the end.
I try to brace myself for a heavy toil to be prepared...but I'm not in favor of a heavy toil really. I want some sweet as a payoff...not just bitter.
It feels endlessly nihilistic to see the heavy cost of war played out over so many seasons to have all those that only wanted to end it and were swept up in things beyond their control not survive it... after so many have already been sacrificed..

So many things have changed since that initial outline. I do read it that Jon, Daenery, Ayra, Bran and Tyrion would make it until the end. But I don't think that guarantees that they'll survive the end.
And others surviving or not is not set in stone either.
A light main character casualty in season 7 could mean a heavier one in season 8.

Sansa seems to have had a heavier journey in the series as opposed to the books and I wonder where Ayra's place could be in this new world after the great war. She seems pretty damaged.
Bran was a pretty smart compassionate kid until he became this 3 eyed raven. If the war of all wars end where would his place be?


I am in favor of a heavy death toll. Mainly because I like feeling like we're truly seeing the end of stories, and that's the most definitive way to hit that mark. Plus, many characters, not just Arya, would be a bit purposeless/displaced if they survive the great war. And there are still plenty of characters for their to be a pay-off (I don't quite want *everyone* dead haha).

Yes, a ton has changed since that initial outline, certainly worth taking into account. All five named surviving characters could bite it. But any available info is worth taking into account. Especially since GRRM doesn't really outline in advance, and as a result, he's very much about big picture more than details, so I doubt he changes a lot of broad strokes, so of those five, I'm guessing that more of them will survive than not in both iterations of the story.

Sansa's story in the show is heavier. But it's also been longer. If the show were completely faithful to the books, she'd have been off-screen since the end of Season 4. Her story since then in the books belongs to another character, Jeyne, who is only present in the books. But, who knows where Sansa's story will go in the books, it could still be something darker.

I think Arya and Bran, assuming they survive, will both leave. Arya will cross the sea to the west like she mentioned that one time, and Bran will go somewhere and stare into Galadriel's mirror or something, watching over the realm.


Arya always kind of had the hots for Gendry and now that he's reappeared she might decide to follow the object of her puppy crush.

Of course that's only if he survives which, in my opinion, seems like kind of a toss up at this point. He has the feel of a character who is a prime candidate to bite it next season.


»Her story since then in the books belongs to another character, Jeyne, who is only present in the books.«

Actually, Jeyne Poole is present in the show as well: She has a brief appearance in S01E01.
But since that part isn’t important at all and we haven’t seen her since… well, I guess you’re right after all. She not really present in the show.


Of all the Stark children, I think Bran is most likely to die. Somehow, I have a feeling that the show will end like LotR, with all of the supernatural gone, including the dragons, giants, possibly Dani the Firewalker... The end of magic.


I could see Bran dropping the mic and doing a Frodo at the end and pissing off to wherever...
But im still wondering why all of this magic stuff showed up at the same time (witches, army of the dead, dragons, White Walkers, Children of the Forest etc...)
Westeros had no faith in these crazy old stories...gotta mean something now that its all reality again..?


Like I said - the end of magic, dawn of the age of man.


Yeah but the magic just came back and the age of man has carried on for millennia at this point right? Since before the Andals or First Men came over, there were predominantly magical beings inhabiting Westeros still if I'm not mistaken. It would be strange for magic to have such a short return.

As far as Sansa dying. I could see her refusing to leave Winterfell when the dead army comes through since she won't want to leave her home any more after all this time running and being away.


It didn't "just come back". They had dragons and witchcraft, faceless men and grayscale, weirwood and three-eyed raven. There is still some magic.
