This show is racist

The Doctor has always been white and only one of his companions was black.


But the companion's boyfriends have been black 80% of the time on NuWho, for some bizarre reason that makes no logical sense.



It makes logical sense because interracial couples exist in real life, even if Time Lords don't.


At a rate of 80%?


Lefties are highly illogical!


Surely that would mean doctor who is sexist but to males because 99 percent of the assistants have been female


White? Um. Uh. Yeah...a white ALIEN. He may look WHITE...but IT is an ALIEN.
Not human.

This show is racist! the Doctor is alway an ALIEN!


This show is racist! the Doctor is alway an ALIEN!

And a lot of the time, an ILLEGAL alien...... Sorry. Undocumented.


The BBC prides itself on the historical accuracies of its dramas, including Doctor Who, so changing him to be a woman or black person would throw massive a spanner in the works.

It is important that the Doctor is a white male so he can quickly assume a mantel of authority in any given time period. Change that and historical accuracy would now be out of the window unless every period episode is a two-parter, the first in which the Doctor has to overcome the social and political framework of patriarchal/racial oppression of the era before getting to the monster of the week in the second.


Lol NuWho is about historically accurate as the Burger King! It’s a kids show with Vikings wearing horned helmets in a imaginary Britain that has always been multicultural whenever the Doctor travels back to the past.


I wanted a Black Doctor before we got a Woman Doctor


A black Doctor would of been fine, Timelords never changed sex until NuWho altered decades of lore just a few years ago.

My first choice for the next Doctor was Richard Ayoade who played Moss in the IT Crowd, Noel Fielding or Matt Berry would of been good too.


Mine Too, I would of wanted to see Julian Barratt as the doctor at some point, yes NuWho sucks for doing that because I kept saying no Doctors can't change sex, or it would of happened a lot sooner.
The Best thing that could happen but wont is Doctor Who gets the lowest ratings ever I'm not watching it anymore.


Yep, exactly, I’d of been fine with a Female Doctor if it at least had happened in classic Who to any Timelord, but it never happened once or was never mentioned until very recently, pissing on the lore of a decades old show just to show how liberal or desperate the BBC are.


I would of watched two shows about Time lords One could be Doctor Who and another would of been a female Timelord.


Yeah the Rani was a Time Lady, they could of done a spin-off about her or created a new Time Lady. Maybe we'll get a male Rani now, not that I'll be watching!


Could "of"??? What does that even mean?


If you want to be precise: The old show never definitively established that Time Lords can't change sex when changing bodies. They never discussed the possibility, so it's actually been an open question all this time.

True, we never saw a Time Lords change sex, but then we only saw 3-4 Time Lords regenerate in all those years. That's not enough for a valid statistical sample.
