MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Sad that people would continue serving C...

Sad that people would continue serving Cersei...

They rather cower in fear and still live than try running away or revolt. No wonder evil/corrupt always rule even though evil/corrupt love killing each other.


The Mountain is a zombie and has no choice.


How is he still alive btw? What makes him still walk? His eyes are literally gone, destroyed by Oberon.

I wasn't referring to The Mountain per se but the general public. The million strong living within King's Landing.


Qyburn replaced his head with a dwarf's head that was brought to the court by a bounty hunter who was trying to pass it off as Tyrion's head to claim the reward from Cersei.

When it turned out not to be him Qyburn requested the head and it was implied he used it to revive Clegane.

As to how he's alive, this is fantasy fiction.


You do realize that the citizens of Kings Landing aren't sitting around watching Cersei's every move like we are right?


No, they just keep up with her Twitter feed ;-)


They are scared, poor, uneducated, prisoners of a system...Here in America we have a lot of once great cities that are under-employed, addiction riddled shooting galleries now
We all like to think we would be the hero or revolutionary but history shows otherwise


The smallfolk of King's Landing are like the smallfolk everywhere, desperately hoping the war will end without destroying their homes or livelihood. That's much more important than caring about who wins.

There are still a few nobles backing Cersei, and if all she could tell them in her bid for support was "Better the devil you know", then her cause is pretty damn weak. I suspect a lot of great families are quietly absenting themselves from Cersei's call, and plan to stay home until they have a good idea who's going to be queen next year, so they can support her once they're sure she'll win. That's how things were really done, circa War of the Roses.


Those in power only care about staying there. She is a great evil queen character and everyone else are just kids trying to believe in fairy tales but the real world works how Cersi works.


Run away to what if their homes and lives are in King's Landing?

A revolt needs to be planned, organized, and led by someone with a claim to the throne and enough people need to be convinced that the claim is legitimate. Otherwise, revolting would be pointless when the mass population has been indoctrinated under monarchy. It would just be a great way to get yourself drawn and quartered for treason.

You'd cower in fear too if you couldn't convince anyone to revolt along with you.
