MovieChat Forums > Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) Discussion > The mother scolding the hotel concierge?

The mother scolding the hotel concierge?

In the scene when the McCallister family arrives at the Plaza Hotel, the mother looks really mad.

When she asks the concierge (Tim Curry), "Why did you let (Kevin) leave (the hotel after finding out about the credit card)?", she sounds a bit - mean? I don' t know, I watched the movie for the first time in years and just noticed this. I though: "Oooh - she sounds nasty!"

She didn't directly tell off Curry, although she then gave him a slap which reduced him to tears. XD


True! She was also an idiot for blaming the employees for Kevin getting lost in NYC when it was actually THE PARENT'S fault.


Yeah, she's a real bitch.


I don't think your mom is a bitch Buzz, she was just totally rattled by failing for the second time to make sure Kevin was safe on a plane. I do agree she was over the top with the hotel staff though.

And what's with the spider??


Mama lion protecting her cub. Logic doe not apply.


Exactly, this is the same like a stupid girlfriend who defends her abusive boyfriend no matter how obviously he is toxic and her friends try to talk her out of this. Sometimes when it's about people we love, logic takes the side pretty fast.


Yes agree that scene is totally uncalled for.
I do however find it amazing when Curry answer "The best in New York, madam!" to her what kinda idiots ya got working here

LOL that man is a great actor


The lady employee said that, but it should have been Curry


haha omg yes you're right !


the three of them together behind the desk kills me =)


I rather enjoyed that scene. It's worth it to see one idiot taking 3 more down a peg or two by calling them out. Besides, it's just such a memorable quote:

"What kind of idiots do you have working here?!"

"The finest in New York."


The better question is what the hell was wrong with Tim Curry? The kid was 10 years old for crying out loud and he was acting like he was busting up some criminal underground credit scamming ring.


Partly this has to do with the time. In the late 80s to early 90s, crime in NY spiked to an all time high.


The better question is what the hell was wrong with Tim Curry? The kid was 10 years old for crying out loud and he was acting like he was busting up some criminal underground credit scamming ring.

True, but we can't forget we're watching this as adults, whereas ten year old kids see this from an entirely different perspective.


I'd argue Peter and Kate had every right to be mad and blame the hotel staff for the most recent mishap.
They confronted Kevin too directly and aggressively over the credit card matter, with the threat to turn him over to the police. And since Kevin is a kid, who can blame him for being scared away by this? He probably thinks he's about to be sent to jail.

They screwed up by accepting a transaction that wasn’t necessary, but could’ve at least used the credit card to hold on to until further notice. Notifying the police that a child was there by himself and that he wasn’t in trouble should’ve been their first step prior to making sure he had a room to stay in temporarily.


The hotel staff were nitwits though.

"Afraid they'd find out about your...stolen credit card?!"
