upon rewatching this recently

i agree.. it is still a piece of shit film.



Dont be sorry. It's not good.


i went in with the best intentions too. i said to myself "bobby- keep an open mind.. it's been a long time since we seen this"
and nope.

: (


I kinda enjoy it even tho it's pretty bad.


If you cut out Tina and the clown cops, it’s actually one of the scariest in the series. All the stuff in the woods and the Myers mansion is brilliant for a slasher film.


^ maybe.
this edit should be released on a future blu-ray or something.. lol


Cut out Tina? Don't be crazy. She was very annoying, but she was hot.


well for your information, Moustapha got what he wanted. the return of Micheal Myers where he and others were pissing and moaning like big babies about the so called lack of success from Halloween III which Halloween III ended up as a popular cult classic for Halloween fans.

Micheal came back. Hip hip yay. Now shut up about it


Halloween III is fu@king legendary.


I just finished watching Halloween 5 - The Haddonfield Harvest fanedit and it was really good. They remove some of the teen stuff, cop stuff, and Michael crying, as well as a few other changes. I’d recommend it. I don’t know about you but even though I don’t love this movie I’ll watch it a few more times before I die. The fanedit is the better way to go.

So is the fanedit for Halloween 4: The Shape Returns.


Watched it tonight for the first time in years. 5/10
