

Obviously he ran a protection racket.


He was the Tony Soprano of his day? 😲


Listen to me. If you do as I say you won't end up in hell. What is that but a protection racket ?


Giving a contribution to the church every Sunday, always felt that way.


Well if they hadn't extorted all of that money we wouldn't have those magnificent cathedrals so it's not all bad.




Gotta look for those silver linings !


Well I'm not saying he used to pimp for Mary Magdalene but he did seem to forgive her an awful lot.

Anyway if he could turn water into wine I'm guessing he could magic himself up a ham and cheese sandwich when strapped for cash. Hmm, probably not ham. Maybe turkey.


Maybe he just bit the heads off snakes.


He "forgave" her every night. He was her Personal Jesus.




Perhaps he would die of hunger and get resurrected once in a while.


Right... It's time now for a serious reply. Jesus received his money from his female disciples, who gave him financial support.
And he also was invited to eat with different people on a regular basis, so he wouldn't have to buy food on those days.
Paul still worked as a tent-maker after he had become an apostle. But there's no indication that Jesus still worked as a carpenter after he became a preacher.
Instead, it is made clear that he and his followers survived on other people's charity.


He was a Rabbi, wasn't he? Do Rabbis get paid; or are they supported by the parish? Genuine question.


First I heard of that. Even if he was that doesn't explain who paid for his followers.


Isn't there a part in one of the New Testament books where he's speaking to a group of people, and they ask him a question on a point of religion, addressing him as "Rabbi"?


Could well be. What we need is a Biblical scholar to tell us what the word might have meant in context. Perhaps the word ' Rabbi ' was applied to any religious teacher. Rather like dairy products.


Trouble is, there's never a biblical scholar around when you need one.


Here it is:

John 3:2, KJV: "The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him."

"Even if he was that doesn't explain who paid for his followers."

Yes. Allegedly he did go about inciting people to quit their jobs and sign on with his team. So the whole lot of them would have been on the dole.

Just another of God's mysteries, that.


Well done. I just had a look at the Gospel of John and this line leapt out at me. It's a miracle !

John 1:37

They said, “Rabbi” (which means “Teacher”), “where are you staying?”

John was the last of the Gospels and written so long after the death of Jesus that the supposed sayings of Jesus and sayings to Jesus are unlikely to be actual.


Praise the Lord!

Have you ever read anything by H L Mencken? His essays on religion are very straightforward.

Here's some Amazon reviews: https://www.amazon.com/Mencken-Chrestomathy-Selection-Choicest-Writing/product-reviews/0394752090


Never heard of him but I'll have a look.

Most recently I have been influenced by Richard Carrier who specializes on the historicity of Jesus. Carrier is something of an atheistic zealot and a little off putting for me because of that but he knows his stuff.

And particularly the documentary ' From Jesus to Christ: The First Christians ' (1998) which is really good. Both Carrier and the doco I watched on Youtube although I picked up the latter on DVD only to find that PBS had compressed the entire 3 hours and forty minutes onto one disc. Barbarians !


Ah! Well, Mencken would not sit well with you, either. The term, "Atheistic Zealot" describes him to a T.

Still, his essays on other subjects, like Women, Marriage, Politicians, etc., are absolutely worth reading. Although, even in those, he often injects a droll comment or two about religion.

That disc sounds like discs that I've had the same experience with. Subjects, such as Nature docos, that should be very good viewing in HD, are sold on discs that are almost VHS quality! Waste of money. I see that doco on Youtube is 3 hours 42 min, but 480p quality.


Yes it's actually a better image on Youtube at 480p than the DVD can manage on my 42 inch TV screen. I just don't understand anyone making such a stupid decision. I mean how much more would it cost to have put it on two discs instead of one ?


Jesus was a busker performing magic tricks for money.


He sold magic wine.
