MovieChat Forums > Jeff Bezos Discussion > YOU pay more taxes then Jeff Bezos does!

YOU pay more taxes then Jeff Bezos does!

It's been found that in 2007 and 2011 Bezos, the richest man in the world, paid no taxes. But I did and you did!,%EE%80%80tax%EE%80%81%20documents%20filed%20with%20the%20Internal%20Revenue%20

Seriously, this is one of the reason the Roman Empire fell. Late in the Empire's history, the rich literally stopped paying taxes and the entire tax burden of the state fell on the middle class... which was literally wiped out by the tax collectors. Society was reduced to the wealthy and the slave/underclass, and when the Barbarians swept in the poverty-stricken majority had no reason to fight for the Empire... and the western half of the Roman Empire fell into the Dark Ages.

Sound familiar?


Did his investments make profit during those years?
Between 2007 and 2011, there was a downed market. Investments are only taxed if they make a profit, i.e. he sells stock at a profit.
In comparison, between 2008 and 2010, Wells fargo Stock had dropped From $36 per share to $3 per share. Even with the bailout, the stock didn't really bump upwards till 2012.

Employees who were smart bought stock at $3 per share and have made a big profit since. Most bought when it was around $6 to $7. They didn't start to make gains until late 2011-early 2012.

People get caught up in income taxes as though that's the only measure of taxes. It's only a small part. What he pays on property tax in one year alone would easily cover 20 persons income tax.
Then there's the fact that his business, employees, contractors, etc... pay into tax systems. Without his business, those paid taxes wouldn't exist. Using income tax alone is a poor measurement of taxes generated and paid.

Plus, while you look at what he pays, we fail to see just how much is paid put improperly to people who do not work and game the system in their favor. I reccomend you volunteer for VITA. You'll see that there is a lot of people who abuse the tax system on the other end of the spectrum. I've been volunteering for 5 years. Its astonishing and legal. Just like Bezos.


'The Argentinan' and 'tentinquaratino' are well known alt right resident trolls here pretending having a leftist, woke agenda to mock and ridicule those very positions. They're good at what they're doing because they really expose the stupidity and hypocrisy of libtardismn in all shapes and forms.
Way to go!


Not paying any income tax is very different than not paying ANY taxes. Rest assured, our tax system is set up very differently than ancient Rome. Jesus, you people and your inability to think past headlines...


Save me from these people who see someone successful enjoying their wealth, and all they can think is bitterness, because they themselves don't have their wealth.

It's pure jealousy. They have more than me and that's not fair, why don't I have all that money etc?

People in Bezos position have financial advisors who can help them to avoid paying high rates of tax, and its all legal and above board.

People like us don't have that luxury, so taxes are a fact of life. No point being angry or bitter about it, it will never change.


Bezos is a jackoff. Amazon will never get a dime out of me ever again. Having said that there should be a flat tax that everyone pays. Everyone should pay the same percentage regardless of how much they make. That would be fair and logical, but there isn't much fairness and little logic in modern day politics let alone in the modern world.


you're extremely naive in basic things re. taxes.
