MovieChat Forums > Mortal Kombat (2021) Discussion > Disgusting... turning Liu Kang gay...

Disgusting... turning Liu Kang gay...

WTF was that?

He's born into the gutter as an orphan who becomes a child prostitute and unlocks his power after killing his pimp?!?! WTF?!

Absolutely disgusting.

And to top it all off:

1: They race-swap Mileena for no apparent reason and the actress they got was neither a good martial artist nor notable in the role. It was literally blackwashing a character to be woke and it made the character worse for it.

2: They race-swapped Raiden with a guy who could barely speak English, and sleepwalked through his role with ZERO conviction. Christopher Lambert has never been a good actor but he played Raiden with convincing charm in the 1995 film. This guy -- when you could understand him -- made no sense with his character portrayal and was 100% forgettable.

3: Reiko in the game is an awesome and formidable character with an interesting story, but here he's a yelling big man played by what looks like Nathan Jones.

4: Sonya giving the exposition about Mortal Kombat and introducing the insufferable cole to the tournament made ZERO sense.

5: Turning Liu Kang gay was disgusting.

6: Kano was the only actor in the film with charisma (and it's sad that I was actually rooting for him to win against Sonya, that's how insufferable the "good guys" were).

7: Cole's wife fighting Goro and then trying to run him over with the truck was the most feminist bullcrap I've ever seen in a movie in recent times. I nearly eye-rolled so hard I could feel my head tilting.

8: All the Scorpion stuff was fascinating, well-filmed, decently written, and choreographed but it was too little too late. The entire movie should have been themed around Scorpion; Sanada also played him well. During the first ten minutes all I could think was "This would be an awesome movie if they just focused on Hanzo turning into Scorpion and coming back to get revenge against Sub-Zero", but no we get that awful garbage with Cole and his family.

9: I hope Cole dies in the sequel so they don't add him to any future games.

10: Everyone who said the 1995 film was better was right.


The suspected white supremacist OP has still failed to explain the logic of how the Kitana/Mileena "race swap" is all of a sudden a problem for him when Kitana/Mileena has literally been "race swapped" in pretty much every subsequent portrayal. Swapping between European, Taíno, & Asian etc. actresses/models for nearly 30 years was fine but it's now suddenly a problem worth throwing a hissy fit over when this historically non race specific character happens to be portrayed by an actress who happens to be black? What possible justification is there to explain such blatant inconsistency that isn't just incoherent "because I said so" white supremacist shithead logic as an excuse to whine about black people?


Swapping between European, Taíno, & Asian etc. actresses/models for nearly 30 years was fine

They defined Kitana/Mileena as Edenian, and had actresses/models/martial artists who portrayed them with a consistent look since Mortal Kombat II.

Even if the actresses or models ethnicity changed they still LOOKED exactly how Kitana/Mileena had been portrayed for the last 30 years.

Mileena from Mortal Kombat 3:

Mileena from Mortal Kombat 9:

Mileena from Mortal Kombat 11:

They deliberately cast a black actress who looks NOTHING like Mileena.

Worse yet, you have no argument or justification for the casting since the actress brought nothing significant to the role: she neither looked the part, didn't act the part, and was neither acrobatic nor skilled enough as a martial artist to justify the change.

The sad reality is that you have no justification for the change, other than to support Left-wing racism. That's literally it.


Your logic is absolute dog shit and all over the place. Make up your mind. Is the problem that they got Kitana/Mileena's "style" wrong or that in your mind Mileena can't be portrayed by an actress who happens to be black simply because white supremacist shithead logic?

Kitana performer Katalin Zamiar(MK2) looked nothing like Talisa Soto(MK 95 FILM), who looked nothing like Audie England (MK Conquest), who literally looks less like Kaprice Imperial (MK11) than the current Mileena/Kitana actress you're whining about on the sole basis of her being black.

No doubt you'll just keep regurgitating the same nonsensical talking points on this so I'll leave you to that. I've wasted enough time on this


Your logic is absolute dog shit and all over the place. Make up your mind. Is the problem that they got Kitana/Mileena's "style" wrong or that in your mind Mileena can't be portrayed by an actress who happens to be black simply because white supremacist shithead logic?

The logic literally never changed. For 30+ years Kitana/Mileena's fictional Edenian race have been portrayed as Mediterranean/Polynesian/Middle-East-types, and every model and actress they hired beforehand to portray them matched that description.

Simple logic really.

Mileena can't be portrayed by an actress who happens to be black simply because white supremacist shithead logic?

Because the character has never been and was never supposed to be black, it's as simple as that. Otherwise you would be okay Shang-Chi being played by a non-Asian.

Kitana performer Katalin Zamiar(MK2) looked nothing like Talisa Soto(MK 95 FILM), who looked nothing like Audie England (MK Conquest), who literally looks less like Kaprice Imperial (MK11) than the current Mileena/Kitana actress you're whining about on the sole basis of her being black.

Thanks for proving my point that ALL of them are NON-black and fit in with Kitana's exotic look, with the exception of Kaprice Imperial who was a diversity-hire to make Kitana look more "Asian" according to racist Left-wingers.

And this chick they got to play Mileena not only looks nothing like her game counterpart but nothing like the way the Edenians have been portrayed for over 30 YEARS!

You keep skipping over that part because your point falls flat once it's made clear that the Edenians have always looked Mediterranean/Polynesian/Mid-East. You can't address that point because your argument falls apart thereafter, and even more-so when questioned as to WHY Mileena had to be race-swapped to black for an actress who was neither talented, memorable, nor skilled in anyway to portray the character.






lol so it's agreed that the 1995 film was better than the reboot.




I'm not entirely sure that he is gay - no gay kisses/sex/etc. If they did make him gay though, it would have been totally appropriate as part of the new woke reboot/remake trend.


I'm not entirely sure that he is gay - no gay kisses/sex/etc.

That's how they introduced another gay character in the game; no kisses, no sex, no awful romance dialogue, he just alludes to what his "heart" desiring not aligning with the values of the temple. Technically, Kung Jin's reveal is less overt in Mortal Kombat X than Liu Kang's mannerisms, dialogue, and inflections toward Kung Lao in the Mortal Kombat movie.

As most people noted, if they didn't add that woke line in the game about Kung Jin you would never know. But Liu Kang in this reboot did everything to out himself but lock lips with another male co-star.

I haven't seen a performance that effeminate in a mainstream movie in a long time.


I gotta say, there was nothing in the movie to suggest he was gay. You are pulling things out of thin air. Then again you seem to think if a guy is friends with and really cares about another guy he is gay. That's stupid. I am a straight guy and have guy friends I hang out with and care about. But you would insist I am gay for caring about other guys.

You think that straight guys should only care about and hang out with women and that is truly stupid.


Did you watch the film, ace?

There was A LOT to suggest he was gay, in fact... everything. All his mannerisms were effeminate. The makeup artists made him look as girly as possible. They hired the most svelte Asian guy they could find. He was smaller than Sonya for crying out loud!

Physicality aside, they had him move and act as if he were a geisha, especially with the way he touched the other males and was very flowing and delicate with his movements. Again, this wouldn't be an issue if he were a Tai Chi master, but that's not Liu Kang's style. He's always been fast and hard hitting like Bruce Lee.

But then to really add to the gayness is that they had his backstory retconned into being a child prostitute, possibly as a way to explain his feminine mannerisms.

But they topped it off with him nearly bursting into tears as he lamented that he and Kung Lao were supposed to "die together". WTF? It's one thing to say "I would give my life for Kung Lao!" but that's some teenage girl crap saying that they were supposed to die together.

Soldiers constantly say they would die for one another, but they don't have some love-tied motto where they say they're supposed to die together.

THAT is what makes his portrayal gay. ALL of the above.

If you have some gay feelings for your bros (even though nothing in my comment even suggested that) then that's something you have to work out for yourself, ace.


What is your deal with race swapping? Unless it is pivotal to the character it should not make a difference. We had this same debate about Catwoman. Changing Mulan's race would be a big deal because her race is an essential part of her character. Selina Kyle's ethnicity is not essential to her character therefore it is not a big deal. You have in your head how these characters are supposed to look and anything that deviates from that is unacceptable in your eyes. I agree this movie sucks but this is not a reason as to why. It sucks because the script is awful and the fights were mediocre at best.


Changing Mulan's race would be a big deal because her race is an essential part of her character

Based on your excuses and prevarication, no her race is not important.

You couldn't even begin to justify why Mulan has to be Asian but why Mileena (who has been Asian-equivalent for 30 years) should be black. Every excuse you use for Mulan can be applied to Mileena.

No go ahead and try and watch as your argument falls apart.


Oh yes it is quite easy to do so. Where does Mulan live? It is based in China with Chinese culture and it showcases how China's mindset was back when women could not fight in wars. This is essential to her character. Mileena is based off of a video game character. Mulan is based on an ancient Chinese folk story. What has more of a story? If you made Mulan a different race or did not base it in China you would completely lose her character's motives and what she is. Mileena is Tarkatan. Tell me by changing her race what essential things do you lose? You had this same excuse for Selina Kyle. You get mad that these characters don't maintain their original appearance upon when they are made. Barbara Gordon won't have red hair! How will she ever be batgirl? Things like motive, performance and writing mean nothing we need that red hair man!


Oh yes it is quite easy to do so. Where does Mulan live? It is based in China with Chinese culture and it showcases how China's mindset was back when women could not fight in wars.

Mileena is from Edenia, an Asian-equivalent region where the people look of Mediterranean/Asian descent and culture.

This is essential to her character.

Being Edenian is essential to Mileena's character, too, since she's a clone of Kitana, who is the princess of Edenia, a Mediterranean/Asian-equivalent region.

Mileena is based off of a video game character. Mulan is based on an ancient Chinese folk story.

Both are depicted in fictional works. Mulan's story isn't a biography, but a fantasy-fiction based on Chinese folklore, just like Mileena is based on fantasy martial arts themed from Chinese kung-fu films of the 1970s.

If you made Mulan a different race or did not base it in China you would completely lose her character's motives and what she is.

Nope. She could have been adopted and been white, and still live under the oppression of China's views on women.

Tell me by changing her race what essential things do you lose?

Same thing you lose or don't lose with Mulan. Mulan, in fact, could be black -- adopted by a Chinese family after her boat shipwrecked in China. Growing up in the same conditions as the Chinese Mulan, black Mulan would have the same motivations (i.e., to help save her people and family) and setbacks (i.e., Sexism, doubt, lack of support from her family), only her skin color would change. Right?


Nope then how do you explain Jade? This contradicts your statement. I knew you would attempt to go there. So explain?

No what is essential to Mileena is that she is a clone of Kitana. Them being Edenian simply means they are from Edenia. Jade is Edenian as well as I stated earlier. All that matters is that her and Kitana are from the same place and have that clone connection.

Both are depicted in fictional works but in the end it hammers in that Mulan is from a Chinese family. Not the case for Mileena.

Also I added that if you did not base it in China. Nice attempt at nit picking my statement. Yep you could have her be adopted. It still does not change the fact that she needs to be in China raised by a Chinese family or a family from China living there.

Yep I have no issue with that so long as her Chinese heritage of her family remains in tact. Thought I would fall into your bait huh? Sorry it is no good here buddy. Also way to side step my points about Selina Kyle and Barbara Gordon. Knew you could not refute that didn't you?


Nope then how do you explain Jade? This contradicts your statement. I knew you would attempt to go there. So explain?

Jade and Tonya are/were servants, with the former having frequented Outworld. It's literally the equivalent of an Ethiopian serving as a top warrior in a Greek army, which isn't far fetched at all given the proximity of their locations and the travel routes that connected them through Egypt.

No what is essential to Mileena is that she is a clone of Kitana. Them being Edenian simply means they are from Edenia.

And Edenia, as has been established by 30 years of lore, has always portrayed itself as a mixture of Mediterranean and Asian cultures. This was explicitly highlighted in the lore throughout Tavon's story mode in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. From the architecture and culture, to the fighting styles and color grade of the people.

Both are depicted in fictional works but in the end it hammers in that Mulan is Chinese. Not the case for Mileena.

Wrong, both hammer in that they're from their respective cultures, and we've already established Mileena is from Edenia and should be depicted as such. If you agree that Mulan should be depicted as Chinese, then you also agree Mileena should be depicted as Edenian, correct?

Yep you could have her be adopted. It still does not change the fact that she needs to be in China raised by a Chinese family.

Sure, but that proves my argument: Mileena was from Edenia but was turned black, therefore Mulan could still be raised in China but also be turned black via adoption.

Yep I have no issue with that so long as her Chinese heritage of her family remains in tact. Thought I would fall into your bait huh? Sorry it is no good here buddy.

But you proved my point: that you defended Mulan being Chinese but in the end had to concede she could be black and still be raised in China.


The point is being Edenian does not mean you have to be a specific race. You realize white stunt women portrayed these characters when they were originally conceived? In their first appearance in the games. So which race is acceptable asian or white?

First of all Mortal Kombat Armageddon was a trash game! Just because it is part of some of the lore does not mean it is good, nor does it mean it is essential. The lore has been around a while and some things change over time. Many characters story or depiction changes as time goes on. Armageddon is by no means considered the definitve story for Mortal Kombat. In fact most agree it was one of the worst games. Who decides what lore stays and what goes? You?

Mulan needs to be from China. Chinese culture Mileena's culture is not as essential. Tell me if Kitana and Mileena were still clones under Shao Kahn but were both black but had the characters exact motivations and character arcs would that be an issue?

It halfway gets your point. Thing is Mulan's culture is essential Mileena's is not.

No I did not. You think that Mileena in order to be considered Edenian needs to be asian and no she does not. Also address my point about Selina Kyle and Barbara Gordon.


The point is being Edenian does not mean you have to be a specific race. You realize white stunt women portrayed these characters when they were originally conceived? In their first appearance in the games. So which race is acceptable asian or white?

I explicitly said Mediterranean/Asian. Have you seen how those people look? They've been consistently portrayed as that way for years, which is why someone of mixed race like Talisa Soto was perfect for Kitana.

Who decides what lore stays and what goes? You?

LOL... the creators? Besides, it was Tavon's story in Armageddon that changed the events of the multi-verse, leading to a drastic unforeseen outcome for the tournament that took place in Mortal Kombat 9, which led to the events of Mortal Kombat X and 11. So yes, Armageddon's lore is canon.

Mulan needs to be from China. Chinese culture Mileena's culture is not as essential.

Then no fictional character's culture is essential. Mulan doesn't have to be from China, as you admitted to in your previous post. You're essentially saying that some characters can be butchered and altered and others can't for... reasons.

Either everyone is fair game or no one is. You can't pick and choose based on your own ideologically driven sensibilities.

Tell me if Kitana and Mileena were still clones under Shao Kahn but were both black but had the characters exact motivations and character arcs would that be an issue?

If that's how they were designed from the start, like Jax, then it wouldn't be a problem. But that's now how they were designed were they?

In fact, you could make an argument that Jax could have been played by a white guy in the movie because his race doesn't matter. Would you agree?


Do you know the ethnicity of Sisi Stringer? What if is she has Asian in her? Second yes I do know how they look.

Lol I am glad you said that. So since the creator's word is law that means none of these characters have gone through any change since their first depiction right? The characters are exactly the same as they were in the first game correct? Story, look and everything right? Just like how comic book characters always remain the same upon their first depiction correct?

No I am saying that if it is not essential to their character arc it can be changed. Selina Kyle does not have to be a white person all the time. What is Selina Kyle? She is an antihero that is morally gray and is an obstacle for Batman to overcome. She is supposed to be sexy, confident, physical ability and a thief of some kind. Changing her race or where she is from changes none of that. Same goes for Barbara Gordon. This is a point you abandoned because you know I am right.

Then why do you have no issue with Raiden being white in the 1995 film?

So then you are saying that no character has gone through a change of any kind in any media upon their first outing and been successful? Be careful you might contradict yourself here.

I have no issue with swapping Jax's race, again not essential to his character.


Do you know the ethnicity of Sisi Stringer? What if is she has Asian in her? Second yes I do know how they look.

Sisi Stringer looks neither Mediterranean nor Asian, and worse still she wasn't athletic nor showcased any martial arts ability in the role. She did Mileena a disservice as a character from looks to acting to fighting. There was nothing redeemable about her performance.

none of these characters have gone through any change since their first depiction right?

They have gone through changes, but most weren't needlessly race-swapped or gender-swapped. Their lore has stayed mostly consistent (within the timeline of the games) for the last 30 years.

It's important to respect legacies, even fictional ones. Otherwise nothing means anything and everything can mean anything (which is a Leftist belief and the reason why they don't mind rewriting history and destroying legacies).

Changing her race or where she is from changes none of that. Same goes for Barbara Gordon. This is a point you abandoned because you know I am right.

Actually it does change a lot; it changes how a character was brought up, how they view their own self in a society where racial politics can help/hinder the shape of their upbringing and character, as well as their self-worth. These are all character building traits that are built upon story tropes to develop character arcs, without them you no longer have a character.

Then why do you have no issue with Raiden being white in the 1995 film?

Because he was never NOT white. He simply was. Only Racists and SJWs wanted him to be Asian, and the guy they got to play him couldn't even speak English clearly enough for me to understand what he was saying, thus ruining Raiden's depiction. In short, he was no longer Raiden, just some random Asian guy who could use lightning and barely speak English.


Sisi Stringer looks neither Mediterranean nor Asian, and worse still she wasn't athletic nor showcased any martial arts ability in the role. She did Mileena a disservice as a character from looks to acting to fighting. There was nothing redeemable about her performance.

So you do not even know what ethnicity she is. You only know how she looks as I thought. This has more to do with the script and the directing than her fighting or physical ability. How many lines her character have 3? How would a different actress have done any better with such a limited role? An Asian actress would have made no difference in this film. Joe Taslim is a very talented martial artist watch The Raid, or the night comes for us. In this he was not bad but nowhere close to what he is capable of doing onscreen. Hollywood directors can mess up even a talented martial artist because they edit the fights and rush production. This is not her fault. I agree the character was poor but she was not the issue.

You just said most, which shows some were changed. Wonder Woman was portrayed by a white woman constantly before Gal Gadot even though she is from themyscira. Did you have an issue with this? You remember Lynda Carter right?

There is nothing concrete that says Selina Kyle has to be from a specific place. So no it changes nothing as long as you get the essentials of the character down. She needs to exist in Gotham and maintain the qualities I stated. So does only a specific place shape people to think like Selina Kyle? I am pretty sure many places can shape characters like her.

You could not be more wrong here. Raiden is based on the Japanese thunder God Raijin. Heavily inspired by a character in Big Trouble in Little China. So nope wrong. I agree he was not good but are you honestly telling me Lambert's over the top cringe performance was good? Raiden is supposed to be regal Lambert was not.


How would a different actress have done any better with such a limited role? An Asian actress would have made no difference in this film.

First off, LOOKING like Mileena does a lot in bringing goodwill to a character's portrayal. Joe Taslim was horribly misused in the film but at least he LOOKED like Sub-Zero and ACTED like Sub-Zero. What little fighting he did do looked legit and the way many people expected Sub-Zero to look and fight.

This is not her fault. I agree the character was poor but she was not the issue.

Yes she is, because if she doesn't look like, nor fight like, nor act like Mileena then it's not Mileena. A better actress/martial artist would have suggested ways to improve her on-screen presence. For instant the guy who played Kung Lao -- despite his limited screen time -- looked like, acted like, and fought like Kung Lao. THAT was a proper depiction of the character despite also being misused.

Do you understand now?

Wonder Woman was portrayed by a white woman constantly before Gal Gadot even though she is from themyscira. Did you have an issue with this? You remember Lynda Carter right?

Both Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter look the way Wonder Woman has been portrayed over half a century in popular media, though. And both look like exotic super heroes that come from the comic book pages, it doesn't matter what their ethnicity is if it at least matches how the character has been portrayed. If Stringer at least LOOKED like Mileena and was thin and attractive, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

So nope wrong. I agree he was not good but are you honestly telling me Lambert's over the top cringe performance was good? Raiden is supposed to be regal Lambert was not.

Lambert wasn't great but hey, at least I could understand his English! Even you have to agree that the new guy is neither regal nor could he enunciate the few lines he was given.


I would rather have the character embody the character's characteristics than look like them. Is looking like them a bonus? Yes and is it ideal to have both yes but I prefer the former. Michael Keaton looks nothing like his comic book counterpart, nor does Hugh Jackman or James McAvoy. However they are praised for their performances because they nail the essentials.

Again if you changed the character's actress nothing would change the script. The director, chorographer, editor and choreographer is what determines if the fights will turn out good or not. Yep Kung Lao looked like Kung Lao but was he a compelling character? Nope! Did he have good fights? Nope! Mileena's design is also not up to the actress it is up the director and producers. So no I do not understand. The typical Wonder Woman look was a white woman with blue eyes which really makes no sense because of where Wonder Woman is from. Gal Gadot is now considered the definitive version.

You contradicted yourself. So is appearance all that matters then? I thought race mattered to you now you are claiming it is all about appearance. I think she was attractive so that is a subjective claim you made. She was thin and attractive.

The guy was not a good Raiden but you contradicted yourself again. Raiden was based off of a Japanese Thunder God Raijin. So no Raiden was not intended to be white yet you said nothing.


I would rather have the character embody the character's characteristics than look like them.

Except the actress cast as Mileena embodied NOTHING of Mileena's characteristics. In fact, if she didn't have the CGI mouth, you never would have known who she was supposed to be. Was she a sexy femme fatale with a cannibalistic side? No. Did she have a beauty complex? No. Was she an agile and deadly ninja? No. Was she alluring and used her charms to get what she wanted? No.

However they are praised for their performances because they nail the essentials.

You further proved my point, NOTHING about the actress embodied Mileena's characteristics, and to top it off she didn't even look like Mileena.

Mileena's design is also not up to the actress it is up the director and producers. So no I do not understand

Actresses do get a say so in their wardrobe. The John Carter actress even requested her outfit be made more sexy. If the actress was serious about depicting Mileena (which she wasn't) she could have made suggestions or taken liberties with her portrayal, like the Kano actor did.

Gal Gadot is now considered the definitive version.

Not really definitive, but people accept her because she's very feminine, charming, beautiful, looks good in the costume, and has a very nurturing presence to her performance.

You contradicted yourself. So is appearance all that matters then? I thought race mattered to you now you are claiming it is all about appearance.

Her race affected her appearance. As I said, she looked nothing like Mileena.

So no Raiden was not intended to be white yet you said nothing.

In the original game he was played by a white guy. He was INSPIRED by Japanese mythology, it was never stated in the lore that he was Asian... EVER.


How can she embody what you are saying with that limited of a role? Changing the actress would not change the script to this film. She showed up and did what was instructed with what she was given. All of what you said is an issue with the script and or film makers not her. Her appearance being off could work if she had Mileena's characteristics to work with. She did not. Mileena licking the sai was a characteristic reminiscent of Mileena.

No actually I did not. Keaton, Jackman as well as McAvoy were all given these characteristics to work with. They were given a great script all they have to do is perform it well. Had she been given a good script and failed miserably to perform it you would have a point. So no it actually weakens your point. Appearance matters least the performance and writing are first.

Nope there are exceptions to the rule. Some actors are given more creative freedom than others are. She is a new actress who hardly has done anything else. I highly doubt the studio would have given her a creative say in her wardrobe. The costume designer and the director get the final say. Sometimes they get a say but in a lot of cases they do not.

She is definitive. She looks good is her acting all that great? Not really but she has charisma and is a different more logical pick for Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman being ethnic makes more sense considering where she is from.

Jackman, Keaton and McAvoy look nothing like their counterparts.

In the original game Kitana and Mileena are played by white women. Yet you moan and groan about them needing to be Asian. Raiden being played by a white man does not mean he is not meant to be Japanese.


How can she embody what you are saying with that limited of a role? Changing the actress would not change the script to this film.

How she moved. Her hair. Her vocal intonation. Her mannerisms. ALL of those are on the actress.

Again, even with a limited script Kung lao still LOOKED and ACTED like Kung Lao. The Mileena actress did not.

Mileena licking the sai was a characteristic reminiscent of Mileena.

That's literally all you could come up with? Really think about that in relation to EVERYTHING else that defines Mileena. Licking a sai is so far removed from everything else that defines her.

Appearance matters least the performance and writing are first.

If that were true then they could have cast anyone in the Rocky movies to play as his villains. But even then you're wrong because Stallone knew that in order for Rocky IV to have the impact it could have he needed someone with a very specific kind of appearance, which is specifically why he cast Dolph Lundren.

Mileena is as much about character as her appearance, the same way that Superman is defined by his red and blue suit and raven-black S-curl. If you cast a black guy with an afro to play Superman, EVERYONE will care and not see that movie no matter how good that guy's performance is.

Sometimes they get a say but in a lot of cases they do not.

The fact she made no mention of even suggesting Mileena's iconic outfits lets you know she didn't even care.

Wonder Woman being ethnic makes more sense considering where she is from.

No it doesn't. What matters is if she looks like her comic portrayals and in most cases Gal Gadot (minus the blue eyes) looks like her comic incarnation. You're WAAY off here.

In the original game Kitana and Mileena are played by white women. Yet you moan and groan about them needing to be Asian.



Also, every reason you keep naming about Jackman, Keaton, McAvoy not looking comic accurate is extremely minor and superficial, or ignorable.

Jackman, for instance DOES look like Wolverine, minus his height.

Keaton did embody Batman's basic traits, other than his height.

McAvoy wasn't an awful Professor Xavier, but he was supposed to be playing a younger version of Patrick Stewart who is for all intents and purposes the DEFINITIVE live-actoin Professor X.

The chick they got to play Mileena was short, had wide hips, couldn't fight, couldn't act, didn't look like Mileena, and embodied NONE of her traits.

A better script only would have highlighted how miscast she was. In all your other examples those actors actually did embody the traits of the characters they portrayed.


I'd say that race swapping would be less of an issue if they picked the right actors for the roles but MORON 1st TIME DIRECTOR APPROVED THESE.
In the grand sceme of things Mileena was a wasted character and her presence without Kitana is hard to justify - a.k.a BAD WRITERS NEED TO GET FIRED.
ARCANAs gave Jax his robot arms - OH BOOIIIIIIIIIIIII.
Liu Kang actor is VEGAN irl - SOYBOI confirmed. Even tho he is 5'9, compared to everyone he looked like a 5'4 manlet. Literally smallest and shortest dude on the screen. Puffing up his lips and looking straight into Cole's eyes like he about to kiss him. Awkwaaaaaaaaaard.



Thank you, someone with common sense.

You're absolutely right about all of this. If they cast someone black who at least LOOKED Mediterranean/Asian or like the original characters it wouldn't be an issue. If she at least embodied the gait, characteristics or mannerisms, that would have been considered as well, but this chick was literally a race-swap and nothing else.

Also, you're right that Mileena without Kitana makes no sense, and not only that, but nothing about her character in the film (other than her CGI mouth) resembled Mileena in any way.

And I didn't know the Liu Kang actor was a vegan! It all makes sense now why he looks and acts so gay.

And he certainly didn't look 5'9 on screen. He, for some reason, looked like such a twig compared to everybody else. It didn't help that he was constantly gesticulating like a geisha every time he talked, it made it look like he was a kung-fu ballerina or something.


No you are the one who says it is a must for them to look like their counterpart. The reason people don't care with about ones I listed is because the performance and characteristics are there. If there was an actress that embodied all of Barbara Gordon's characteristics no one would care if she was white with red hair. Only people who are shallow and hung up on a stupid minor thing would care. The vast majority would not. You don't refute this cause you know you are wrong.

Jackman does not have the yellow suit either.

It isn't just Keaton's height that's off his physique does not resemble Batman either. Bale completely dominated him in fitting the comic book counterpart yet some people still prefer Keaton. This shows it doesn't matter.

McAvoy was playing a young professor x but in the end he looks nothing like him, yet his performance as him is still liked.

We didn't see enough of her to see if she could act or fight. As I said I don't care if the look is there if that was the case I wouldn't like Keaton. I care about performance and writing.

No way of knowing that is your theory and it is hypothetical. I think it possibly could have given her more to work with and shine a lot more. Yep they did but as I stated earlier were they given good scripts? They were and she was not given a good script. Your lack of logic is dismissed.


No you are the one who says it is a must for them to look like their counterpart. The reason people don't care with about ones I listed is because the performance and characteristics are there.

And they LOOK like their counterparts.

People still complained about Michael Keaton, though, saying he was balding and too short to be Bruce Wayne. I thought he was fine for the most part, but people DO care about appearances, and it's a large reason why so many people at least felt Christian Bale LOOKED and embodied Batman's traits.

Only people who are shallow and hung up on a stupid minor thing would care. The vast majority would not. You don't refute this cause you know you are wrong.

Then it's not Barbara Gordon. See how that works? Characters have traits for a reason. Once you disembody those traits from the character (including their appearance) then it's no longer that character, only in name.

Sort of like casting John Wayne as Genghis Khan.

Jackman does not have the yellow suit either.

So what? He still wore Wolverine's iconic clothes, had his hair, his beard, and even smoked a stogie. Jackman worked VERY hard to embody as much as the comic book character as possible, which is why fans loved him in the role.

Bale completely dominated him in fitting the comic book counterpart yet some people still prefer Keaton. This shows it doesn't matter.

See my comment above.

We didn't see enough of her to see if she could act or fight. As I said I don't care if the look is there if that was the case I wouldn't like Keaton. I care about performance and writing.

She had TWO fight scenes, which proves my point. She couldn't act, nor fight.


No Keaton or McAvoy do not look like their counterparts.

People are going to find something to complain about no matter what you do. Appearance is not the end all be all if it were no one would accept Keaton as Batman. Many prefer him over Bale even though Bale fits the appearance much more to his comic book counterpart.

Then Keaton is not Batman. You do not get to have it both ways bud. I literally asked if you she had all the characteristics of Barbara Gordon but she did not have red hair would it be her? You say nope that is not Barbara Gordon. Yet it is okay for Keaton to be balding, be short and have a tiny physique. So then Keaton is only Bruce in name then correct?

The suit is a big complaint people had and the fact that he was too tall.

Two fight scenes which lasted how long? None of the fights in the film were good. Even the ones from trained vets like Joe Taslim. Joe Taslim had several fight scenes and they were also longer. Mileena had how many fight scenes and how long were they? So no it does not prove your point. You fail to see that film is a collaborative effort.


Then Keaton is not Batman. You do not get to have it both ways bud.

Yes he is. All you could mention was that Keaton wasn't as tall or built as comic Batman, but he captures every other trait.

That's a HUGE far cry from the Mileena actress not being as tall, not as thin, not as attractive, not as fit, not having a voice, not having an appearance, and not being able to fight like Mileena. She embodies NOTHING of Mileena's characteristics, yet you seem to ignore this.

Yet it is okay for Keaton to be balding, be short and have a tiny physique. So then Keaton is only Bruce in name then correct?

Barbara not having red hair, not being white, not being a preppy athletic college girl, and not having a nose for adventure while retaining her innocence would not make her Barbara. Keaton lacked mostly two things (hair styling and physique), but But he was still white, suave, menacing when he had to be, and had dark hair.

Barbara was never black, so that's an important trait ruined right there.

You fail to see that film is a collaborative effort.

No, you keep pushing the goal posts. SHE, as an actress, never collaborated to bring any of Mileena's traits to the film. She didn't look like, fight like, nor act like Mileena.

You say this was the writer/director's fault, and that race-swapping is okay if the performance is good, but you admit her performance wasn't good nor memorable. So what was the point of the race swap?

All it did was disservice the character and her legacy, with ZERO benefit. Casting someone who actually LOOKED or ACTED the way Mileena did for the last 30 years would have helped a lot, even with a bad script. She was neither sexy, nor alluring, nor wore Mileena's outfit, nor suggested to wear Mileena's outfit. As admitted Kung Lao at least LOOKED and ACTED like his game counterpart, even with a bad script.

So what was the point of the race swap with zero benefit?


Nope. Remember I asked you if Barbara Gordon captured every trait except that she didn't have red hair, you said then it's not Barbara Gordon. If that is the case I'm able to disqualify Keaton because of his height and physique. He is not Batman.

Attractive is your subjective opinion, her not having much of a voice is a fault of the writers and directors. Also again none of the fights in this film were good. Watch Mission Impossible fallout. That movie has better fight scenes than anything in Mortal Kombat did. It makes Cruise look like a better fighter than Joe Taslim if you simply look at Mortal Kombat. We both Know Cruise is nowhere near the fighter Taslim is.

Red hair and white are not essential to Barbara Gordon. She can still be preppy athletic, have a nose for adventure and be in college while being ethnic. Keaton lacked hair styling and physique. So the ethnic actress lacks race and hair color, similar deal. Gal Gadot is not white nor does she have blue eyes. Guess she isn't Wonder Woman. Or was it that Wonder Woman wasn't supposed to be white to begin with? Considering where she is from?

Bruce was never short nor had Keaton's hair style or physique so that's an important trait ruined right there.

Nope in calling out your stupidity and hypocrisy. Keaton didn't look like Batman. He just had the luxury of a good script he could work off of. She didn't have a good script to work off of and none of the fights In this movie were memorable or good as I said. So I guess that means Taslim is a poor martial artist and Cruise would have played sub zero better.

I said she had nothing to work with. If the actress had been swapped nothing would have changed. Even if she looked like her it would still be a hollow role. Ben Affleck looks more like Batman's comic book counterpart then Keaton does, and his physique is way closer to his comic book counterpart.. Who do people like more as Batman? Keaton because Affleck had awful scripts and honestly isn't as charismatic as an actor.

No it wouldn't have helped. Bvs is a dumpster fire. It didn't matter that Affleck looked like Batman and had good physique the movie sucked. It would have been the same here.


Nope. Remember I asked you if Barbara Gordon captured every trait except that she didn't have red hair, you said then it's not Barbara Gordon. If that is the case I'm able to disqualify Keaton because of his height and physique. He is not Batman.

Nah, I said if she didn't fit the traits she's been KNOWN for, which included red hair, athletic abilities, college kid, spunky, innocent, but with a nose for adventure. Those have been her traits for decades. Keaton only didn't embody the physique of Batman at the worst, but captured every other element.

It would be the equivalent of Barbara maybe not being as athletic or in college, which are forgivable but not deal breakers, much like Keaton's lack of a physique.

Attractive is your subjective opinion, her not having much of a voice is a fault of the writers and directors.

Nah, it's a fact since she looks nothing like Mileena as she's been portrayed for 30+ years. Mileena isn't short with wide hips and stubby arms.

So the ethnic actress lacks race and hair color, similar deal.

Nah, if she's ethnic, looks ethnic and acts ethnic, then it's a deal breaker.

Gal Gadot is not white nor does she have blue eyes. Guess she isn't Wonder Woman.

She looks white, just lacks blue eyes.

It didn't matter that Affleck looked like Batman and had good physique the movie sucked. It would have been the same here.

Ben Affleck sucked as Batman, yes. BvS sucked as a movie yes. However, people DO praise Affleck for having Batman's physique and for Batman being properly represented in the fight scenes. Almost everyone agrees the way Batman looked and fought was comic accurate. So yes, appearances DO matter when it comes to respecting a character and fans respecting that character.


Her appearance is having red hair but as I said before the writing and character's motivations matter more than appearance. The modern Spider-man films, Homecoming and Far From Home have both critical acclaim and acclaim by users. I am not the biggest fan but as you have seen Mary Jane on those is not white nor does she have red hair. Both films make plenty of money and win over audiences and critics apparently it does not bother them as much as you think. Keaton not only is short he was balding and did not have the physique.

Her looking attractive has nothing to do with her looking like Mileena. Many people consider Zendaya beautiful yet she looks nothing like her comic book counterpart. So no her being unattractive to you is subjective.

What do you mean acting ethnic? How do you act ethnic? If she is ethnic who says she can't be athletic, adventurous, in college and be preppy? Careful now you might make yourself look a certain way.

Gal Gadot looks white? LMAO! Yeah now I know you have lost the debate. No right off the bat people could tell she was ethnic and not white. First just by looking at her is a dead giveaway. That would be like someone saying Taliso Soto looks white. Epic fail here man.

People praising the fight scenes are failing to realize that the fights were all do to the directing and editing team. His arms were cgi and cape was added later in post production. Cgi and post production work is what aided in those fight scenes. Burton or Nolan did not use cgi work to help their fights. Anyway you made my point for me. Affleck has the appearance and physique, but it did not save the film. Keaton is considered a better portrayal despite Affleck looking far more like his comic book counterpart. Proof that the the writing and performance matter more. Thanks for that.


s. I am not the biggest fan but as you have seen Mary Jane on those is not white nor does she have red hair. Both films make plenty of money and win over audiences and critics apparently it does not bother them as much as you think.

Critics are all SJWs, so of course white-erasure doesn't bother them.

Fans ARE bothered by Zendaya's made-up Michelle character replacing Mary-Jane (she's not Mary Jane) and both me and many fans have complained about that A LOT. So you're absolutely wrong, since Michelle is NOTHING like Mary Jane in any way, since Mary Jane is a model, an extrovert, and a people person, the complete opposite of Michelle.

Her looking attractive has nothing to do with her looking like Mileena.

Yes, because other than her mouth (which she covers for obvious reasons) Mileena is very attractive. This chick playing her IS NOT. She's short with wide hips and completely nonathletic.

Careful now you might make yourself look a certain way.

I don't really care. I don't expect Barbara to act like a ghetto thug or like a nerdy Asian kid. She was made to act and look white. Not being either means it's not Barbara Gordon. Just like Bruce Wayne being turned black, Latino or Asian means it's no longer Bruce Wayne, just a bad imitator.

No right off the bat people could tell she was ethnic and not white.

She is absolutely white passing. She's even whiter/lighter than Chris Pine! Proof:

Proof that the the writing and performance matter more.

No one said they didn't matter, but in Mileena's case she has neither writing, looks, nor performance on her side. So thanks for proving my point about how senseless the blackwashing is.


Apparently people are not bothered enough to stop supporting the product. Both Homecoming and Far From Home grossed a lot of money and both films have good reception from the mass majority. So even if you eliminate critics the point still stands. A movie such as Ghostbusters 2016 not only did it not get good reception by people but it did not do well in the box office. The new Spider-man films contradict your point. Some do have a problem but they are in the minority. Quite Frankly let them complain the rest of us will enjoy the films.

Nope. Whether she is attractive or not is subjective. Is it looking attractive or looking like Mileena? If she was a model that was black and stunning you would say she is not pretty because she does not look like Mileena. That is an ignorant statement. Even had her fights been state of the art and her performance great you would discredit her.

Why does she have to act like a ghetto thug or a nerdy Asian kid simply because she is ethnic? Barbara can be all the things you described outside of appearance while not being white. You made yourself look like a bigot and I am beginning to wonder now if you are one.

No she does not look white. Taliso Soto does not look white either. As I stated before people knew Gal Gadot was not white right off the bat.

Yes you did say they did not matter. You literally said that if Barbara Gordon was ethnic and had all the traits you describe in personality if she was not white with the red hair it would not be her. This shows you care more about her appearance than her character's performance and writing. Keaton beats Affleck by the mass majority. Affleck looks more like the comic book but in the end depth and performance are placed above looks. Substance over flash. Also Keaton was in better films. Bale was in better films also. It is why both of them are considered the better Batman actors. They had better scripts to work with.


Nope. Whether she is attractive or not is subjective. Is it looking attractive or looking like Mileena?

That's objectively wrong. Mileena is physically attractive as part of her character trait, ergo if the woman cast as her is NOT physically attractive it means she does NOT look like or embody one of Mileena's core traits, since Mileena is a femme fatale. The woman cast to play her was NOT a femme fatale.

Both Homecoming and Far From Home grossed a lot of money and both films have good reception from the mass majority.

Adjusted for inflation, and without piggybacking off of a decade's worth of the MCU's hype, Sam Raimi's trilogy still made more money:

Far From Home made: $1,131,831,806

Adjusted for inflation, 2002's Spider-Man made: $1,209,848,226.03

So no, more people did not prefer the new movies over the older ones.

Barbara can be all the things you described outside of appearance while not being white.

Then it's not Barbara.

Simply put, if you want a non-white legacy character to be portrayed on-screen, create one.

Want a Tarkatan ninja-lady? Great. Make one. Don't blackwash Mileena for no reason.

Want a ghetto girl to don a Batman costume? Great, make a new character, don't diminish the legacy of Barbara to push a degenerate agenda.

Just recently they cast a black girl to play Red Sonja, a character whose name is tied to her identity (red fiery hair on a white warrior Nordic woman). Now her name doesn't even make sense with a black woman playing a character purposely made to be a white, red-headed Nordic woman.

If you want a black warrior woman, make a new character, don't destroy the iconography of existing characters.


Mileena is attractive as part of her character trait but you said the actress playing her is not attractive. A woman can be attractive while not looking like Mileena. So I am going to ask again is it her looking attractive or looking attractive while looking like Mileena?

We are not talking about which trilogy made more money if adjusted for inflation. The new Spider-man films made good money and got good reception from users. It was not a Transformers scenario where they make a ton but got slammed by critics and the public. I also never said they preferred them over the old, I said they were successful. Your ignorance is dismissed.

Nope it would be Barbara. You are the odd one out. Sit at home and we will enjoy the film. Just because she is ethnic does not mean she can't embody the character's story, or motivations.

Characters do not remain the same over time sometimes they change. How many complained about Hardy who is white portraying Bane in The Dark Knight Rises? Bane is known to be Latino Hardy is not. Also Hardy looks nothing like the comic book counterpart. So I guess he is not Bane.

Why does she have to be ghetto if ethnic? Is every black person ghetto?

I know nor care about anything Red Sonja so I do not even care to address that. I stick with what I said performance and writing will overtake appearance every day of the week. Hardy as Bane proves this.


A woman can be attractive while not looking like Mileena.

She has to be attractive according to the traits in which we define Mileena as being attractive: slim, svelte, athletic, tall, physically alluring. None of those traits were embodied by the actress. So no, she was not attractive according to the standards for which we rate Mileena as being attractive.

Characters do not remain the same over time sometimes they change.

Then it usually means it's not that character anymore. As stated, if you want to change core traits of a character fine, make a new one. Leave fan-favorites alone.

Bane is known to be Latino Hardy is not.

Who says Hardy's rendition of Bane wasn't part Latino?

Are you being racist against whites who have or are portraying characters with a fraction of ethincity in them?

Hardy as Bane proves this.

Hardy still portrayed an ethnic, Bane, though, as evident by his accent and mannerisms. So he was still channeling core traits from the comic book.


Okay so then appearance matters more than character's story and performance. Keaton was not tall, nor did he have a good physique and was balding. In the end he performed the Batman traits well but it was because again for the millionth time he had a good script. The actress who played Mileena had an utter trash script. Even if you had A spitting image of Mileena it would not have saved this trash film. Kung Lao looked like Lao but where was his character motives? were his fights good no! Even Taslim did not have good fights. Which indicates it is a failure on the film makers part. Mission Impossible Fallout had better fights. Cruise looked like a better fighter than Taslim. That is how you know this movie sucked.

Funny how you abandoned my counter to the Spider-man argument you tried to make. I will accept that as a concession.

Then that means Tom hardy is not Bane.

Looking at him which is what you are big on he is not latino. He was not as tall as Bane nor did he have the venom, he looks nothing like the comic. So he is not Bane then correct?

He looked nothing like him though nothing! Not even close. See you just contradicted yourself again. Gadot not only did not look white she had an accent which clearly showed she was not white. Lynda Carter was white had blue eyes and spoke in a normal American accent. So why is Gadot acceptable? Shouldn't Wonder Woman be white with blue eyes and no accent since this is how she was originally conceived?


Okay so then appearance matters more than character's story and performance.

No, but drastically and purposely changing the character's appearance to piss off fans is a really bad move by the movie makers.

The actress who played Mileena had an utter trash script. Even if you had A spitting image of Mileena it would not have saved this trash film.

No one's denying that. But it was a trash script AND she looked nothing like Mileena. So what was the point of blackwashing a character to be NOTHING in ANYWAY like the character she was supposed to be?

Do you get it now?

Looking at him which is what you are big on he is not latino. He was not as tall as Bane nor did he have the venom, he looks nothing like the comic. So he is not Bane then correct?

He was depicted as physically imposing in the film, which worked. And he had an accent so he could have been part Latino. Not all Latinos are dark-skinned ya know, some like Cameron Diaz, look completely 100% white.

So why is Gadot acceptable? Shouldn't Wonder Woman be white with blue eyes and no accent since this is how she was originally conceived?

She could have an accent since she's from Grecian-society. So that's why Gadot was acceptable. She was just missing the blue eyes.


Seems to not have hurt the modern Spider-man films. Critical acclaim and acclaim by the mass majority.

The actor needs a good script to work with. She did not have that. If she had a good script and delivered good fighting and a solid performance we would not be having this conversation. You are holding her appearance against her simply because of a bad script. You are literally saying the actor who played Lou did better performance wise simply because he looked like the character. Looks and performance are not the same thing.

He still looks nothing like comic book Bane. Not one iota. Yet again to my point no one cares so long as the writing and performance is good. Same would have been the case with the Mileenan actress. If Barbara Gordon was performed well by an ethnic person you can still reach success by critics and the mass majority of people. Again modern Spider-man films prove this.

Remember though Lynda Carter does not. She needs to not only have blue eyes but an American accent as well. No change to that is acceptable.


The actor needs a good script to work with. She did not have that. If she had a good script and delivered good fighting and a solid performance we would not be having this conversation. You are holding her appearance against her simply because of a bad script.

Except the actress couldn't fight, isn't a martial artist, isn't even a model. A good script can't save bad casting, as evident with Jared Leto cast as the Joker.

If Barbara Gordon was performed well by an ethnic person you can still reach success by critics and the mass majority of people.

Nah, most people would reject her. All critics are SJWs so they accept blackwashing and white-erasure.

Majority of people did not accept Zendaya as a replacement for Mary-Jane. They were tolerant of her as Michelle Jones simply because she wasn't Mary-Jane. There's a difference between the two.

Remember though Lynda Carter does not. She needs to not only have blue eyes but an American accent as well. No change to that is acceptable.

Yeah it is because Wonder Woman was never explicitly stated to have an American accent. So Wonder Woman having a foreign accent (so long as it isn't too Asian or African) is fine.


She did not have long enough fight scenes to see if she could fight or not. Also does not matter if she was martial artist or not it would not have helped. Joe Taslim is a martial artist and his fights were still not good. Answer a simple question can Tom Cruise fight?

Nope most people still showed up to see the modern Spider-man films. Even when people thought she was Mary Jane they showed up in droves to see Far From Home. The movie has critical acclaim and acclaim from users. I will put more stock in them than you quite Frankly. Even if you dismiss critics as sjws it does not take away the average person. As it stands the new Spider0man films are liked by both. It is you who is in the minority. Also they are dancing around it but she is the new MJ.

Raiden being white when he is hinted at being japanese never bothered you is what I find funny.


She did not have long enough fight scenes to see if she could fight or not.

She can't fight at all, check her social media pages, she's not a martial artist.

Also does not matter if she was martial artist or not it would not have helped.

Yes because she would at least LOOK physically fit. The girl had a wide bottom, flat arms, and no definition to her body. She wasn't even hot. She had ZERO going for her as Mileena. Nothing.

Tom Cruise fight?

Nope, he needs really good choreography and camerawork to help him. But he can act, something that Mileena actress couldn't do.

Raiden being white when he is hinted at being japanese never bothered you is what I find funny.

His origins are in Japanese mythology but he was ALWAYS depicted as white in the games, movies, and comic books.


Lol you think by checking her social media pages that proves she is not a martial artist? As I said before it would not make a difference, Joe Taslim we know is a good martial artist and his fights sucked.

Also no I disagree. Even the characters who look their parts fights were garbage.

We do not know if she can act. She was not given enough to work with to see. You could have had Meryl Streep in her prime youth and it would not have made this character look any better. She had what 3 lines in the film?

So were Mileena, Scorpion Sub Zero and Kitana. It does not mean they were not meant to be Asian or Polynesian. So no wrong.


It does not mean they were not meant to be Asian or Polynesian.

No, it was clearly stated Sub-Zero was Chinese and Scorpion was Japanese.

Kitana and Mileena were clearly Edenian, and looked like a mix of Asian/Polynesian/Mediterranean. They kept that consistent for multiple decades, just like Raiden was always voiced by and looked like a white guy,.


Yet they were portrayed by white actors in the the original games. Yet I did not hear one peep out of you.

No Raiden was supposed to be Japanese. As I said look who he is based off of. Also do you deny that certain characters change over time? Or do they stay the same forever?


Yet I did not hear one peep out of you.

Because they looked CORRECT. The Mileena actress did not.

No Raiden was supposed to be Japanese.

Nope. He was based on Japanese mythology but he's an elder god, so he was NEVER supposed to be Japanese. Hence why he's always been played by a white guy for 30+ years.


Hardy did not look like Bane. Affleck looked more like Bruce than Keaton yet Keaton is considered more definitive.

Um no he was supposed to be Japanese. I proved this. Scorpion and Sub Zero were played by white guys despite them being Asian. Also I am going to use your logic he looked like Raiden. So no big deal.


This is just too funny the replies keep shrinking and shrinking


Um no he was supposed to be Japanese. I proved this.

No, you didn't. You mentioned that he was based on Japanese mythology and the character from Big Trouble in Little China. Refer to the actual games where he has been, always has been, and always was portrayed as white. Being influenced by a character does not mean they ARE that character. That's two completely different things.

Scorpion and Sub Zero were played by white guys despite them being Asian.

That's because they were later switched to being played by Asian guys to coincide with their lore, which EXPLICITLY stated they were Japanese and Chinese respectively. Them being made Asian later on made sense because that's what they were supposed to be from the start.

Also I am going to use your logic he looked like Raiden. So no big deal.

Actually he didn't look like Raiden. Here is how Raiden looked in the original Mortal Kombat (an HD capture of his sprite)

Here is how Raiden looked in Mortal Kombat Deception:

And here he is from Mortal Kombat 11 (the most recent game):

Comparison to the guy they got to play Raiden:

So no, the guy who played Raiden in the movie looked NOTHING like how Raiden originally looked. Also, the guy couldn't even speak English, so he sounded nothing like Raiden either.


Yes I did. As I said before Scorpion and Sub Zero were originally played by white guys that does not mean they are not Asian.

So you just proved my point. A character can change over time. So then why have I not heard a peep out of you about them being played by white guys originally? Shouldn't you be upset at the original game for white washing? So looks are all that matters then? If that was the case people would hate Hardy as Bane. It is not the case. Only in your brain do you have that expectation.

Looks like him to me. Also Hardy looked nothing like Bane. So um why is that acceptable?


Yes I did. As I said before Scorpion and Sub Zero were originally played by white guys that does not mean they are not Asian.

They were originally played by a white guy, Jose Padilha, because they literally could not afford anyone else to play Sub-Zero and Scorpion. In the newer games they did get Asians to properly play them, though.

But their storyline was always about Scorpion being Japanese and Sub-Zero being Chinese. It's literally in their biographies/endings in the first game.

So you just proved my point. A character can change over time. So then why have I not heard a peep out of you about them being played by white guys originally?

Because Midway (before they went bankrupt) couldn't afford Asian guys to play them at the time! It was literally a production/budget issue, but not because they weren't supposed to be Asian. They were supposed to be Asian!

Looks like him to me. Also Hardy looked nothing like Bane. So um why is that acceptable?

No he doesn't. Asano has slanted eyes. Raiden doesn't have slanted eyes. Tandanobu Asano has a hooked nose. Raiden has a straight bridged nose, like a white guy.

Raiden has a square head with a strong jaw line like a typical white guy, Asano has a round head, like a typical Asian guy. He's also a completely different skin pigmentation than what Raiden is supposed to be.

Also, since he's Asian, he's WAAAAY shorter than what Raiden is supposed to be, since Raiden is supposed to be white he's supposed to be tall. Most Asian guys (especially Asano) is not tall nor statuesque.


It does not matter if they could afford them or not that is white washing.

Why would Asian people be any more expensive than white people?

Hardy does not look like Bane yet he is Bane. Same goes for Asano. Appearance does not matter as much as you claim. Case closed.


It does not matter if they could afford them or not that is white washing.

Yes it does. Because they had hired Ho Sung Pak, who performed as MULTIPLE characters in the first game, while Jose Padilha performed most of the other characters, save for Kano and Sonya.

If they could afford it they probably would have had Asian guys, like they eventually did in the newer games.

Why would Asian people be any more expensive than white people?

It's not about Asians being more expensive, it's about MORE actors being more expensive. They only had a budget for a few actors and the ones they hired played multiple roles. It's all they could afford.

Hardy does not look like Bane yet he is Bane. Same goes for Asano.

Hardy looked close enough to Bane by embodying some of his traits, such as his foreign accent and mask that gave him extra strength and reduced his pain (it was never stated but it was implied that it was Venom feeding him his super strength and painkillers).

Appearance does not matter as much as you claim. Case closed.

Except it does when the character is known for a certain kind of appearance, and Tom Hardy did at least shave his head bald like Bane and kept the mask on at all times, just like Bane. You claim he wasn't Hispanic, but the movie never says what his ethnicity is, but it's obvious he's not only white given his accent is a mixture of different cultures/regions, which means he could still be Hispanic. And as it was established earlier, plenty of Hispanics look white, like Emelio Estevez or Cameron Diaz.


Bologna I don't believe for a second they would have hired Asian guys for Sub Zero and Scorpion. I don't think they would have back then because they did not ultimately care enough to. Today that has changed. Tell me did you have an issue with Scarlet Johansson being cast in that ghost in the shell film? Or do you only get upset when it's race swapped the other way?

So then when was the first time an Asian actor appeared for them on the games then?

He looked nothing like Bane wrong. Implying and actually being are different things. It's implied Sonya is a fighter in the first mortal Kombat movie but could she? No. The film wanted us to believe she could but her fight sucked!

You also made the claim Gal Gadot looks white and she does not! There are people that have black in them that can look white. Barbara Gordon not having red hair or being white is not a deal breaker. If Hardy can pull off Bane a mixed actress can pull off Barbara.


Tell me did you have an issue with Scarlet Johansson being cast in that ghost in the shell film? Or do you only get upset when it's race swapped the other way?

Actually, I DID have an issue with Scarlett Johansson cast as the Major because her acting sucks. However, they did sort of make her look like her anime/comic counterpart... more than what they did for the Mileena actress.

So then when was the first time an Asian actor appeared for them on the games then?

The first game with Ho Sung Pak. If you mean Scorpion and Sub-Zero? I can't really say since the fourth game onward switched to using 3D, and obviously they made them look more Asian since then. When they went back to using real-life actors via 3D photogrammetry, they cast Asian actors to play Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Here is Scorpion from Mortal Kombat X, where he's obviously more Asian-looking:

And here is Scorpion and Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat 11, where they had real-life Asian actors to play them:

You also made the claim Gal Gadot looks white and she does not!

But she does. She's lighter than a lot of whites. The only giveaway that she has some ethnicity to her is her eye color and accent. If she had blue eyes she would look pretty much nearly 100% comic accurate.

There are people that have black in them that can look white. Barbara Gordon not having red hair or being white is not a deal breaker. If Hardy can pull off Bane a mixed actress can pull off Barbara.

Ahahaha... so now you've moved from "any race" can play Barbara to a "mixed race" who convincingly looks white enough can play Barbara. At least you're finally admitting that respecting the original character traits is important.


Yet the movie was still garbage. No her character did not look like the anime counterpart. That however is the last thing I cared about, the movie sucked and it was not because of her appearance. Although her appearance did not look like her anime counterpart you are wrong.

That is what Mortal Kombat X? Why did it take that long to make him Asian looking?

Eye color and accent are a huge aspect and no I do not agree. I can tell by her skin tone she is not white.

Nope I will double down on what I said. Barbara Gordon can be 100% black and still maintain motivation as well as personality. Her red hair and white ethnicity are not essential to her character. Just because it is to you does not mean that is the standard. So can Catwoman be black? Also you said she should not act ethnic. Tell me how do you act ethnic?


Although her appearance did not look like her anime counterpart you are wrong.

Her hair, her outfit, and her skin color did. Part of her stature, too (although Scarlett Johansson is too short and too wide to have accurately captured the Major's gait).

That is what Mortal Kombat X? Why did it take that long to make him Asian looking?

It didn't. They started with the 3D versions but the fidelity just wasn't very high so his Asian features didn't really shine through. Here he is from Mortal Kombat Deception:

And also Scorpion from Mortal Kombat Vs DC Universe:

Eye color and accent are a huge aspect and no I do not agree. I can tell by her skin tone she is not white.

It depends on the lighting. I originally thought she was Hispanic in Fast & Furious. She looked Russian in the movie Triple 9. She could pass for white in Wonder Woman.

And eye color and accent aren't the biggest aspects. I can forgive eye color and accent DEPENDING on the role.

Barbara Gordon can be 100% black and still maintain motivation as well as personality. Her red hair and white ethnicity are not essential to her character. Just because it is to you does not mean that is the standard.

Nah, it's the standard because that's what's been established as canon. Canon is standard. Standards are canon. Barbara has been white with red hair as a canon standard for decades.

So can Catwoman be black? Also you said she should not act ethnic. Tell me how do you act ethnic?

Catwoman should not be black, it doesn't match her socialite standards. And Bruce Wayne DOES not seem attracted to black women. Also, acting ghetto, thuggish, or racially stereotypical would be off-putting for Catwoman.


Mileena's sais and eyes looked like Mileena. She also had the weird mouth and licked blood off the sai. Those are signatures of Mileena. She had just as much in common as Scarjo.

How long was Deception after the first game in the series? That is a long time for them to make him appear Asian.

You proved my point and no she could not pass for white in Wonder Woman. Anyone can tell she is not white.

Nope standards can change. Just because it has been that way does not mean it will or has to stay that way. You are not the one who has the final say. Nick Fury was white in the comics now he is black. Explain that.

Eartha Kitt played Catwoman and she was black. You sound like a bigot bud I am being honest. Why can't she be black and meet Catwoman's socialite standards? Acting ghetto, thuggish, or racially stereotypical is not limited to black people. Why does she have to fit that criteria just because she is black? Also how do you act ethnic? Please elaborate on that.


Mileena's sais and eyes looked like Mileena

Her eyes looked nothing like Mileena. Just making them yellow wasn't enough. They lacked the reptilian Tarkatan look that Mileena is known for.

She also had the weird mouth and licked blood off the sai.

They didn't even get her mouth right.

Here is her in the movie:

Actual Mileena from the game, with her Tarkatan mouth:

How long was Deception after the first game in the series? That is a long time for them to make him appear Asian.

They had to deal with budget and technological limitations.

Nope standards can change. Just because it has been that way does not mean it will or has to stay that way. You are not the one who has the final say. Nick Fury was white in the comics now he is black. Explain that.

If the standards change the traits of the characters, then it's no longer that character. Also, Nick Fury is only black in the Marvel Ultimate alternate universe line, as explained here:

Ultimate Nick Fury is based on Samuel L. Jackson so they got him to play him in the movies.

Also how do you act ethnic? Please elaborate on that.

By embodying culturally ethnic behaviors related to a specific region's customs or traditions.


She was not spitting image but again that mouth was there. People knew who she was just by that alone.

I do not buy it was for that reason. I believe it just was not as fleshed out as it is now. I understand budget issues but they can still make them look Asian.

Your opinion nothing more. You can change the appearance and it can still be the character. As I already proved with hardy's Bane.

So then that means you are claiming that certain ethnicity's personality is bound by their race. That is hogwash and you know it.


She was not spitting image but again that mouth was there. People knew who she was just by that alone.

LOL she had an ugly mouth but not Mileena's mouth. Mileena has a Tarkatan mouth, where the teeth are on the OUTSIDE of the person's mouth. That chick simply had a deformed mouth with extra teeth INSIDE hermouth.

So they didn't even get that right.

As I already proved with hardy's Bane.

Really? Because Hardy's Bane seemed comic accurate enough. Heck, Canelo Alverez is Hispanic, just like Bane, and he can't even speak English well. Even still, he's whiter than most white people.

It's racist to say that Hispanics have to be dark or tanned.

So then that means you are claiming that certain ethnicity's personality is bound by their race. That is hogwash and you know it.

Is it? Indians are known for curry and Bollywood dance sequences. Mexicans are known for tacos. Scottish are known for kilts.

Stereotypes exist for a reason.


Irrelevant people realized it was Mileena and a large part was because of that mouth.

How was he comic accurate? He looked nothing like his comic book counterpart. Never once did I say Hispanics have to be dark or tanned, I said Hardy does not look like comic book Bane. Yet people still liked his interpretation. This shoots down your theory about them having to look like the character. Hardy also had a great script to work with. Had the woman had a script to work with and performed well no one would care if she looked like Mileena. What if Hardy had a horrible script to work with?

You are assuming that if someone is Indian, Mexican or black that they have to be raised in a specific place. What about a black person raised in Scotland? It is racist to assume that because someone is a certain race they will fit the stereo type or be raised a certain way. This is where you made yourself look stupid.


Irrelevant people realized it was Mileena and a large part was because of that mouth.

No, they really had no idea who she was until the media made a big deal about the blackwashing. And her mouth isn't even character accurate. Had I not read the news articles I would have assumed it was supposed to be a fugly version of Jade.

I said Hardy does not look like comic book Bane.

And neither did Bane from Rocksteady's award-winning Arkham series, but he still looked ENOUGH like comic book Bane for everyone to know who he was.

Had the woman had a script to work with and performed well no one would care if she looked like Mileena.

Except she didn't and she didn't perform well with what little she had to work with, which brings us back to the original point: WHY did she have to be race-swapped when it added nothing to her character?

What about a black person raised in Scotland? It is racist to assume that because someone is a certain race they will fit the stereo type or be raised a certain way.

Good luck finding a black person in Scotland.


The minute her mouth got exposed anyone would have picked up on who she was. So no wrong.

No as I said before she had the weird mouth which is signature of Mileena. This contradicts your point.

The fights were absolute garbage even from trained martial artists! She was also given nothing to work with script wise. I do not care if you had the acting talent of Meryl Street combined with the fighting ability of Gina Carano the result would have been the same. Hardy's Bane works because he has a script to work with. How many lines Mileena have? Like 3. All the fighting prowess in the world is not going to help a film without a competent director, editor and choreographer. You ever see the Mummy 3 or the Expendables? Jet Li we have seen is a terrific martial artist. Those movies absolutely butcher his ability on screen.

Lukle Sutherland the musician. That was easy care to spew any more BS?


The minute her mouth got exposed anyone would have picked up on who she was. So no wrong.

For the actual Mileena, she doesn't even have to open her mouth for people to know.

No as I said before she had the weird mouth which is signature of Mileena. This contradicts your point.

A weird mouth is not the same as a Tarkatan mouth.

The fights were absolute garbage even from trained martial artists! She was also given nothing to work with script wise. I do not care if you had the acting talent of Meryl Street combined with the fighting ability of Gina Carano the result would have been the same.

Then what was the point of blackwashing her if it did nothing for Mileena's character?


So then people would know who Hardy was without him speaking?

Does not matter it makes people know who she is.

Why not? You act as if she was casted by an actress who looked like her it would have made the movie better. It would not have. No response about Sutherland huh? I will take that as a concession.


So then people would know who Hardy was without him speaking?

Absolutely. Just like people knew who Bane was in the Arkham series before they even said his name.

Does not matter it makes people know who she is.

Except it didn't until people were told who she was.

Why not? You act as if she was casted by an actress who looked like her it would have made the movie better.

It would have made her characterization better.

No response about Sutherland huh? I will take that as a concession.

He was born in London, England, and raised by ADOPTED parents in Scotland. The exception does not prove the rule.


I would have been able to tell it was Mileena simply by looking at her mouth.

Nope people knew who she was by her mouth.

No it would not have. Liu Kang looks like Liu Kang yet you can't stand this interpretation.

An exception to the rule debunks your point. Someone can be black and be from Scotland. Rare sure but in the end it can happen. Which shows someone does not have to have red hair and be white to play Barbara Gordon.


Nope people knew who she was by her mouth.

LOL no, they didn't. You couldn't find one person who did who hadn't already read an article about it.

No it would not have. Liu Kang looks like Liu Kang yet you can't stand this interpretation.

I never complained about how Liu Kang LOOKED, though did I? I complained about how he acted. If she at least LOOKED like Mileena, I would have had one less complaint. See.

An exception to the rule debunks your point. Someone can be black and be from Scotland.

Except he's not from Scotland, he's from England (via immigration from Africa). He emigrated to Scotland via his adopted parents.


Nope I specifically remember people knowing who she was the moment she popped up on screen.

One less complaint does not mean the movie would be any better. Her looking like Mileena would not have changed the film's quality one iota. That is just a subjective preference nothing more.

So no black person is from Scotland? Want me to contradict you again? Care to stand by that comment? Doesn't matter if he was adopted ultimately he adopted that culture. Which contradicts the statement about how you said a black person has to act ethnic.


Nope I specifically remember people knowing who she was the moment she popped up on screen.

And all those people only knew because of the news media.

One less complaint does not mean the movie would be any better. Her looking like Mileeba would not have changed the film's quality one iota. That is just a subjective preference nothing more.

The movie would still suck, but she would look closer to the character, which is not a bad thing.

So no black person is from Scotland? Want me to contradict you again? Care to stand by that comment? Doesn't matter if he was adopted ultimately he adopted that culture. Which contradicts the statement about how you said a black person has to act ethnic.

But being adopted and emigrated doesn't mean he's FROM Scotland. He moved there. And how do you know he doesn't act ethnic?


You have no way of proving that. That is anecdotal. Prove it or else you have no basis to say that.

Which proves my point. She had no script to work with and an actress who looked like her would not have improved the film.

Does not matter. If a girl is raised there then she could meet the Barbara Gordon criteria you are talking about. There is no such thing as acting ethnic. Your ethnic background does not determine how you act it is your culture that does. Therefore a black person raised by Scottish people will be influenced by their culture.


Which proves my point. She had no script to work with and an actress who looked like her would not have improved the film.

So then what was the point of black-washing Mileena?

Therefore a black person raised by Scottish people will be influenced by their culture.

That's fine and all, but as we established, black people aren't really natively born in Scotland.

If a girl is raised there then she could meet the Barbara Gordon criteria you are talking about.

But you can't find a black actress who grew up in a Gotham-equivalent neighborhood (which means it's bad) who doesn't act ethnic. Barbara doesn't act ghetto or thuggish in any way.

Do you see my point now? Why change the character so drastically if it does nothing for the character, only cheapens them and worsens them?


Why does it matter? You act as if had she been Asian it would have made the movie better. It would not have. You say she did not act well or fight well. Both of those are on the film makers. Meryl Streep's acting talent mixed with Gina Carano's fighting ability would have made no difference whatsoever.

Bullcrap! Yes you could find a black person raised in that area. I already showed you how an adopted person was raised there. Just because you are black does not mean you need to act ghetto or thuggish. How many times do i have to say that before you get it in your thick skull? No such thing as acting ethnic. Culture influences people not ethnicity

Nope I do not. I think it is 100% wrong.


This is just too funny the replies keep shrinking and shrinking and shrinking


Why does it matter? You act as if had she been Asian it would have made the movie better

Why? Because that's how her character is supposed to be. If they aren't going to make the actress embody the traits of the character then it's not that character.

How many times do i have to say that before you get it in your thick skull?

In your example, how does that guy act then? Does he actually act Scottish? Because that makes a huge difference.


Part of embodying the character is the character's motivations and story arc. Had she done a good job performing as Mileena in motivation and character arc the appearance does not matter as much.

That is completely irrelevant. Someone does not act ethnic. They grow up in a culture and that is how they act. If you had British people raise a black person he would most likely have a British accent. Just like how if you raised white person in the hood they would probably act thuggish. It has nothing to do with ethnicity.


Part of embodying the character is the character's motivations and story arc. Had she done a good job performing as Mileena in motivation and character arc the appearance does not matter as much.

But she did neither. So what was the point of race swapping her?


Because she had no script to work with. How can you say well she did not do that if the script did not allow her to? Seems rather ignorant to me. How can you judge her for something the writers failed to do. If the character's story arc was there and she failed to perform it well then you would have a case.


Not having a story arc AND not looking like the character is a double negative.

So it doesn't even matter if she had the script or not. She was pointlessly race-swapped with no supporting script and no acting or fighting abilities to compensate.


Who's responsibility is it to write the character's story arc? Last time I checked it is the writer's responsibility.

If she had the script and performed it well her race would not matter.


But no one had a good script, so her race was the only thing that stood out.


My only issues with the movie are:

1. Shang Tsung's wig.
2. Liu Kang was pretty ineffectual even though he was as better trained fighter.
3. Cole's shirt looked like a cool design in concept but in practice looked like wicker furniture.
4. After the final battle, you can see the ice floor was a tarp when the actors pivot on it and it wrinkles.

Outside of that, its not bad for a video game movie. Good gore, decent fighting choreography, and I enjoyed Scorpion.


What is disgusting about it? Please elaborate. You did not call it "not accurate" or "out of character" you chose disgusting....


If you had any familiarity with Liu Kang as a character you would know why.

He has been always been heterosexual and it plays a SIGNIFICANT part in the game's lore, the multi-verse, and his overall character's development.


I was pretty underwhelmed with the Mileena character as well. She wasn’t even really given much to do. And the makeup job looked lazy, like someone just put fake blood around her mouth with plastic toy fangs from a costume store during Halloween. I could have probably done that myself. She didn’t start to resemble her more monstrous and toothy video game counterpart until near the end very briefly. If they didn’t want to use CGI on her face the entire movie, then why not just have her mouth covered up until that scene?

And yeah, why exactly did she HAVE to be black? Couldn’t they have just used Jade (who actually is black) instead? And before you call me a white supremacist or whatever (sigh), I would be just as upset (or actually even more so) if they had made Jax a white guy.


And yeah, why exactly did she HAVE to be black? Couldn’t they have just used Jade (who actually is black) instead?

Ah, someone with common sense for once.

Yep, they could have just used Jade, or even Tonya, both of whom are melanin enriched.

And before you call me a white supremacist or whatever (sigh), I would be just as upset (or actually even more so) if they had made Jax a white guy.

No need to justify yourself to the SJWs, man. They're brainwashed to call anyone who doesn't cosign their will away to the Leftist agenda as "racist" and "bigoted".

But yeah, changing an established character's race for literally no reason is bullcrap, and everyone who is okay with that has never been a fan of the original property to begin with.


Exactly. Well said.
