MovieChat Forums > The Karate Kid Part II (1986) Discussion > did the Jap girl deflower daniel?

did the Jap girl deflower daniel?

Did Danny finally bust his cherry w that Japanese girl..we know in the 1st kk he didn't get past first base.... unless miyagi fondling his little nuts counts. But did he bang the Japanese girl..r we to believe this?



No way banged Allie...u think he stuck his little weewee in her n 2 pumped gumped? After jonny had been doing her I don't think Danny could match up in that sense


No way banged Allie

Indeed, no way in hell. In fact, it's practically spelled out in the film when Daniel comes home the morning after prom

Miyagi: What happen?
Daniel: You mean what didn't happen!

Translation: virginity...intact 


Uhm, it’s not “Allie”, it’s “Ali...with an i.”

Pay attention!!


^ LOL true. also yes I agree he didn't do Ali, it's elisabeth freaking shue man - karate kid needs more game


just wanted to clarify that Okinawa is a prefecture of Japan, so being Okinawan IS being Japanese.


did the Jap girl deflower daniel?

He still wears that flower headband, so I'm gonna say no


She played with his tinkle and put some things in his boyhole!!!


No. I think he was on his way to getting some but got cock blocked by a typhoon. Even mother nature wouldn't let Daniel score.


Miyagi wanted Danielsons little stones all to himself



They should change the title from "The Karate Kid" to "The Friend-Zone Kid".

Ali clearly used him for his car. I'm guessing she crashed it on purpose to impress the UCLA football player.

Kumiko was salivating over the chance to go to a dance school away from Okinawa and Daniel's line about the US gave her insentive. As soon as she got the Tokyo offer Daniel-San was no longer important.

Jessica was using him as a business contact and a way to make her ex jealous.

Seriously, forget Karate, that guy was in desperate need of life lessons on how not to be taken advantage of by girls.



I should think so, I'm in a committed relationship and work a full-time job. I have left my wild days behind :-(


Of course not. If he even touched her, she wouldn't let him finish. He's more than welcome to clean up after Chozen though.


She would at least add him to her collection... you KNOW she like it.


If Kumiko was never offered that job with that dance company in Tokyo, Daniel never would have married Amanda and then Samantha and Anthony never would have been born.


Not saying Daniel-san isn't a whiney little wimp, but I think he did lose his virginity to Ali.

Based on the little we know about Ali, we know she is into alpha males. Johnny fit that bill, which is why she was attracted to him in the first place. Along with the fact that their families belonged to the same country club. However his immaturity and treatment of people he deemed below him was too much for her so she dumped him. Many times people tend to date someone who is polar opposite of the person they just dumped. Daniel was there, right place, right time. While he wasn't a winner, he was sweet, sensitive, and kind to people. Then he defeats Johnny to win the All Valley tournament, and now he's the total package. The nice guy, who can also dominate other men. The tournament was in December, and I bet Ali made Daniel a man before New Years Eve.

But in the months after, Ali started to realize Daniel wasn't the kind of man she liked. While maybe she wanted someone a little more kind hearted than Johnny, but they needed a little more machismo than Daniel. A running back at UCLA would probably be a better fit for what she wanted in a man.

And in Cobra Kai we learn that not only is she a doctor, but she is married to one. And while most doctors aren't physically imposing, they tend to carry themselves in a way that shows their mental superiority, and importance to society.


>> And in Cobra Kai we learn that not only is she a doctor, but she is married to one. And while most doctors aren't physically imposing, they tend to carry themselves in a way that shows their mental superiority, and importance to society.<<

Been a while since I watched Cobra Kai season 1. Did it specify if she married a MALE doctor. After all, this is 21st century (California?) we are talking about. :-)



None the less, many female doctors also have alpha personalities, and inflated egos.


Daniel showed Johnny a picture of her husband on her FB page.


Six months passed after the Tournament before the events in Okinawa. Danny was with Ali during that time. It’s possible he lost his virginity during that time.

That being said, I don’t think he had sex with the Japanese girl.

I would also add that he mentioned in Cobra Kai that he has a girlfriend in New Jersey. Something could’ve happened then.


Men can't be 'deflowered', as the 'flower' referes to a very specific part of the FEMALE genitalia.


"Did Danny finally bust his cherry"

Men don't HAVE a 'cherry'. Why are you using euphemisms that refer specifically to FEMALE genitalia to refer to a male character?


Stow the bigotry dude. Daniel-san is gender-fluid and identifies as non-binary. It’s not for you to determine whether or not Ali ruined his bonus-hole.


