In A New Hope, why didn't Chewy mention that.....

he fought in the Clone Wars, that he knew Yoda pretty well, and that he helped Yoda escape to his exile planet? Don't you think it may have come up in conversation at some point between Obi-wan and Chewy when they were on the rebel mission together. Like oh, btw, Mr. Obi-wan, I played a major role in the clone wars and was friends with this little green guy named Yoda, you might know him since you are like one of those Jedi guys. I'm sure Han could have translated for him.

And what are the odds that one of the only surviving Jedi in the universe, along with the future hero/Darth Vader's son, would just happen to run into Chewy and Han at some bar considering Chewy's past involvement in the rebellion? The backfilling that Lucas did during the prequels was really unnecessary. Did he really have to make Chewy and Yoda friends? Couldn't he have just showed Chewy fighting as a member of the wookie army or something? Damn...


Dude STFU....This is a fucking universe where people carry laser swords and can manipulate the energy of the universe and you are fucking worried that Chewie didnt mention he knew Yoda and met OBI WAN 20 some odd years previously. Plus the system of planets that are traveled in the films are like maybe half a dozen total. Its very possible to bump into someone years later. It's the FORCE...ok? call it fate what were the chances that the guy who obi wan cut off an arm..JUST HAPPENED to bump into the person who stole the plans of the death star. The plans that luke has with his droid...jesus just fucking roll with jt..smh...


No, I cannot roll with jt. And Obi-wan was sent to the same planet as Luke so he could keep an eye on him. So chances are that he would make contact with Luke when the time was right.


You'd have thought so, yet when Obi-Wan does send Luke off to Yoda, Yoda says he's "too old to begin the training".

So what exactly was Obi-Wan up to on Tatooine - did he go senile and forget he should have been rounding up Luke to start his training years before?


Stop shilling for Lucas’s terrible writing. He threw in far too much fan service, retcons and call-backs into the prequel trilogy that make no sense.

What does Obi Wan de-limbing Ponda Baba have to do with the topic anyway?


I mentioned Ponda because it's just as much as a coincidence as Chewie running into obi wan...

As for the retcons. What retcons???


Why is that as much of a coincidence? Ponda has nothing to do with the plot or story and Chewie does.

As for retcons where do I even begin… midichlorians? The Jedi being a league of morons…. Anakin being a whiny sociopathic creep. The list is endless.


Midichlorians were not a retcon. They just filled us in more about what the force was. Ponda has nothing to do with the story. But running into R2 after running into the person that downloaded the plans into the disc that r2 has is a coincidence...


It’s a retcon because it gives the idea that force powers are a birth right and does away with any mysticism or spirituality of the Force. There never needed to be any explanation, or Obi Wan would have mentioned it to Luke.

Also I’m still confused about what the coincidence involving Ponda is. Are you referring to the Cantina scene, because that’s the only scene he’s in as far as I remember. What is coincidental about that?


Its coincidental that he ran into the people who stole the plans and than runs into the people with the droid with the stolen plans.


Why are you this mad about this?


Could Obi Wan even understand Chewbacca at all?


Han would translate after Chewy says "hey, Yoda told me about that Obi-wan guy who is taking a dump in the back of the ship. Oh, by the way Han, I forgot to mention the clone wars to you also. I know a few of the more important guys in the universe. Might have helped if i kept up my network before we filmed Solo, maybe I wouldn't have ended up on that underground cage."


The originals were written in the late 70s and early 80s. Why would Lucas have referenced something HE HADN'T THOUGHT OF YET?


Which begs the question why the hell is he going to write something into a prequel that makes that makes the subsequent events in ANH look non-sensical? And I liked the prequels....


Because he's a bad writer?

What your talking about is a prequel problem. It doesn't make the originals looks bad, it makes the prequels look bad. The prequels created the whole.




He did, he told Luke all about it.

But Luke doesn't understand Wookie growly language, so he missed hearing all the old stories about his father, and that he'd become the emperor's cyborg stooge.


I’m sorry...some of you guys actually know the NAME of the guy in the cantina who got his arm sliced? Ha ha, sorry. I just got a kick out of that. You nerds!

You’re having an in-depth discussion about a movie in which there are ray guns, and something called “The Death Star”


Well, we're enjoying ourselves, and this is going to go like every other situation where people are having fun.

We're going to tell you to fuck off, and let us get on with having the fun.


Haaaa! Well played, Otter. Well played.


Are we still trolling on obvious George Mucas failures called the Prequels? LOL


Yes!!! Do you think this is just lazy writing on their part or they didn’t think we would notice? Also, Dark Vader sense something about Luke in episode 4, but didn’t know he was in the presence of his daughter Leia. I mean, the commander had ordered his daughter’s execution and he agreed.


Making Luke and Leia siblings was the beginning of Lucas’s descent into mediocrity.


He should have made it so that Leia was Luke's cousin or aunt. Then they could still have sex.


Why would he mention it? He had no reason to assume Obi and Yoda knew each other. It'd be like assuming all black people are friends. Chewie wasn't a Jedi-racist.


A New Hope came out before episode 3. Lucas made up much of this on the fly
