MovieChat Forums > Aliens (1986) Discussion > First Time Watching in 2023... Not very ...

First Time Watching in 2023... Not very good at all and SO so cheesey

I only saw Alien a couple of years ago but I really loved that, and can see why it's seen a s a classic for sure.

I was of course aware of Aliens, but I had heard it was more of an action (even war like) movie, and I was never really in the mood for that.

But tonight I have just watched it, and I just thought it was pretty poor really, worse than I was expecting...

1. The Special FX look pretty dated at times, the green screen stuff particularly.

2. The girl is really irritating.

3. Nothing much happens for 45 minutes, except for a Really cheesey jump scare with the cat, and an obvious revealing Bishop being a robot... and then they find the aliens in jars and the girl.

4. Then nothing much happens until.the hour mark when there's a bit of shooitng and that.then some chatting...then the movie.contiues like this until the "endings"...

5. And those gawd they were bad, and the worst of Cheesy Cameron, and the Alien being fooled by virtually a "Look over there' move, and of course he would grab her foot as she climbed up the ladder etc...
That last 20.minutes or so was dross, Cameron at his worst.

6. Sigourney and the Bishop guy gave a good performance, but that is just about the only positives I took from this movie... I can't believe Alien 3 can be much worse that this can it (?)


Well, as much as I don't agree, I'm glad you gave it a chance.

Alien 3 gets a lot of hate. Honestly, I'm fine with it. It's not as good as Alien or Aliens (in my opinion) but it's watchable.


did you watch the directors cut or the original cut? i'm an alien fan myself.


Good call, on which version, imo the original cut is the one for first timers as it’s the most focused and fluid, the Aliens Director’s cut is great btw, but for fans who just can’t get enough.




I’m afraid your review says nothing about Aliens - a stone cold classic and an exemplar of great screenwriting and direction - and a lot about your attention span and taste in film.


Let's break this down:

1. Special effects - I think they look great and hold up. There is only one green screen shot, when the dropship crashes, which - I give you that one - looks obvious, and immersion breaking. However, I cannot recall any other shot that would be justified to point out as "dated FX". Most of the effects are puppets (suits), models and miniatures, which are present in the shot, in camera - so calling them "dated" does not make sense - for me at least. Please cite your specific shot examples, apart from the dropship crash.

2. YMMV. I think the "kid" is not overused, and is potrayed as having suffered major trauma, so a couple of cheesy lines or unpleasant tone of voice can be tolerated. But if you found her especially annoying - I can understand that too.

3. The first 45 minutes are the buildup, to show how Ripley is affected by the trauma, how W-Y is treating her (not letting her fly, demoting her to a dockworker, Burke, etc.). And to kick off the plot with the board meeting and to get acquinted with the marines. I don't think any of this counts as "nothing". Do you have the same complaint about Alien? The beginning of Alien is about getting acquinted with the Nostromo and the crew, and similarly "nothing happens"... right?

4. Again, when the plot is switching into a higher gear after the hive rescue, you are calling it "nothing" - so what constitutes as "something" for you? I could say that "in Alien, the facehugger attaches to Kane's face, and after that, nothing happens, until the endings" - and that would not be any more valid criticism, than what you are doing in your #4. I don't even understand what you mean. It would be one thing if you said: "pointless / ridiculous things are happening", and we could debate what is pointless about them. But to say nothing happens... is factually not correct.


5. You at least have some criticisms here. So let's see: you say "Cheesy Cameron" - and that could be fair, if you specified which scene was "cheesy". But you seem to think the whole Ripley VS Queen fight is cheesy? On surface level, I might be able to understand that, but think it is well built up in the movie, and fits the plot. It is not just there because Cameron wanted to do some hand to hand combat between Rip and the Q, it is justified, why it is happening. The "look over here" move, now that you mention it is risky, but the way it was portrayed in the movie, conveyed the desperation when Ripley tried everything she could to get the Q off of Newt. Of course, under a bit of scrutiny, it's a bit cheesy, but in the moment, the movie is so well done, I did not notice it, nor did I ever think about it this way (and I like to overanalyze movies!)

6. No criticism here to react to, but I'm glad you mentioned the performances as positives - agreed :-)


OP, all you truly said was that you have no idea what you're talking about.
You do not understand film. Not at all. That much is clear by now.


Are you serious? This movie is fantastic!


james cameron is a professional at making big dumb action scenes. hes basically the micheal bay of the 80's and 90's
