MovieChat Forums > Barron Trump Discussion > Gonna blast some hotties

Gonna blast some hotties

This kid is going to be swimming in girls someday. Decent looking dude and his dad will have been a 2 term president, and super rich too. Good for him.


He has a bright future ahead. That he will be 6'5 or more will just trigger the opposition even more.


Yeah, that kid isn't going to want for much.


This aged poorly. Donald Trump is more likely to be serving a few terms in prison than a second term in office.


What world are you living in?
People fake hate crimes (Jussie Smollett) and stay out of jail, shoot people at point blank range (Alec Baldwin) and stay out of jail, and open up our borders to a drug-cartel run Mexico, while somehow managing to remain the POTUS as well as the preferred 2024 presidential candidate to millions of Americans.

This is America, and unfortunately anything goes here, for worse and for worse.

Side note, fuck Joe Biden and fuck Donald Trump too, those two ass holes deserve to spend the rest of their sorry ass lives together in a padded room.


[–] DancingintheDark (1276) 7 hours ago
People fake hate crimes (Jussie Smollett) and stay out of jail, shoot people at point blank range (Alec Baldwin) and stay out of jail,

What world are you living in? Smollett did in fact go to jail.

Baldwin was indicted on involuntary manslaughter charges in January 2024. Are you so hoping that Baldwin escapes punishment for his crimes that you have already decided he will not go to prison for them?


Smollett has only served 6 days of his 150 days.


I was calling out the lie that he had not been sent to jail.


Do you get all of your information from wikipedia? You need to do better.
Jussie was released from his sentence on a BS technicality, and he did 6 days in the mental health ward of a jail, was given a private cell and 24 hour room service, and was hugged and kissed and enabled and sent on his merry way.
And indicted doesn’t mean that Baldwin is going to jail, it simply means that he’s being investigated.
And again, what world are living in, Baldwin deserves a prison sentence, jail is too light a punishment for what he did.


I don't get all of my info from Wikipedia. What part of that link did you have a problem with?

Why not tell the truth instead of lying about whether Smollett did any time?

Baldwin has not been tried yet. Why are you jumping the gun? I think you want Baldwin to escape justice so you can bitch about it some more.

Just about everyone understands that Baldwin deserves to be in prison. Why have you decided that he will not?


I’m a dum dum, you’ll have to excuse me, I try and give people the benefit of the doubt but now I see you for what you are, a troll, and now you may slither back into your lonely hole troll, goodbye.


Calling you out on a lie is not trolling. You need to stop being so insecure if you're going to post here.


When you don't serve your full sentence, that is still staying out of jail, as he said. Try again.


When you're in jail, it means that you are not out of jail. See how simple that is?

Dancinginthedark claimed Smollett stayed out of jail when in fact he did do some time, even if it was not enough.


He stayed out of jail for the majority of his sentence. His statement was accurate. If you owe someone 100 dollars and you give them five, you still haven't paid your debt. It's just the same. You're arguing semantics to avoid saying you were wrong.


I called him out on a lie. He could have said Smollett got kid gloves treatments, but instead he settled for a lie.


You lefties have been saying that since 2016. Get a new record, this one is skipping.


And if Trump serves some time, what will you say then? Fake news?


Everything you say is bullshit, so I don't really care, but until this point it's just more cunty liberal pouting that's been going on for 8 years.


Keep telling yourself that instead of knowing the truth.


At this point, everything I said is accurate. That's what truth is, but I'm starting to see very clearly that you don't have a firm grip on what the truth is about most things.


You're being evasive. What will you say if Trump is found guilty?


You're entire hopes are literally on a stripper.


Is this how you claim to know nothing about the trial? I would say that the most important witnesses are those who worked for Trump in the past.

The witness list includes, Michael Cohen, Hope Hicks, David Pecker, Rhona Graff, Gary Farro, Jeffrey McConney, Deborah Tarasoff and Robert Browning. These are the people who will put Trump in prison.

Your fixation on Daniels shows just how ignorant you are of the reasons for this trial and how stupid Trump was to try hiding his payment to Daniels as something it was not.


I hope he's taking notes to "don't stick your dick in crazy".


For men that's really the key to a happy life.


Everyone should know that rule


The counter message I take from all this is Trump certainly knows the rule. But since he didn't do the cult rituals and rape and eat the children, he's still hard up for a good lay. And now a legacy destroying bit of nonsense. For trying to getting your tickle wet. Trump is all of us. No matter how far you rise, you still have to chase porn stars like a clown unless you rape and kill the kinder.


Dudes like 6’7 with money. Even the ugliest purple hair she/Thems would fall all over themselves for him. Women are extremely simple creatures. Especially the ass ugly leftwingers no one wants.


So you are one of those "ass ugly leftwingers no one wants"? Good luck with that.


What if he's gay, which is not unthinkable. I guess he'll be swimming in guys.
