"What Lorraine?...What?"

I always found the way Crispin delivered that line so fucking funny, after Lorraine asks him what he was doing in the street, only Crispin could deliver the line like that in that awkward nervous way.

"I still don't understand what dad was doing in the middle of the street"
"What was it George? bird watching?"
"What Lorraine?...What?"


Agree 😄


He wasn't answering her question or even listening to her. He was watching TV and only responded when he heard Lorraine say his name.


I think he heard her question, but you could tell he didn't wanna answer it cause the reason he was in the road was cause he was a peeping tom and watching her get undressed.


Right. He wasn’t paying attention, so he didn’t know what she said.

One of my favorite lines was just a few minutes later. Lorraine say, “That’s when I knew, I was going to spend the rest of my life with him.”

I saw this movie in theaters, bit it was only in the last 10 years that I noticed the look on her face.


He most definitely heard her. Like Mister Babadook said he acted like he wasn't listening because HE knew the real reason he was in that tree and got hit was because he was a peeping Tom.


I thought that was pretty obvious. He's very clearly nervous when he answers her.


That's one of the biggest genius moments of this movie.. such a subtle hint that he's a pervert, but the audience can't fully grasp the signifigance of his nervousness until they connect the dots - the very least when they see the "peeping Tom"-scene... (I wonder who the 'Tom' was that beeped so loud, they came up with such a saying)


Well at least Marty was able to change how they got together to make it less awkward.



That's "What, Lorraine, what?"

It's not two separate questions, it's one question, he just repeats the 'what'.

Also, you absolutely need the OXFORD COMMA in there. You should learn english before writing 2400 posts anywhere..aren't you even embarrassed? How do you write 2400 posts and not even know how to write simple english correctly?


Oh look another douche i need to add to my ignore list! Welcome buddy!




That's not what an Oxford comma is, but I suppose most of your posts are attempts at trolling anyway.


Also, you absolutely need the OXFORD COMMA in there. You should learn english before writing 2400 posts anywhere..aren't you even embarrassed? How do you write 2400 posts and not even know how to write simple english correctly?

> Tells someone to use the Oxford comma.

> Doesn't know what the Oxford comma is.

Bravo. Douche level 10 unlocked.

Also, "English" should be capitalized. How do you write 2500 posts and not even know how to write simple English correctly?


By the way, please learn to use the Oxford Comma.

"What Lorraine?" would mean "Which of all these Lorraines are we talking about", "What is this thing called Lorraine?", or "Why are you talking about some Lorraine, when nothing like that exists here?", or something like that.

"What Lorraine" is talking ABOUT 'Lorraine', and asking the question "what" about 'Lorraine'.

Without Oxford Comma, it doesn't have the meaning you seem to think it does. George NEVER says "What Lorraine", he says "What, Lorraine.. what?"

It's also not "What, Lorraine? ... What?"

You can't have punctuation, even with a few dots after some other punctuation, just randomly inbetween words that way. The CORRECT way to write this would be something like:

"What, Lorraine...what?"

George is not finished with his sentence, so you don't put the question mark after her name, he continues it, which even your own dots imply. You don't need two question marks, as George only asks one question, he just repeats it for clarity.

These discussions would be so much more fun (not to mention clearer), if people actually used the english language instead of something they made up.


You are, by far, the worst person to ever watch this trilogy.

That's a fact.

