The Jeopardy scene

The scene where Phil is watching Jeopardy with the old folks and giving all the answers. I think they missed the boat here. If I was watching Jeopardy with someone doing this, I might think they were smart at first, but when they started giving answers before the questions were asked, I'd just assume they'd seen the episode before.

They should have made it some kind of live broadcast, like a news report or something similar.


If they watched the show regularly they would know whether it was a rerun or not.


When I was in high school I worked on our family farm, had a buddy a few years older. My parents had a satellite dish, noon there was the jeopardy feed, it would play the original episode of jeopardy a day early with no commercial for every station that aired it.

Anyway, my buddy would go to the bar after work and they'd watch jeopardy, he'd answer all the questions. They constantly were like, you should go on the show. Lol


Your buddy realized he really shouldn't for all his knowledge came from old episodes.


I’m pretty sure that was the point of the story.




That only applies if it is an old episode re-aired.
Most game shows are live every night and those that watch the show know that.


What is an open door.


A jar


Uh, I'm pretty sure Jeopardy isn't live every night. In fact, I think it's filmed a few months in advance.



The only point of that scene was to show the progression of Phil's repeated cycle in the small town and using his pre-knowledge of the Jeopardy answers does that quite succinctly.

Also, there are other examples where Phil forgets to do things to avoid a minor inconvenience like avoiding the curb puddle after being distracted by Ned the Head Ryerson or the little boy who never thanks him for catching his fall out of the tree. These little scenes lend to the shifting of Phil's character from self-centered narcissist to an everyday man who learns to accept other people and to be a resource.


Funny enough, I am amazing at Jeopardy. Several times while watching brand new episodes with friends I would be killing it and someone would suggest that it was a rerun I had seen, which I had not, but even if I had seen it previously, memorizing all the answers after one viewing is still an impressive cognitive feat.
