Jumped the shark

Yeh, it's fantasy so you're supposed to suspend belief... but Dany showing up so quickly, at just the right moment? Jon falling in a frozen lake and living? Uncle Benjen showing up at just the right moment? I loved this show, but damn this is piss poor lazy writing.


Hi Goon!(great handle btw!!) nice to meet you!
I feel like the whole ep was great...
And i think the writers did fine...if you had a prob with it pls explain Goon...i always like to learn new opinions/viewpoints...Im a curios 'george' type and i enjoy opinions.., p


what do you think his post was about ... maybe you need to listen and read?


He did not care for some of the writing Brux
I asked him to explain his point
Perhaps you could read and listen a bit more?


I totally understand that they want to wrap the whole show up in 7 more episodes. But for the entire episode I just could not make any sense of why that characters, particularly Jon and company, were lead to that point.

There missions made no sense whatsoever. Nothing made any sense. How long did it take Jon and company to travel to from the wall to find a White Walkers? How long did it take Gendry to run back to the wall to send the raven to Daenerys? How long did it take the raven to get to Daenerys? How long did it take Daenerys to fly beyond the wall to help Jon and company? How long did the White Walkers just stand there waiting for all of this to happen?

It must be a very small world.

The writing was just so bad. I could see what was going to happen, but I didn't want to see it play out like I knew it would.


Yonkers if you want an example of piss poor writing - How about if the whole reason Jon Snow risks it all to go to Dragonstone is to get "Dragon Glass" - how about he brings some of it with him to fight the Walkers? Come on - I love this show - but the whole plan of capturing a White Walker is pathetic... Although I enjoyed the episode - I am more then a little upset with the writing this season.

And what Goon said about Benjen is spot on - he shows up just for 30 seconds and it's the perfect 30 seconds. I'm also pissed that Thoros died in his sleep - he was a great character.

Yonkers - I was born there by the way!


Yup born there too but i moved out a short time ago
Still pass through on my way to work in NYC everyday...nice place!
I guess the fans dont like the writing so much now but im still on board...most fictional stories seem to rely on some crazy coincidence or other Tony


"I'm also pissed that Thoros died in his sleep - he was a great character."

Well, he died of the injuries he suffered when he was bitten by the bear. That's not an implausible death really. Frankly it would be weirder if he lived after that.


Agree that the undead kidnapping was a dumb idea...and I would add that Jon should be back at Winterfell beating his lords and generals into line...he could go back to his fortress, slap a few whiney old men around and send out a few teams of rangers to do that suicidal crap for him
But i guess Jon is supposed to be a naive sort...


He's supposed to be the brave hero who for the past 2 seasons faces insurmountable odds only to be saved by a woman. At least he finally "bent the knee" to Daenerys because he seriously would not have survived without her.


jon is the 'hero' for sure - i love him but hes kind of a dummy sometimes but still...agreed!
As far as ladies stepping in and winning the day for our heroes i dont mind it at all... Im usually a lonely type guy that likes to be alone...but the best people in my life are the women i know... And yup they annoy me no end ( crap -is there anything worse than your girl sitting you down for a 'talk' lol) BUT they do often seem to notice shit that us guys miss with all of our running around/fighting/fast-driving nonsense
Not a 'girl-power' post cuz girls annoy the hell out of me as much as guys do but anyway...
Nice to meet 'ya Xenario!


"only to be saved by a woman."

Not really sure what her being a woman has to do with it. She's a monarch with an army and dragons, someone whom Jon has made painfully clear he wants to have on his side. There have been female monarchs and warriors in history, so apart from the dragons, there's nothing outlandish about it. I don't really see the relevance of her gender, unless this is the opening salvo of one of those pathetic rants about how feminism is ruining everything because women actually do stuff sometimes on TV.


Srsly lol'd Kawada!!
How dare ladies do stuff on my TV LOL


i can tell that you're not sure.


The writers have been doing this stuff for a while on GOT. If you haven't had a problem with cersei's plot armor it seems silly to suddenly be offended.


Couldn't agree more. Writing this season is atrocious. Deus ex machina all the way. Bronn and Jaime diving 200 metres in armour, only to emerge by themselves (why wasn't there anyone waiting for them?). Ravens and dragons that travel at the speed of light. Uncle Benjen showing up in the nick of time. It's got out of hand. Not many people seem to mind, which may be even worse


There aren't many choices in a battle scenario - it's kill or be killed basically. Dany didn't arrive until they were nearly decimated which was likely guaranteed because they we outnumbered maybe 100 to 1. They needed her to press on and reach them which she did. However she couldn't avoid the high risk of the situation and one of her dragons died - she was forced to sacrifice in the process of rescuing.

Jon and Benjen have been brought back from the dead so they have a special survivability quality in the GoT world. Jon though was in jeopardy so it makes sense for Benjen to turn up after perhaps having observed the earlier battle.


Well if you say it like that...


How did danaerys know where they were? And also, it seems like the white walkers were a lot worse at fighting this time around compared to hardholme


Oh they killed it at Hardhome! Agreed they didn't fight so well here on a much more favorable terrain.

You know what I thought was funny - ALL of my favorite characters were on this stupid quest (Jorah, the Hound, Berric, Tormund) and I figured someone was dying. Sorry to se it was Throros - but when they ventured beyond the wall with a handful of other fighters - I felt like I was watching an old Star Trek episode - where Kirk would beam down to the planet with a security detail of extras just so they could be killed off.


They did have some redshirts with them just to keep all the main characters from getting killed. As soon as I saw those "extra guys' on the quest I knew they would die.


Yes I thought the same thing. Redshirts!


And they picked guys who looked like some of the main characters to fake people out when they got killed.


I thought about it, and the quest to convince Cersei is absolutely ridiculous.

The easier, more obvious solution would have been to fly Drogon and the two other dragons into King's Landing, napalm Cersei, the Red Keep, Qyburn, and the Mountain to death, and then take power of the remaining Lannister forces/Goldcloaks by taking King's Landing through an absolute show of power and force, as Aegon the Conqueror took Westeros so many years ago.

Instead, a quest is made to go north, risk the lives of our main heroes, to convince someone who will never be convinced--and even if she appears to be, she will just stab them in the back in Season 8. It's so stupid, and I certainly hope George does NOT write something as ridiculous as this. It's out of character for the characters, and it's out of character for Game of Thrones--period. Cersei can't be trusted, period.


You're so right.

They should have just had them all die on that rock and ended the entire show right there.

Good thinking GOON!
