The Dragons.

Do you think it's possible that all 3 will end up dying? After last night's episode, I'm almost sure at least one of them will. That sucks too. I love those little guys. lol


Not so little anymore! I admit that I was underwhelmed at first by Qyburn's big plan to stop them, which turned out to a really big arrow. But if they made hundreds of those arrows and launchers, I could see a major problem in store for the little guys.


I hope not. At least one of the little guys has to live!


If Cersei thinks that Daenerys hasn't accounted for a giant crossbow, she's wrong. Though, taking into account how Cersei 'gets her way again' writing of this show, I am sure she'll manage to get at least one dragon, which causes the other two to lay waste to the Red Keep.


I have a friend who said the same thing. He thinks one of them will go.


I doubt all three will die mainly just because I think that would be extremely unpopular with fans of the show i do think one will die though.

One needs to die anyway if we are going to get a whitewalker zombie ice dragon which will be cool as fuck.


Do you think that will really happen? The zombie dragon thing? I admit it would be cool as hell. But do you think it'll really happen?


I watch this youtube channel for nerd stuff: & 99.9% all predictions are spot-on.

Having an Ice Dragon is just a hope/prediction & will be entirely up to the GOT writers BUT Ice Dragons have been mentioned in the books (i haven't read)

I don't know enough about the mythology of GOT to say it will happen but it looks likely.

I can't think of anything more epic than Ice Dragon vs Dragon & all over the internet this is discussed... sure as shit the GOT writers have thought about this & already shown in a trailer zombie giant.

I would definitely bet that in the next season there will be a zombie dragon.


Dragons are powerful but you have to remember the numbers they are fighting. One dragon vs 100 men maybe the dragon slaughers them all. One dragon vs 10,000 men? The dragon is going to die just by arrows and spears alone. So the dragons are powerful but they aren't like nuclear weapons level of powerful. If the lannisters make dozens of those crossbows it could spell trouble for the dragons


Depends on the range... them dragons burned the ships & no way was they in any danger... When Drogon was at ground level being speared he was still kinda young... at the size and point that drogon is now he could have just burned everyone even with daenerys in the place.

I get the impression the dragons are really smart as well. Maybe not at first but they learn quick & they also seem to understand people in a far more advanced way than lets say dogs, parrots, apes


thats true. The crossbow range is probably equal to or longer than the dragons breath range. And It still only takes one lucky shot with a crossbow to take it out. I would build hundreds of those weapons and station them all around the city walls. If the dragons are smart this will deter them once they get hit a few times.

On an open field, the dragons have a huge advantage. But I still think 10,000 men would kill a dragon. Like 10,000 ants could kill a person. It's enough arrows to block out the sun


Definitely agree that they would need a shit load of the weapons.

I doubt they would hit though. I admittedly am really shit at clay pigeon shooting but have had loads of fun just having a go. Hitting a moving target in the air is not easy even when being instructed by a trained professional who's job is to make customers have fun.

I have tried archery as well which is also something that requires insane skill even to hit a still target.

Regardless The Mother Of Dragons needs to be brought down a bit & i look forward to that.


<< If the lannisters make dozens of those crossbows it could spell trouble for the dragons >>

We might need to do some crowdfunding! The dragons didn't ask for this war!


I think by the very end of the story, all will die. Sadly. I really love those damn dragons.
But at least one will live long enough to help fight the white walkers.
Probably one will get killed by the giant crossbow.


Yeah I think one of them is as good as dead. Why show the crossbow if it isn't going to at least take one of them out? And sadly...not sure about them living as the story ends. Can this world exist with dragons on the loose? I'm afraid I don't think so.


Viserion dies by the night king this season whilst Daenerys is saving Snow. Viserion is reanimated by the night king and brings the wall down (or at least part of it so they can get through)

The giant crossbows don't work but are used when Daenerys ambushes some Lanister army.

Found this from last year and it all looks legit:


well thanks for putting this in spoilers tags.


Oh who even knows if that's true or not. Looks like speculation to me.


Could be, but if someone has legit spoilers for episodes that have not aired yet, it is BAD ETIQUETTE to not use the spoiler tags.


Yeah I just read through that site...and I'm afraid it might be true. WTF klowns...use some spoiler tags the next time.

But to be fair...when you come to a message board about any show or run the risk of running into spoilers. You can't expect everyone to have the same ideals and manners as you. Such is life.

Again take it all with a grain of salt.


It looks true but still speculation. There are loads of other things like people saying like the night king will simply walk around the wall and has been waiting 8000 years for winter to become so cold it freezes the sea.

Also there is one problem with the dragon idea in that article... if that is how the king breaks the wall then what the hell is he doing at this moment in time marching south? Is he just hoping a dragon magically shows up and dies & after 8000 years he decided this would be his lucky year?

There are loads of theories.


Agree. And so far...some of the plot lines in the show don't match up with that the bigger points of that article...concerning the Night King. I won't get into too much here. Smaller points of it have come true...but still those battles...not quite sure about them.


From a spoiler perspective you have to keep in mind that GOT is the most popular show at the moment so millions of people are discussing it & the closer to the end it gets some predictions will look more likely than others because certain things do need to happen by logic or clear direction the show is heading & hinting at.

It is also worth noting though that GOT actually shoot fake scenes & release "leak" fake images to confuse fans and misdirect them I can't remember the youtube vid I watched because I watch a lot of GOT stuff but the guy who plays John Snow said that he filmed in four fake scenes for this current season.


It must be easier to get a blueprint for nuclear bomb than a script for GOT... lol

I never understood people who want to know in advance what's gonna happen in the show. I don't even watch the trailers for the next episode cause I wanna be surprised. I mean... what's the point of watching if you know exactly what will happen and how it will all end?


"It must be easier to get a blueprint for nuclear bomb than a script for GOT... lol"
I have no idea what you are trying to imply.

"I never understood people who want to know in advance what's gonna happen in the show. "

EVERY SHOW EVER People discuss what might happen.


I'm trying to imply that they go to great lengths to keep the script hidden. If they film fake scenes and leak fake images just to confuse people it's obvious that they treat the script like top secret.


Where did i disagree?


Oh dear just noticed you have made over 1000 posts on this site LOL!!!!!


You probably made as many after IMDb closed, except you post on several sites and I'm only on this one.


You're not alone. I prefer the dragons to any of the humans on the show. Such magnificent beasts, so well done. No home should be without one!


lol! Indeed!


I must say, they WERE cuter when they were little.

They grow so fast (sniff)


Two points:

First, the dragons are agile and fast, so, realistically, it would take an armada of ginormous crossbows to counteract three of them. When Cersi's Maester introduced Bowzilla, he said, "The finest artisans and blacksmiths in Kings Landing have been laboring day and night, Your Grace." How quickly are they going to be able to churn these things out? Then again, Euron was able to cough up 1,000 giant ships in, like, a fortnight and a half, so maybe the showrunners have stopped caring about plausibility.

Second, the White Walker Dragon thing: Tell me how that would work? Fire destroys a Walker. Wouldn't it be killing itself the instant it belched flames?


Qyburn's big mistake was to reveal the ballist to Cersei ON TELEVISION. With talk of it now all over social media, in the papers, etc., the dragons are sure to hear about it.

So, don't be surprised when they come up with a defense (like helmets)

It was a rookie move.
