MovieChat Forums > Ketanji Brown Jackson Discussion > Thinks Only Biologists Know What a Woman...

Thinks Only Biologists Know What a Woman Is

...therefore she is not qualified for the Supreme court.


I think Jackson's answer was the equivalent of telling Senator Blackburn to jump in the lack. Ask a loaded question, get a snarky answer.

She could have done much worse. What if she burst into tears and said "I like beer"?


"I think"
No you don't.


Careful, you might hurt my feeling.


Do you just have the one?


Just the one. But one more than I have fucks to give about your stupid post.


Sure thing sweetheart, that's why you replied to me twice.


Liking beer is normal, thinking only biologists know what women are is NOT normal.


So the concept of sarcasm is lost on you? I had no problem understanding that Jackson was telling Senator Blackburn to go f*ck herself. Why was that lost on you?

Are you pretending to be so stupid that you don't understand what Jackson was doing?


You think an easily triggered wacko angered by simple questions has the temperament for the job? Hint: she doesn't.


She seemed to have far better control of her emotions than Kavanaugh did. Kavanaugh sobbed like a baby when the questions got tough.


Let's see how Brown holds up after FALSE allegations of rape with ZERO evidence.


What has Kavanaugh got to do with this? Seems your partisan bias is showing sweetheart. Now I know why you are on the same team as pedo-enabler KBJ who is responsible for many sobbing babies lacking real justice. Par for the course with you chomos.


The Constitution says, "The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour". This is the only official qualification I know of. So what we have left is their work experience and personal behavior. Comparing a nominee to past and present Justices is entirely acceptable.

For example it is no longer considered acceptable to nominate an overt racist. Wearing your extreme racism on your sleeve and telling everyone how proud you are of it has gone out of style.

A person's ability to hold up under pressure and their courage "under fire" is also another way to evaluate their fitness. That said, Kavanaugh is probably the most unfit Justice on the court now except for Clarence Thomas.

Can you show us that Jackson's "pedo enabling" is significantly worse than other judges including Republicans? Unless you can, then you are making no sense at all.

What is a chomo?


That's a lot of words for zero fucks sweetheart.


Can you please define a woman


Learn to pronounce
noun: woman; plural noun: women

an adult female human being


Ok. What does that mean?

The OP is complaining that Ketanji Brown Jackson said 'as a judge, what I do is I address disputes. If there's a dispute about a definition, people make arguments, and I look at the law, and I decide.'

So... if it's such a big deal for the OP and others here to know how she would define a woman, I want to know how they would define a woman. Giving the dictionary response as an adult female human being, is not what these people are looking for.


Ok. What does that mean?

If you do not know what a biological human female is then you are either purposefully trolling or you are an idiot of the highest order.

I want to know how they would define a woman

I'll refer to my original answer as there is no other answer.

Learn to pronounce
noun: woman; plural noun: women

an adult female human being


So, you can't give an answer either.


I gave you the only answer there is. I'll list it below again for you. You obviously struggle to read or understand english. You are just like all the other wierdos who want to change what a woman is. It is below. That is how it has always been and how it always will be.

Learn to pronounce
noun: woman; plural noun: women

an adult female human being


You are not saying anything.

I don't want to change anything, but you can't even tell me what it is other than copying and pasting from the online dictionary.

What makes someone female? Is it chromosomes? Is it anatomy? What is it?

Would you want someone on bench in the highest court of a country to quote a google search on what makes someone female, or would you rather they defer to biologist and the medical community before making a decision on a definition?


I wish she had quoted the dictionary as it is accurate but she didn't even do that through fear of being called transphobic. TRans woman are not woman don't care what anyone says. If they were then they wouldn't need the prefix trans. Woman are woman. Trans woman are trans woman. Pretty simple really or should be.

So i'll repeat the same thing again below.

A woman is a biologically born female. That is your answer. It is the only answer. There is no other answer. It isn't a trans woman, it isn't a man. It is a woman. You see them everyday. It shouldn't even be a question. Your mum was one.

If you need to be told what a woman is then you need to get out from your basement more.

You came out of a woman. Go ask your mum this question and watch her slap you or probably just laugh at you for even contemplating the question.

There are only 2 sexes. No more, no less.

Here endeth the lesson


And what about someone who is intersex?

I don't have to ask my mom as I am a woman, but what makes me a woman? I am unable to bear children and have had several miscarriages. Does that make me less of a woman? Women with Turner Syndrome, even PCOS who can grow beards. Are they still women according to your dictionary? What about some born with Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome? By all appearances at birth they would be considered female, yet they are male. What about someone with Vaginal agenesis and they are born with no female reproductive organs? That happens to 1 in 6000 births to a certain degree, so are they still your dictionary definition of a female? How about someone with Mixed gonadal dysgenesis?

We talk about trans athletes, what about Caster Semenya? Is she a woman according to you and the dictionary?

So if a federal judge were to quote the dictionary, and then have to adjudicate a case for anyone of those individuals and is already on record saying a woman is someone born a female that could cause some issues, don't you think? Maybe it's you who should get out of the basement and see some different shades other than just black or white.


And what about someone who is intersex?

Ah the intersex argument. The new buzzword they think makes there point and anyone who uses it but unfortunately just makes you look foolish.

Intersex are still biological men and woman. They are not a magical 3rd sex or alternate variation. They still carry X and/or Y chromosones. The only chromosones that exist. By making the examples you give you are actively trying to find the exception to the rule to prove your point. The fact there are Intersex in the world doesn't take away that there are only men and woman. Harsh to say but Intersex are a genetic anomoly, a defect so to speak. They are not the rule and so the biological born human female/man still counts.

A woman born for example with gonads instaed of working ovaries is still a woman. That defect doesn't make her a man. Just because a woman is born with no womb doesn't make her anyless of a woman. But again these are all determined at birth. A quick google search shows Intersex to be about 1.6% of the population (not sure if that is country specific or global). So here where I am that would be about 60k out of 60 million. So are we expected to change everything that has ever been known and redefine words for the 1%. That would be no but we are being pushed in that direction.

You originally asked how do you define a woman. If we cannot define it then how can anyone claim sexism or the mythical gender pay gap or for that matter rape. Rape is determined as a man raping a woman. If we cannot define woman or for that matter man then how can we determine gender based crimes.

Like it or loath it but the only true way to define a man or a woman is through biology. Once you step away from that then whats the point. We may as well desolve all segregated sports, safe spaces and prisons into 1 homogenous group. That of course would be stupid but again that is where we are heading.

I'll finish exactly as I started. A woman is a biologically born human female. That is how it has to stay and should never be altered in any way.

Maybe it's you who should get out of the basement and see some different shades other than just black or white.

There are only men and woman. That is it, no more. Intersex is not a magical 3rd sex. Show me a 3rd and I will continue the discussion. Otherwise it is black and white as there are no others. We all came from a womans womb created by a mans sperm.

Edit - I've been married for 28 years and have 2 daughters and 1 son (you know because biology) if she read the tripe that some people come out with to define what sex she is. SHe would literally bitch slap you and I imagine so would many other woman. I find it amusing men trying to tell woman how to define what it is to be a woman.


You are assuming a lot about me.

I bring up the intersex argument because we are talking about a judge who could be making decisions on these very topics. You have finally brought more to the conversation than just a google definition. That's good, that's a place to start. Do you really think that the senators who asked this question wanted an indepth answer? I'm pretty sure they didn't.

Like I said in another reply, this isn't a black and white area when it comes to the law. I brought up Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, because even though it is rare, it still effects people, and laws could be passed which impact someone's life who isn't trans.

I find it amusing men trying to tell woman how to define what it is to be a woman.

You do know that I am a woman right?

I am asking these questions because we are talking about an individual who would be on the Supreme court of the US. The highest court in that country. I haven't actually expressed my opinion at all. I want to know how all these men commenting on this post would define a woman. You gave me the google search definition and then you tell me that women would slap me for asking? Wow.


"You do know that I am a woman right?"

Are you a biological woman or a transwoman?




Thanks for the clarification and apologies if it seemed intrusive, I'm sure you can appreciate in the current climate how it's important to make the distinction when discussing these issues to determine whether someone is arguing in good faith or not.


You’re a thoughtful person sslssg and I often agree with what you write. But engaging in sophism to muddle the meaning of “woman” is a terrible proposition. It conveys that women have no unique perspective, experience, or status deserving of respect or preservation because anyone with male reproductive organs and a Y chromosome can also be a woman merely through self-reference. Taking it to its logical conclusion means there was no basis for the president to want a black woman’s perspective on the Supreme Court because there’s really no such thing.


I agree with you, and I want to know how everyone here who is complaining that Jackson said she wasn't a biologist would define a woman. I've also said absolutely nothing about trans people or men identifying as women in any of my responses here at all.

I have brought up intersex because it is an area of concern. I brought up Caster Semenya, because as an intersex female, she has had to undergo a sex verification test to prove she was female. So, because this is a post about a hearing for a judge to be confirmed to the Supreme Court of the US, we have to look at the whole picture here and not just the base definition of what a woman is.

I was asked in another post

How do you judge this? Do you go back and say, well, "I'm not a biologist so I can't really say one way or another". Or do you have the guts to define the differences between male and female?

If I'm answering for myself my answer would be different, but if I was a judge who had to make a decision on a case my answer would be

I would say, present the arguments for both sides of this issue. I wouldn't make a decision based on my feelings alone. I would look at the case presented in front of me, and the evidence on both sides and make my decision based on what was presented at that time.

I mean isn't that what we want from a judge? From a court of law?

If not, then I'm glad I'm not an American.


She should be working the counter of a McDonald’s with that stupid fucking name! No wonder this thing doesn’t know what a woman is.


Cruz (and the others) missed a trick, by not just giving their dictionary definition of what a woman is....then asked Jackson if she agreed with that assessment?

Each (and every) senator could have also stated that they weren't biologists either (to further hammer the point home)

I sort of get that they wanted a non-answer from her (to expose her for the fuckwit she obviously is) but it would have been fun to see her squirm and disagree with facts?
