MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Semi-spoilers: Who knocked you-know-who...

Semi-spoilers: Who knocked you-know-who off his horse there at the end?

Why I'm worried about spoiling in here I have no idea. What are you doing in here if you haven't watched the ep yet? But anyway, I digress.

So, was that Bronn that saved Jaime? I assume so?



I'm going to go out on a limb and say it was (spoiler if I'm right) [spoiler]Jorah Mormont.[/spoiler]



Pretty sure it was Bronn.


Yeah, seems the only reasonable option. If it was Dickon Tarly, then damn, he sure saved the f--- out of Jaime in this episode.

Only thing is, it's hard to imagine Bronn would be *that* loyal. He respected and maybe even liked Jaime, but that was one giant MF of a risk.


I understand what you're saying...but it's still Bronn.


Bronn didn't have a horse and was unlikely to be able to get one. Any horse without a rider would be running around in screaming panic with a dragon flying overhead and fires everywhere, so in anything resembling reality he wouldn't be able to grab a loose horse and mount. Also, Bronn wasn't wearing armor, and you don't want to be an unarmed man tackling one in full armor. So Jamie's savior was mounted and was presumably wearing armor, so I think it's Dickon Tarly.

And incidentally, there are historical instances of knights in shining armor drowning when they were unhorsed or bridges collapsed under their weight, and they went into the water. It's far to heavy to swim in and far too complicated to be easily removed, I don't even see how Jamie will get fished out to crawl back to Cersei. Maybe Bronn will manage that.


Bronn. They showed the horse


Bronn...and I'm guessing he will be the one who saves Jaimie as Bronn wears no armor so if he regains consciousness he should be able to retrieve the king slayer.


It was a little contrived that part with bronn saving him. But worth it to show Jaime charging the mother of dragons right in front of Tyrion. I love that.


Yeah, considering how Drogon landed several feet away from where the crossbow was and hit it with the tail and Bronn was practically underneath there somewhere. So, he was pretty damn close to save Jaime even w/o a horse )))


It wasn't very clear, but Bronn is a reasonable assumption. Him or Dickon. Can't think of anyone else who would do it.




After Bronn jumped off the crossbow, a white horse showed up in front of him (Bronn's horse had been brown and Dickon's horse was brown too), they made a point of showing Bronn looking at the white horse before the scene cut back to the dragon, and the man saving Jamie was on a white horse. So I'd say it was Bronn.


I'm sure it was just coincidence but the horse flipped its head as if to say to Bronn "Let's go save our boy!" lol


Could have been the Dwarf of Westeros.


It would be even more epic if it was Gendry.
Gendry, the savior of the king's guard, survivor of the lord of light, the under dog, the drafter, the divine diver.


I was wondering this as well, but I think I found a definite answer: Bronn.

Take a look at this article for an in depth exaination of why. It leaves little possibility of anyone else.


Ah yes, all we needed was one still picture.
