MovieChat Forums > Taylor Swift Discussion > Extremely unattractive face

Extremely unattractive face

She has been glamorized in styling and makeup but it can not take away from her bone structure, bad teeth and facial features. This is not a facially beautiful woman. Anyone who denies this is not being truthful. Even her body, through years of starvation looks odd and worn down. When she first started she had at least a cute figure. She was then Anorexic for an untold amount of years. When she pt on weight it went in all the wrong places and she now has hunched posture.

What a mess.


Extremely unattractive isn't correct

She's average / decent


Without thinking on it too much, I find TS extremely attractive.
But when I DO think a bit more, I really don't care.
And I def don't care about these bitch-fest rivalries, other than they get a lot of coverage and are hard to avoid.
So Taylor looks yummy in all her public photos and such, but in reality she's probably not extraordinary.
Guess she's Extra Ordinary.


for what it's worth, imo she's had one, and only one, legit great picture:

her breast augmentation was a pleasant surprise


Such a weird thread. How could anyone possibly think Taylor Swift has an EXTREMELY unattractive face?


Naah. Taylor Swift has a beautiful face.


bad teeth?


What a nonsense thread Tay has a very beautiful face.
