MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > The right is coming for Taylor Swift. Th...

The right is coming for Taylor Swift. They don't stand a chance

It doesn't matter who she's dating or what trolls say, she's reached a point in her career where she is untouchable.

… More importantly, there's nothing the right could do that could meaningfully affect Swift. She has an incredibly devoted fanbase, a sold-out tour that lasts until November 2024, which again, is going to make her a billionaire, and maybe even has a hot new boyfriend. You can't convince a Taylor Swift fan that she's ugly or untalented, and these days, they seem to run the world.

… Between her frenzied fans, billion dollars and perfectly calculated every move, the right doesn't stand a chance and is backing themselves into an unpopular corner. Just ask Scooter Braun and Kanye West if they'd recommend going up against her.


Think of all the new song material


The only thing I'm mad about is the abundance of "fake fans" now watching the Chiefs and driving up ticket prices to games thinking Taylor Swift might be there. It's also a major distraction to the season.


It'll really be a problem if the KC Chiefs start losing games because of the distraction of her


I haven’t personally seen any right wing media go after her, and she doesn’t seem to be too outspoken about politics. So the author is either commenting on random Twitter posts, or they are making it up. I’m going to go with the latter, since there was nothing more a few random quotes with no context or links.


One day she’ll reveal she actually has a penis and the Left will love her even more.


why the fuck would anyone care about what some pop singer is doing?


I'm conservative, very conservative and i understand the article. she is untouchable, 100%, but how "real" and autentic is it all?

I admire anyone whos worth the amount of money she has, she might become the biggest selling "artist" ever, but will she go down as someone who is truly talented? her music is vapid and aimed at 13 year old girls and theres nothing wrong with that. but will she go down or any of her songs as life changing? will they still be played in 60 years time?

I remember a lot of artists from the 80s and 90s who were huge, you never hear about them now, their songs don't get played and new generations don't know them, because although they were good, they weren't great.

Swift has done a great job of getting by with an average amount of talent and having the inteligence to play up to the causes of the day like the gays, feminists.... i'd love to know if she truly believed in this stuff when she's at home or just knows it pays the bills.

Great legs though.


I'm sorry, why should we care again? She's a stupid pop star that's as generic as all the rest Hollyweird has cranked out of their music factories. She isn't a "threat" and never was. Next in line, please.


The OP has not responded to any posts in this thread in 20 days

Thats a sign its a full of shit non issue troll

also i read the article linked , its a full of shit non issue troll article
