MovieChat Forums > Titanic (1997) Discussion > Jack and Rose. One of the greatest love ...

Jack and Rose. One of the greatest love stories of all time.

Such a beautiful story.

(I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.)


Indeed. It is a sad but beautiful story.


I disagree, in a truly great love story you don't think "Well, it never would have worked put anyway" at the end.

Because it wouldn't have. Rose wouldn't have been happy as the wife of a poor and irresponsible man, and Jack wouldn't have been happy with a wife and kiddies to cramp his style. Rose was literally better off without him, in the long run.


Bingo! Boat sinking was great. Love story appealed to morons.


ah yes r_kane people with different opinions than you are morons. Classic logic of a jackass.


You forgot to capitalize the R and the K. Was that too hard for you?


you don't deserve capital letters jackass.


You call a writer you disagree with an idiot. So what do you not deserve?




Tristan and Isolde: great love story. Romeo and Juliet: great love story. Conan and Valeria: great love story. JFK and MM: great sex story. Jack and Rose: McLove Story. Do you want to SuperSize that? Are you McLovin’ it?


It's debatable if Jack and Rose could have been happy long term. But it doesn't matter how long a relationship lasts.
Their romance is short and tragic and still great. Jack was what Rose needed to free herself and become a whole person.


I agree with IMDBRefugee.

Essentially I don't think their relationship would have worked out. But the short and intense time they had together served as a catalyst for Rose to live the life of freedom she really wanted.

She was on course to become the wife of an arranged marriage (for money) to a total dickwad she didn't even love, who treated her badly, and with whom she would be expected to live a restricted life of complete decorum and propriety. She would have been miserable in that marriage and probably that wouldn't have lasted either. But she would have gone through misery to get to a point of breaking away.

Jack's sense of adventure and freedom may not have given her a lasting relationship either -- but knowing him and loving him, however briefly, helped her get in touch with the same thing in herself, BY herself, so that she could live the life she dreamed.

Having said that, who knows, they may have even grown into that together. She never did want a boring life and perhaps if they had both lived they would have discovered how to be adventurous together. Being a couple doesn't necessarily mean "settling down"/kids etc. There are couples who are both as unconventional as each other and enjoy their different union together within that.

She already had a sense of wanting more than a rigid life of decorum. She had this ignited by Jack's sense of adventure and freedom, and perhaps if he had lived and they had been a couple, they would BOTH be that way, and therefore happy with each other.

It's a moot point, but the main point is, knowing him kick-started something that was already within her desires for how to live life. If they had never met she may have taken much longer to realize she didn't have to have a boring life.


Yes, it's not completely unrealistic to think they could have led a fun, adventurous, charmed life together. Jack was obviously talented & resourceful: suppose they'd headed off to Hollywood, then in its infancy? Rose would have made an iconic silent screen queen, & Jack a famous producer & director...

...after all, look who was the actual artist who drew the pictures the movie showcased! ;-)


There will be more but they’re few and far between.

While I’m a fan of James Cameron, I found his Avatar an unmitigated borefest.

Almost every generation has their love story of a lifetime but it’s been a long time since one has tugged at the heart strings so hard.

As big a fan of period films as I have been my whole life...I only wish that Cameron himself would come up with another one.

Because he seems to be the only one who CAN.

Critics who likened “Atonement” to Titanic are kidding themselves.

The last great love story was “GONE WITH THE WIND”.

That’s too bleepin’ long of a drought between great live stories.

Come on Hollyweird...get your act together.


The greatest love story is of course, Antony and Cleopatra, and the couple they spawned Romeo And Juliet, Titanic is so far away from that, it's pathetic.


Nevertheless...this box office success was due to a great love story with a famous maritime disaster as a backdrop.

Not CGI horseshit.


there is CGI in Titanic. I'm not sure those are the reasons people went to see Titanic.


fascinating article on

To cut to the chase, in this version, "Jack" would've actually been a cross-dressing lesbian, shown through a series of flashbacks at the end
