MovieChat Forums > The 40 Year Old Virgin (2005) Discussion > We need more Public Awareness of Involun...

We need more Public Awareness of Involuntary Celibacy and the Pain it...

In America we need more Public Awareness of Involuntary Celibacy
and the Horrible Pain and Misery it Causes in Men and Women,
But women are Rarely Incel,
The Horrible Pain it Causes in Men, Men who want to score and get laid
but are unable to, men who can't get girlfriends or even a date,,
and the Horrible Pain it Causes Men, oo
I'm not talking about Men paying for Sex with Hookers,
Involuntary Celibacy is a REAL PROBLEM, wanting Sex and a Girl, but not getting it


Oh my.

No, no... No, no no no no.

I get it, dry spells of any length suck. And we all imagine a perfect world where everyone we want wants us back with no real effort on our part. But you can't obligate/guilt someone into sex with you. Feeling that would be much worse than involuntary celibacy.

And sorry if it's mean but everyone has a match so if you're involuntarily celibate you're likely shooting way out of your league. No that's not nice but it's true. And everyone gets rejected at some point, I promise you.


As your name indicates, you are a troll.
The problem is not ivoluntary celibacy, it is the advertising industry
that tells us to think that everyone is getting "it", "it" being what they
show us in the ads and in the porn sites. We are literally driving people
crazy. The human body and mind does not need sex. We need a
society where people feel like they belong and are part of, not just
useless bums that are worthless and better off dead if they are not
abusive, harassing misogynists with millions of dollars. This is up to
corporate America, and their dominated and corruption of the government.


This all the way.


Well said brux.

Sex, although very nice, is not a human right, far less a necessity. If one is THAT desperate, they can always 'self-pleasure' themselves.

What most people do need, to some extent, is close friendship and companionship, but not all forms of companionship, even between lovers, revolve around sex.

Unfortunately, as you say, the media is selling everyone a dangerous myth: that everyone else is enjoying the perfect sex life. But even for the majority of married couples that is far from the reality.


Ok, but how and what would be the solution?

Some women "sacrifice" themselves and have sex with incels? There are already prostitutes, escorts and even sex surrogates.

Therapy for extremely shy men? That's already exists in our society in the form of psychologists, therapists, (dating) coaches etc.

So what should the society do for these men exactly? (besides awareness and acceptance)


So what should the society do for these men exactly?
You said it: 'awareness and acceptance'.

But the problem, as identified by the OP, is that much of society isn't accepting of celibate and single women and men. More often than not, these people are stigmatised as dangerous and abhorrent misfits.

So, yes, NO ONE is entitled to sex (and I speak as someone who doesn't personally approve of men who visit sex workers), but pretty much everyone is entitled to compassion and, unless they have harmed or abused another, some sympathy.

As for the OP, the sooner he learns to love and respect himself the sooner he may be able to find someone else who will love and respect him. But I'm sure being constantly told by the media that he is an evil misogynist dysfunctional 'incel' can't be much help in his quest for self-acceptance. What do you think?


It's time for sex robots!

Except, they will probably be very expensive... like 50,000 dollars or something.

Also, if the programming is wrong, they might accidentally, or on purpose, rip your penis off with their bare robot hands.

Aside from those minor obstacles though, the future is here!


Sex robots are not the answer.

They will merely serve to facilitate the idea that women are synonymous with objects.

And men and women should be encouraged to form healthy, platonic relationships with one another, that may, potentially, in the course of time, develop into sexual ones.


Women aren't incels because their power is derived from sex.


I know this is a troll, but still....

we are so stupid accepting this INCEL stuff.

Is there also InBroke, InUgly, InShy, In[insert any thing you might be missing here]
When did everything in life become some disorder?

You want woman/sex, stand up and work at it just like ALL THE REST OF US HAVE ALWAYS DONE.
Stupid entitled fucks


I hate this movie so much! Its such a load of crap!

First off no woman views a 40 year old virgin as a funny and quicky. They view virgins as disgusting and mentally unstable psychopaths. They avoid them like a plague.

The way the society views virgin males is pretty horrible and this movie doesnt help at all. This movie insults men who spend their everyday being depressed, cynical, bitter and suicidal.


"In America we need..."

This is the internet. Why are you ONLY concerned about 'America'? Do you mean SOUTH America or NORTH America?

Do you include Canada in that 'need'?

Why even make this geographical? Isn't a need like this a HUMAN need, and thus, Universal?

But sure, be 'America'-centric, if you can't discuss things from any better and more global perspective. Do you honestly think 'America' is a good word to describe USA (which you probably meant)? Do you honestly think this need does NOT extend beyond that, let's face it, SMALL fraction of this planet?

I am only trying to wake you up to your programming.. you CAN start thinking in more Universal or global terms. Europe exists, Australia exists, UK exists, Asia exists... but sure, BE only concerned about 'America', although EVERYONE in the world (except some dictatorial areas' people) can read your comment and respond to it, because internet doesn't ONLY exist in USA, but it exists ALL OVER THE WORLD.
