MovieChat Forums > A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) Discussion > I never understood the front cover.

I never understood the front cover.

Who is that supposed to be? And the hair makes it even more confusing.


It's supposed to be Abraham Lincoln...

Who do you think it's supposed to be? It's Nancy.


I'm assuming it's Nancy, but it looks nothing like her. It doesn't look anything like her no matter how much I zoom in.


it's cause she was convoluting.


Wasn't there also a version of the poster that featured Johnny Depp's character or am I suffering from Mandela Effect?


I'm remembering one too, but I can only vaguely picture it. It actually looks more like him in this cover than Nancy.


Check out this original Star Wars poster. They do not look like Hamill and Fisher.


I mean Freddy looks even less like Freddy here. At what point in the film did he appear as a skeleton with brains popping out and his finger knives having nerves attached to them? If anything these details are closer to the sequel. Weird stuff


I always assumed it was Tina. Never really thought about it, but Tina was actually killed in bed, and naked in bed, and there was a scene where Freddy was looming over her whilst in bed. So that ticked more boxes for Tina, in my head, than it did for anyone else.


It's Nancy. It literally looks like her.


No matter how much I zoom in, I don't see it. It looks like some generic image of an actress.


Definitely Nancy, but not referencing much from the film. Freddy looks odd, like concept art that was never used.

This was the cover from the VHS I had.


I had this cover too. I remember looking at it thinking it was some amateur who designed the cover. Like it was someone who didn't really see the movie and drew some random girl.


this post literally just now made me realize that's a chick on the cover and not a dude. my whole life i thought that was a dude. never noticed the hair.


I can totally see that. The picture is strange on so many levels.
