Did the Mountain

get Cersei pregnant? Can't be any more messed up than Joffrey was I suppose.


That would be some twist! But I highly doubt it.


I doubt he's physically capable of it anymore. It was Jaime.


Jamie definitely had the opportunity, and its not like Cersei's going to tell the world she's pregnant by her own brother if she isn't actually pregnant by her own brother.

Besides, we had a look at a little of Mountains face n Sunday. Not hot, to say the least


I think he's quite capable and exacted that fate upon the nun.


I think he's only able to follow basic orders I doubt he can perform


Didn't the mountain rape the Septas nun as her punishment Cersei sentenced her to?


I tend to think so. After what he did to Elia Martell I'd expect rape is part of his instinctual arsenal as a weapon of war. lol, Cersei's probably enough of a freak to be into getting a zombie's rocks off too. But somehow, I doubt that's what was intended with her pregnancy. It's definitely Jaime.


Really?! I didn't know the nun got raped...this is even more terrible.


Really? Worse than being sliced and diced and pieces and parts of her being torn away or flayed?
Of course, I'm sure his penis would be more like a weapon than your average penis. Probably has spikes on it.


The slicing and dicing could always come afterward in due time. Rape just heaps added humiliation on top of a slow and painful death extracted by torture.

Given the nun's ritual practice of shaming Cersei for her sexual mores, I'm sure her idea of revenge included abject sexual humiliation via a Mountain of shame.


I mentioned this in another thread. I think the greatest thing ever would be if Cersi's baby was a dwarf. Could you imagine the freak out she'd have over that 1,

Then say she goes to kill her baby and Jamie stops her by killing her.


I don't think she'd kill her baby for any reason. Monstrous she is, and it'd set the perfect stage for Jaime to kill her with good reason, I doubt she ever do that. Her kids mean too much to her. I would love it too if she had a dwarf tho, little slice of humble pie.


"little" slice... I see what you did there 😂


I've been wondering about these pregnancies..Daenery's is foreshadowed and Cersei seems to be pregnant now (I believe it to be Jamies..the Mountain can rape like a torture machine but not impregnate)..
But how would they even come to full term anyway without some fast forwarding..?
Does that mean Daenery would survive the war? I can't see the war with TNK and Cersei being stalled for 9 months..

Cersei will probably lose hers (or her life) but it's hard to imagine that Daenery would after proving the witch women wrong and them going to the trouble of having her even be knocked up (with Jon's baby).
They have heavily foreshadowed Daenery pregnant for some reason.


But how would they even come to full term anyway without some fast forwarding

It wouldn't be the first time a fantasy story on cinema had a 'miracle' pregnancy where growth is rapid for the sake of the story. We also don't really know how long it takes to march from the North to the South. Maybe it takes a long time or maybe the war is stalled due to the walker battles.


Maybe..But the war certainly does seem imminent.


Isn't "The Mountain" a hybrid between Joffrey and the old Mountain? I read somewhere that the doctor stuck Joffrey's head on the Mountain's body. If that's the case, an incestual-born son impregnating his mother would be quite a twist.


Anything's possible in this show so who knows. Cersei has a penchant for her only family members I would think not by default


I doubt he 'functions' that way anymore
If she is carrying its gonna be Jaime's kid id bet
I think the Mountain is going up against Sandor... Cant wait!
