where did luke learn to force grab

i don’t remember obi wan teaching him that.


I don't think Obi-Wan did directly, but he probably learned it from experimenting with his abilities? He did blowup the Death Star by using the force so maybe that put the seed in his mind that he could manipulate objects.


There was life between the movies, you know. One of the strong points of the OT was the development of the world and characters from movie to movie. Not everything had to spoon fed to stupid cattle audiences like nowadays. The IQ of the audience probably dropped somewhere between 1983 and 1997 because Lucas had to add stupid and unnecessary explanatory scenes to his "special editions" of the OT.


There was life between the movies, you know. One of the strong points of the OT was the development of the world and characters from movie to movie. Not everything had to spoon fed to stupid cattle audiences like nowadays.

^^ This 100%.

Lucas had to add stupid and unnecessary explanatory scenes to his "special editions" of the OT.

Christ, the special editions. I refuse to watch that shit. I'd rather never watch star wars again than watch vader screaming "noooooo" and that wuss hayden's smug head superimposed onto anakin's body.


From Luke’s perspective he’d had no clue who the head of Hayden Christenson even was.

Maybe he asked Ben who the clown behind him was.


Exactly. He's even scowling at Luke as well, as opposed to original Anakin who had a warm smile as he looked on proudly at his boy. Luke is like "who the f-k is this a-hole giving me the stink eye?" when he sees nancy boy hayden.


In the first movie, Obi wan was giving Luke tips on how to tap into the force with using his mind and reflexes while they were on the millennium falcon.

I'd imagine Luke took those tips and studied the force in the years between ANH and Empire, to the extent where he could start doing minor things like (slowly) moving an object.

Yoda's job was just to expand on what luke had already learned. I don't think he was training him from scratch, luke was powerful already.


This, and one other thing: remember, we did not see all of Obi-Wan's teachings, we did not see the whole trip to Alderaan in real time. Who knows what else he might have taught (or passingly mentioned) to Luke about the Force.

I was always comfortable with the explanation that it happened offscreen in ANH when Ben mentioned it or demonstrated Force Telekinesis to Luke. But of course even if he didn't it is very logical for him to try in that situation, so yes, he can figure this out on his own after Obi-Wan laying a strong foundation for him to tune in with the Force.


Yeah, agreed 100%.

I had a debate with a force awakens fanboy on the old IMDb who claimed luke was a Mary Sue because he blew up the Death Star himself. I told him he’d already been given force lessons by obi wan, to the extent that he was progressing pretty fast, and was a natural, and thus applying this knowledge to take the final shot in the trench run, and then alse force moving the saber in empire (as opposed to Rey who can do Jedi mind tricks when she has no fuckin clue what the force is).

The amount of time is irrelevant. What’s important is we as an audience see Luke learning and growing and being told things about how to ‘stretch out with his feelings’. Add in the years between both anh & empire, and it makes sense that his force powers have advanced.


Maybe he Googled it?


IKR what a total Mary Sue
He's had No training and here he is doing Force things!

.. said no one ever till that girl came along and the nerds lost their shit about it.




Luke had to make an effort to use the Force even a little. Rey defeated a Sith without any training. Quite a difference. In Disney sequels, everything seemed to be possible anyway. The stories were much more interesting when the use of the Force had its limitations.


Which Sith?


Kylo Ren (in The Force Awakens).


Since when was he a Sith?


I presumed he was. If he wasn't, it doesn't change much.


No it doesn't change much. But you were emphatic about her beating Sith without training...

The nerd rage about Rey is just preposterous.


Lol. He learned to move a small object a few feet between ANH and ESB. Not exactly mind control. Not sure that's comparable to what Rey the best at everything Palpatine was doing in the force awakens.

Replies like this in these ki ds of threads always give me a chuckle. Like the person writing it seems to care alot about what people think about SW movies themselves.

Why do YOU care so much about some made up character in a sf movie, snowflake? Why are you so upset about people complaining about a SW movie you got to spend your time posting here about it, you man baby nerd.

Here you are losing your shit because some people have an opinion you don't like.


Triggered much? My little joke seems to have got you upset , no doubt you're one of the die hard fanboy star wars nerds who has written eassays on how it aint as good as it used to be.

The difference is I can enjoy a movie and dont sabotage myself by finding reasons to hate it.
I'm not the one with the problem

I enjoy all the Star wars movies
I'm am going to enjoy the new Furiosa movie unlike the army of nerds crying that theres no Max in it
I enjoy all the movies with female or black leads that the "anti woke" bigots are up in arms about and swearing to boycott.

It give me a little chuckle now when I see militant movie fans determined to get angry and hate a movie and vent about it on that movie's page.

Who has won in this situation?
The person whose sat down and enjoyed the movie?
or the person whose refused to enjoy the movie and worked themselves up into an angry tizzy and vented about it on the internet?


You're the triggered one. You are in an angry tizzy over my opinion! You wrote a mini diatribe accusing me of hating anything with a woman or person of color in it.

Get a grip, manbaby. I didn't like most of the Disney SW movies, that's all. If a movie has serious flaws I don't need to go "looking for them". I can't help but notice them. That's what stops me from enjoying the movie.

I'll at least give you the benefit of the doubt, that you sincerely enjoyed the movies and aren't just saying that because it's the correct opinion for someone from your political tribe.
