MovieChat Forums > MiguelGordon

MiguelGordon (449)


Tragic... Given the movie even more depth imo Should have been 1 episode Season 8 Electro! *spoiler* so I just watched the finale pretty accurate sample of human trash How did Richie know? Walton Goggins (Spoiler) What happened to gramps? View all posts >


I wonder how they ration contraceptives down there what a fucking idiot, hipster playlist lmao. have you ever played the games?? exactly, they go looking for it just so they can whine about something fuck off posting these threads all the time. I'm sick of seeing a movie chat site with his orange smug bastard face on the front of it every single day. go to the politics section ffs the deuce came out years ago and he was pretty massive in that, I was shocked when I watched it and he appeared lol. I don't think I've ever seen him a role I didn't enjoy and they were right, because that's exactly what happened. Just look at the state we're in today with all the tranny children and kids being raised as some made up gender. we should have listened back then, I dread to think what level of control people like you will have over society in 20 years this is probably my favourite bit I love this episode. the bit when chris is yelling at the manager is one of the funniest in the whole show for me. the music, the slow motion, the poking, tasha's face in the background haha, what a scene! I don't make thousands of posts per day complaining about the same shit, people like you do. you're complaining about nothing, I'm complaining about a plague of morons whining non-stop about every film on the boards. not the same. although it doesn't surprise me that some tiny minded black/white, left/right thinker can't possibly make the distinction, because it doesn't sit within one of the extremes that you can manage to fathom of all the things to take away from the show the only one that's on your mind is the race one. funny how people like you say some people see race in everything.....meanwhile it's the only thing YOU see in anything. this being yet another example of that fact View all replies >