MovieChat Forums > Michelle Wolf Discussion > Great job at the Washington Press Corp. ...

Great job at the Washington Press Corp. Dinner

Hilarious, who knew Republicans were so sensitive after they have been insulting people people since Bush 2? Funny stuff, keep up the good work!


Whilst the old man was in Detroit doing Presidential things because he's President.


Loved it. She was incredible.


Yeah she was fearless. Great set.


Agreed .... It took a huge amount of guts and confidence to get up and tell those jokes to a world that no matter how she did you know many, many people were going to be angry and attack her the next day. She was poised as hell and cute and self-deprecating, and caught hell for it. She's great and I hope this helps her career a lot. I want to see more of her.


Why is she getting so much praise? It's not exactly "brave" or "revolutionary" to shit talk the GOP.


Oh my goodness ....5 replies and I can only see 2 of them because the others are all insulting, lying, swearing or hypocritical puppets and on my IGNORE list. Hahaha!


Yeah she’s an excellent example of demokkkrat hate. And celebrating abortion, that was so funny! So hilarious when you shove a shop vac in a woman’s snatch with the old blender attachment. Gotta love demokkkrat hate night “comedy”. Who doesn’t love demokkkrat satire.

Go leftwing feminism, great times!

Another demokkkrat pig posing as a “comedian”. She’ll have a movie deal and her own hate night “comedy” show in no time. Whoops there’s TBS calling now.



Are you a fire and brimstone preacher when you’re not on here acting as an unpaid trump pr novice?

I don’t think you understand standup comedy.


The Russian Bot posting somewhere other than the Trump board? Can you possibly spare any time defending Dear Leader, little troll?


The point was you Republican hypocrite celebrate abortion too when you need one for your girlfriends and mistresses.

Not to mention Trump said there were good people in the KKK.

GD5150 - You are on IGNORE now with the other trolls.


It tickles me to see so many Trump supporters being triggered by Wolf. They have no sense of humor.


Hillary, ass over teacup 8 November 2016 had me rollin' in the aisles.


The presidential election was over almost a year and a half ago. Why to you Trump supporters constantly bring up Hillary? Is it an attempt to distract people from the imbecile you voted into office?


To bust your chops, rub it in, make you suffer day in---day out, ride you hard|put you up wet, spank your ass, make ya cry. Speaking for myself:::I ain't ever lettin' ya's forget Trump mopping the floor with Rodham's ass. That was big time, baby.

You thought you had that in the bag.

Uh, uh.

Trump President.

Not Clinton.


How mature of you. You're not busting my chops. I don't even know you and you don't know me. I don't care for her but I only voted for Hillary because I knew Trump would be a disaster. Anyway, the election is over and I've moved on. Why can't Trump supporters move on too?


Because I know how much you wanted to keep him out of there. You can't go all in and then when you lose expect not to pay a hefty price. You have this coming. You deserve to be tied to the post and have your rump beat to a frazzle. And I'm just the cat to apply said whoopin'.

See, here is what happened to ya, rob,,,you got nary bite at the apple. You thought you was gonna get (2) bites at it. Laud Hillary in our face &&& kick Trump around in our face. Instead you got no bite: You won't cast down Hillary &&& you won't laud the old man.

You're all stove up. You need to be tormented and put upon. Have your pants taken down and laughed at.

- "There are consequences to elections."

- Hussein Obama


For a moment there I thought you are an adult. But after reading your rambling and nonsensical posts I see you must still be in middle school. Does your mommy know that you are up past your bedtime trolling this site?


Oh, please. You're on the outside lookin' in. You're bitter. I'd be likewise, and worse had the old man lost. But, that ain't what happened. You don't have to like it, but, you got to take it.

Don't fret, he'll be out of there in a few years and you can all get back to regular scheduled programming doing things the way they'd been done for over 200 years. And most importantly? You'll get your way, rob. & that's all you really want.


Again, I don't know you and you don't know me. You have no idea how I feel. An adult would know this and bring maturity to their conversations here. Instead you spew incorrect assumptions and name calling. Just like a child. Because of this you mean nothing to me.


What (((name calling))) did I do, rob?


Actually I got you confused with another Trump loving user here who constantly name calls. I see you don't so no worries. I retract my accusation.


Fair enough, rob. Thank you.


I agree, hilarious. Every one that shows up goes on my ignore list ... it's like a sort algorithm for wackos.


Her new nickname is Trigger Finger! I agree it's hilarious to see all the tough talking abrasive Conservatives clutching their pearls and rattling their teacups.
