MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > Vito was retarded for trying to come bac...

Vito was retarded for trying to come back

Did he honestly think he was gonna be able to go back into the mob life with them all knowing he's a homosexual? Especially with Phil being out for blood.

I find it hilarious he thought he could just waltz back in and say "I'm not gay i was on medication that messed with my head" him running and hiding out for months kinda told everyone he was gay.

If anything Tony should have told him to leave and that Phil was gonna kill him and never accept him being back, since Tony tried his best to keep him alive i'm surprised he didn't try and get him to leave.


Tony wanted the money Vito could bring in. Vito offered Tony 200K (I think) just for allowing him to open up shop in another city, and then would also be sending Tony his cut every month.


Yeah but Tony should have known Phil would never accept it and not be satisfied until Vito was dead. That proposition Vito made Tony was never gonna happen with Phil still alive, plus it would have started a war with Phil if he found out what Tony was doing with Vito.

So i don't get why Tony even considered Vito's offer, it wasn't worth the shit storm it would have brought on with Phil.


He was counting on Phil not finding out.


Tony's a ruthless businessman, I wouldn't be surprised if he thought about Vito's offer because even if he got whacked by Phil the very next day, Tony would still pocket $200k + whatever restitution he manages to wrangle out of Phil.

Sure, his family's reputation would take a hit, but he'd already taken most of that by defending Vito publicly earlier on.

On a side note I always found it interesting that Tony back-peddled on all that by claiming after the fact, that if he'd gotten to Vito first the result would have "been the same"


It really didn't make sense for Tony to not tell Vito get out of town and lay low as he considered his offer given that Phil was looking to whack Vito off.


I think anyone else may have had a hard time, but I honestly think the Soprano clan would have gotten over Vito being gay.

Phil on the other hand not so much.
Even though it has nothing to do with him.


the only way he could have been a part of that life is like he said, to go and live in atlantic city, send money back once in a while. silvio was right, who was going to kiss him on the cheek? hug? sit and drink with him? play cards? the way that world works it's impossible. it's a world based on respect, they don't respect homosexuals. your reputation is everything, and like you said, phil wouldn't accept it, and when you have to deal and do business with new york....

vito should have stayed away, but he couldn't, he missed the life too much, the money, that was made clear. all in all vito was pretty stupid, he was around that all his life and it's rather obvious he'd be killed if he came back. the way the story was told, the dialogue between him and johnny cakes, it was made clear that vito missed the money "people kissing your ass" it's safe to say he got himself killed. life for him in that little town was good, the little exchange between him and antiques store guy, dinner with johnny cakes! helping people in the fire, basic human friendly interactions, and he gave it up for the money and the life, well he thought he'd get it back. it's kinda like chase was saying that.

vito was based johnny d'amato.


He couldn't adjust to being a regular guy. The life sucked him back in.


Wasn't Phil his brother in law as well? And Vito's homosexuality reflected bad upon him so that's why he killed him!


Phil literally "came out of the closet" in the Vito death scene, scolded Vito and then ordered his crew to beat him to death. What a scene.


"Phil literally 'came out of the closet' in the Vito death scene"

I remember that being noted by fans at the time! It passed me by.
