MovieChat Forums > The Exorcist (1973) Discussion > LMAO this was supposed to be scary???

LMAO this was supposed to be scary???

Quite possibly one of the most boring and unintentionally, hilarious films I've ever seen. Not once did this crapfest give any hint of being the scariest movie of all time. I kept expecting it to pick up at some point, but it just became an over the top comedy once the demon showed up in the girl. The only scary part was when that one phone rang, being louder than it should've been. I know baby boomers want to feel like movies from their generation were the best, but sorry, this is not one of those movies.


Horror is an evolving genre. Some movies are scary because they break new ground, and show the audience something they haven't seen before. Cinematic Horror history is filled with examples, such as Psycho, Halloween, The Exorcist, The Grudge, Blair Witch Project, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Alien, Jaws, and Night of the Living Dead, among others.

But once that ground is broken, other movies follow suit, copying the new type of scare. And it's not long before that type of scare becomes overused, and not so scary anymore.


Couldn't have said it better. It isn't fresh anymore and has been overly abused over the last 40 years which shows how good it actually is. Yes, the original does not have the same luster as it once did.


So you lack emotion, empathy, spirituality plus both historical and cultural awareness? That does not surprise me at all. Best stick to those Transformers movies by Michael Bay. A cliché is good enough for you. Leave appreciation to your betters, alright?


Well said.


Well said


“The only scary part was when that one phone rang, being louder than it should've been.”

So scary to you is a “jump scare”…
This is the problem with most new “Horror” movies. Nothing but loud jump scares. No tension. No suspense. Shit writing.


What films do you like? That was a rhetorical question, I could care less.


Oh you are so brave ...get out of here pretentious manchild.Denial is a powerful thing.The Exorcist is the unsurpassed pinnacle of scary movies it's actually the first real scary movie.


This movie is still better than most horror movies today. That's depressing, but true. It might not be terrifying, but the atmosphere is done incredibly. The color palette, lack of music, and overall coldness are all very well crafted.

I agree baby boomers always want to say shit was SO GOOD back then when it really isn't. I.e. The Shining, The Thing etc. This isn't one of those movies though. Boomers also usually don't even understand film or how to critique it so their nostalgic analysis is always the same and basic.


>>>Boomers also usually don't even understand film or how to critique it so their nostalgic analysis is always the same and basic.<<<

I how young are you? Whatever your age it is a sign of the pretentious with overly large appreciation of their own supposed brilliance to denigrate others who might disagree with them.


shut up boomer


And the typical reply. Ad hominem attacks are among the weakest.
