MovieChat Forums > drhouse

drhouse (79)


enjoyed the anti-nihilist sentiment the ending Exploring the Punk Ideology in Ben Stiller's Character of Josh in Noah Baumbach's Film anyone know what shotgun was used? Pig's connection to Northern Exposure (1990 TV show) a connection to Pig (2021) Nicholas Cage movie highly recommend also watching 'Team Foxcatcher' the Netflix documentary for details and answers where the movie lost me (torture) everything the mother character does... I can't stand View all posts >


Q. (ChatGPT query) in Frank Herbert's Dune, hypothetically where do the fremen Shit and when do they Shower? A. "In Frank Herbert's Dune, the Fremen are a desert-dwelling people who highly conserve water due to the extreme aridity of their environment. In terms of hygiene, the Fremen use something called a stillsuit. A stillsuit is a full-body suit that captures and recycles the body's moisture, including sweat, breath, and waste products. This makes showering unnecessary, as these suits cleanse and recycle the body's sweat back into drinkable water. Any excrement is also processed within the Stillsuit. Regarding defecation, the Fremen would eliminate their body's waste within their stillsuits. The suit's design allows the waste to be processed and reclaimed, leaving a residue which could potentially be used for other purposes. In essence, the Fremen have adapted to their harsh environment, allowing them to maintain their hygiene and eliminate waste in ways that conserve precious resources." I think a better actress would be able to live up to doing more scenes see, that's a false comparison, cuz you'd lose. The funniest comedians have always been left-wing, Bill Burr is one too True story: right-wing comedians are almost never actually funny (but, boy do they think they are!) The end. woah, that's an interesting order to watch, reminds me of people who grew up with the Star Wars prequels first a week later and still crazy high, must be bots "The overuse of slow motion in Snyder films is overused" check out Mr. Controversial statement over here... sry, I couldn't resist lol good reply, interesting points I can't seem to find the clip, but I was watching a bunch of these really in-depth behind the scenes videos on FMJ (linked below)... I seem to remember that some of the slaps were real, and the actors knew they'd be coming... but even when real, Kubrick always thought they looked fake - so, the next time another actor needed to be slapped on film, they made sure to angle the camera so it was very clear the slapping was real <b>Full Metal Jacket | Making Film - YouTube Playlist:</b> lol Trump admitted he got Covid, that's called a dumbass's catch-22 View all replies >