MovieChat Forums > Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) Discussion > Could the film's apparent ideology only ...

Could the film's apparent ideology only work in the '80s (during the Ronald Reagan administration)?

In that school officials who are poorer than their students' parents have no business holding the students accountable for lying and need to be punished and even tortured for questioning them.


Isn't it still that way?


What a stupid question!


Is it any more stupid than suggesting that the whole movie (including Ferris himself) was really a figment of Cameron's imagination!?


Well... at least, for once, you don't post a click-bait.


What the hell does that have to do with the question that I posed and why should that be relevant!?


The film needs a antagonist.

Since this film was directed toward teens and young adults, what better foil than a out of touch, middle-aged principal?


I think it could have worked under any administration. In the end it is about this very popular kid who outsmarts everyone and gets away with anything.

And when people like the Principal do try and catch him they pay for it.

The question is, does Ferris deserve to have so many adoring followers?


Since when has deserving got anything to do with winning?


Nothing but that is the real issue here not which party was in office. I can see Ferris starting a cult he has so much control over people.


Yeah, that's the amazing thing about the movie. I like Ferris, too and I laugh heartily about the trials of poor dean Rooney.


I think rich families having control over a school administration is applicable more so to private schools today than public schools, especially if the family are big donors to the school or the kids are star athletes at the school.


True. And in regards to the film, the Principal knows what Ferris gets up to but there isn't any proof. You would think he would have called Sloane's father back after Cameron posed as him on the phone.


politicize everything
politicize everything
politicize everything


This is how it seems to work around here. It's annoying.


Wow no clickbait. Shocking!

The premise is incorrect. Stick to clickbait.


Instead of personally attacking me, why don't you tell me why exactly the premise in question is incorrect!?


Hahaha I said the same thing. 😅Talk about "progress".
