Is she too white ?

Jennifer Lawrence is the very definition of white privilege. The honorable thing for her to do is to forfeit her roles to minorities, to blacks! I deem her racist for accepting roles.


I deem you racist for not letting her get roles based on merit alone, and AGAIN, bringing race into an argument. I mean, this one, you STARTED with a racist standpoint.


There is an irony in all of this. It’s actually easier for people of color to secure work in Hollywood now than it is for white Americans.

Same as in other corporate companies.

The stakeholders request diversity. Vanguard instruct the boards to go woke. Try getting a job at IBM being white now. Impossible.


yep she demanded 25m for paycheck for a comedy , dumbass


"Too white" is like "too pretty", "too sexy", or "too intelligent"--there's no such thing.


I agree.

Everyone who talks about this or that privilege should give up their job, their property and their cash and donate it to the group they claim is disadvantaged. Then maybe people will take them seriously - otherwise it's just pandering.


You're really reaching with this you know??


Yes, I know. Sorry


Fuck you, “you’re sorry.” You don’t have the maturity or class to feel “sorry,” troll.


You are stupid and racist if you think there should be no white actors.


If that's a joke I forgot to laugh.
