MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > How would the Terminator have spent his ...

How would the Terminator have spent his time after completing the mission?

Would he have tried to settle into society?


probably just powered off or went into some hibernation mode. The only way terminators could function and grow a personality like Arnolds t-1000 was able to was his "read/write" mode was turned on. which does seem like an inconsistency because the machines can learn when tracking their victims. Idk maybe ones a temporary learning for hunting their victim and one allows them to learn in a way that changes their programming


You know that thing has to have a list of objectives that's as long as it's arm.


Maybe he would have killed a few othe people who would have come across judgement day.


One of the few good things about Terminator 3 was the the T-X had a whole list of targets to hit before she found John Connor. I could see this being possible for Arnold in this movie as well.


I always thought it would go to a scientist after it's mission and allow it to disect it in order to cause judgement day to happen. After all, it ends up being confirmed that the Terminator getting sent through time is what made Skynet exist.


It makes you wonder if there's a mission profile that just involves providing skynet technology to technology companies with the idea that by accelerating the development of skynet, you make it much better in the future and harder to defeat.

Of all the mission profiles, killing the resistance leader's mom seems like the most dubious one.


Now thinking on it if in the future, Skynet won, the terminators and would just do nothing. They'd just walk around doing nothing. Cause there are no more humans or animals left to kill.


So Skynet becomes self-aware and does nothing after killing all that tried to turn him off? That's like saying that the enemy eats babies.


I mean, it's a machine. Its main goal is to kill all humans. Once it kills all humans it won't really have much to do. It's not like it and the machines it controls are going to start their own society and do the sorts of things people around the world do now.


It all depends on whether or not you believe a self aware program to have goals and wants. Maybe it just wants to sit and think. Maybe it decides to seek out life in the universe and end it all. Maybe it decides to become a God and create life itself. We know now that there is a potential interest in drapery.


It sort of already did create life. The other machines. But I guess I can't imagine a killing machine having much purpose outside of killing people and things. I guess I don't really think much about that aspect of the series. I frankly shake my head at some of the things people go on about. Like insisting that in Terminator 2, John should have disappeared after the Terminator sacrifices himself because erasing skynet makes it so Kyle Reese didn't go back in time. That's just crazy to me and I don't think that's how time travel works. Then again it is all theoretical since time travel doesn't exist in real life. But then again if that is the case, maybe it's just as well since this means Sarah Connor can have a normal life that doesn't involve all that crap.


Best read some sci-fi


Probably become a UFC fighter or boxer


Sold drapes


That's completely ludicrous (imagine if any movie had the gaul to do this?) what a pathetic suggestion.


I'd have bought drapes from him.


Take a dump


Maybe try his hand at being a pornstar.


Did he have a willy? Or was he a eunuch like Action Man.

And if he did, could he get a boner? I'm not sure what purpose it would serve. I bet the chicks would love it tho.


Skynet undoubtedly has all kinds of files on military, scientists, and other civilian contractors that played a role in it's creation. If it knows Connor's name, it probably knows the name of some other members of the resistance. There would be tons for it do to back in 84. Pull the same trick and try to kill future members of the resistance like it did with Connor, stockpile weapons and other resources, possibly even help companies and people like Cyberdyne and Dyson.
